Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:31 AM

Chapter 1734

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At 5:30, the three SUVs stopped steadily on the red carpet.

Xiao Yunhai, Zhang Guoyang and Kai Shuwen got out of the car and instantly detonated the atmosphere of the whole scene.

"Xiao, I love you."

"Xiao, you are the best."

When the fans saw Xiao Yunhai appear, they screamed crazily, and their voices almost cut through the sky.

The cameras in the hands of reporters roared, and the people in the flash couldn't see anything.

The air seemed to be full of hot breath, and the surging sound waves rushed to the three people.

However, Zhang Guoyang and Kai Shu Wen are very clear that these screams and shouts are for Xiao Yunhai, but they are confident that one day, they will also go to the position of the world's king of heaven.

Xiao Yun sea with a smile, like a king in the inspection of his army, every place, wave, can make everyone excited.

Come to the cinema door, Xiao Yunhai three people stopped, and Raul stood there, waiting for the arrival of the stars.

Zhang Guoyang said: "I really don't know how much repercussions will be aroused when the three beauties show up."

"You will see it immediately," he said with a smile

A minute later, on the other side of the red carpet, three red limousines rolled in.

The three waiters, who had been ready for a long time, trotted over, looked at each other and opened the door at the same time.

When Zhao Wanqing, Bai binglu and Meng Xuewei appeared in front of everyone, the noisy scene suddenly became quiet for a moment.

"My God, are these three goddesses?"

"It's beautiful."

"How beautiful. I swear I've never seen three such beautiful asian girls at the same time. "

A moment later, the sky was filled with screams and shouts. The flash lamp was like a sea of thunder. Compared with Xiao Yunhai's three men, they were not sure how many times more popular they were.

Three beautiful women in different colors of long skirts, hand in hand, Qiao smile Yan Ran walk on the red carpet.

Every stop, every smile, make the fans crazy.

Noble, elegant and beautiful

usually, one of these unique human beauty can cause a sensation, let alone the three together.

Xiao Yunhai said with a soft smile, "I'll tell you. We've just been overshadowed. "

Zhang Guoyang said: "it should be said that the whole premiere has been robbed. I don't think there's anyone behind them that's more amazing. I even doubt that the front page headlines tomorrow will not be our movies, but the three of them. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's really possible."

The three beauties also stood at the entrance of the cinema after walking the red carpet.

"Are they all actors in" Zhu Xian "? It's so beautiful. "

"Put away your obscene eyes. Can't you see that one of them is Mr. Xiao's wife "

" what about the other two? They never seem to be in Hollywood. Otherwise, I must remember it. "

"It should be Hanhai's actor, right? Mr. Xiao is really lucky to have the goddess Zhao, and now there are such two goddesses. "

"No. Do you mean they are all Mr. Xiao's women

"If you were the boss, would you let them go?"

…… .

although the three beauties have walked the red carpet, fans still look at them frequently.

Glancing over Xiao Yunhai, his eyes are full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

After a while, a Hollywood artist appeared on the red carpet.

"That's David Harnett. How handsome. "

" Angelina and lumina are here at the same time. Unfortunately, it's not as amazing as those three beauties. "

"The big director Mars is here."

"That's Ivan and kozmo. Aren't they filming? It seems that Xiao's popularity is really good. "

"Oh, spider man, Batman, Superman, iron man, watch Marvel's heroes."

Raul's guests are all Hollywood bigwigs, and the worst are first-line stars.

Every time one comes out, it can cause huge cheers from fans.

When these artists saw the three beauties beside Xiao Yunhai, they showed their amazing expressions one after another.

Only Frank gay, who had some misunderstanding with Xiao Yunhai last time, put his eyes on the article.

"Director Guy, this is Mr. Sakura." Xiao Yunhai said.

Frank gay offered to stretch out his hand, shook hands with him, and said, "nice to meet you, Mr. ho. I have an action play under preparation. It will be on in another month. I think you are quite suitable to play the male No.2, a Chinese special soldier. Do you have any interest? "

On hearing this, he was shocked and pleased.

Frank gay is absolutely famous in Hollywood. He has made more than ten films and sold a lot. Working with him is definitely a very good choice.Although he was excited, he didn't know how to be proper. He looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "look what I'm doing, go if you want, and don't go if you don't want to. Director Guy, if you really like Mr. Kan, leave him a contact information. When the premiere is over, you can have a private chat. "

Frank gay nodded, took out a business card and handed it to him.

After Franks gay left, Zhang Guoyang said with envy: "Lao Kai, I didn't expect that your luck is really good enough. Standing there and doing nothing, there will be a lot of you. "

He scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, "I don't know what's going on. Did the other party look for me in Mr. Xiao's face? "

Zhang Guoyang rolled his eyes and said, "why didn't he look for me?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "because you are not as strong as he is."

Xiao Yunhai is very clear in his heart that there is a saying in the book of Kai Shu. Frank sgay did look for his face to play the role.

The reason why he did this was to thank Xiao Yunhai.

At the beginning, his new film made use of Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance, which caused a disaster. Other entertainment companies are eager to step on it in the mud, but Xiao Yunhai not only forgives him, but also asks Zhao Wanqing to attend the premiere of his new film, which makes Frank sgay very grateful.

However, one of the films that he wants to do with his friends is better than that of his friends.

It's not just the story. With more and more Hollywood directors gathering, Bai binglu is also valued by the famous beautiful director Taylor, who invites her to play an art film, but needs an audition.

After the red carpet show, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Laokai, binglu, congratulations."

"It's so sad," said Zhang Guoyang. Such a big handsome guy standing here, even take no one to look at me. Depressed. "

Meng Xuewei said: "brother Zhang, you'd better not mention this. It's too embarrassing."

Bai binglu said: "I'm just going to audition. Whether it can be done or not is different."

Meng Xuewei said with a speechless face: "Miss White, I don't even have the opportunity to audition, OK?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you really want to make Hollywood films, we can open several films for you. It's the worst way to be a number two or three. "

Zhang Guoyang waved his hand and said, "forget it, I was just joking. My schedule in China is scheduled for next year. Even if there are films, I don't have time. "

Meng Xuewei said with a smile: "who said it was not. I chose the next two films carefully. Even if they were Hollywood blockbusters, I would not change them. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I wish you could think so. The development of Chinese movies has kept pace with that of Hollywood. It is better not to do things like losing watermelons and picking up sesame seeds. "

As they spoke, they came to the studio. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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