Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:28 AM

Chapter 1736

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The next day, after seeing everyone's comments on Zhuxian, fans who had not yet bought tickets bought tickets in Yunyi shopping online. The box office of Zhuxian shot up like a rocket before noon, reaching 7.6 billion US dollars.

"How much?"

"Yes, I see."

At 4:00 p.m., Xiao Yunhai, who was shopping with three beauties, was not happy or sad when he received the news from Wu Yifa.

Looking at his appearance, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help asking, "husband, is Lao Wu talking about pre-sale box office?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "how was the result?"

Bai binglu, Meng Xuewei, Zhang Guoyang and Kai Shuwen are all looking forward to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and deliberately said, "in my expectation. I can only say it's average. "

Zhao Wanqing showed a slight frown and said angrily, "how much is it generally?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the pre-sale box office in Europe and America has just exceeded 8 billion US dollars."

On hearing this, the crowd suddenly showed a surprise look.

Meng Xuewei said in disbelief: "a day's time has increased the box office by three billion dollars. God, it's amazing."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "we have succeeded, and Zhu Xian has succeeded."

Zhang Guoyang said: "Mr. Xiao, the box office of Zhu Xian is so good, should you hold a celebration banquet?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "holding a film celebration banquet is to better promote the film. We don't need it. Let's get together for a meal and wrap a big red envelope for everyone. What do you say? "

Bai binglu said with a smile: "just give me a red envelope."

"Ha ha ha." Everyone laughed.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have a meal, and then returned to the villa to have a rest.

Photos of Xiao Yunhai and his party wandering outside were quickly posted on the Internet.

However, everyone's eyes are not on this, but on its box office.

"Oh, my God," Zhu Xian "has been sold for 8 billion dollars in advance. It's crazy."

"In the first ten days, it's a myth."

"It's said that many films originally to be released have been postponed, and the 3dimax studio has been given up to Zhu Xian."

"Kung Fu Xiao is too strong. The box office of Asia, Europe and North America can reach 30 billion yuan. If South America and Oceania are added, the box office will not be able to fly. "

"One of the most profitable movies in history," Zhu Xian "completely surpassed" 2012 "and became the box office number one in the history of the world film."

After hearing the news, Chinese movie fans went to tell each other.

"ha ha, Yun Huang again awesome, with a Chinese flavor of the Xian Xia piece swept across the whole Europe and the United States, too much to force."

"The box office is more than 30 billion dollars. Such achievements really blind my titanium dog eyes."

"The emperor of cloud is invincible. It will add luster to the Chinese film industry and support you forever."

Chinese director has achieved such good results, the reporters will not be indifferent.

As long as you see people in the entertainment industry, they will take out the questions about Xiao Yunhai and Zhu Xian and ask them.

"30 billion is a lot to others, but to the sea of clouds, it's just a drizzle. Maybe his next movie will break the record. So you don't have to be so excited, just calm down. " Yao Na said with a tone of indifference.

Director Jiao fangtao in the film after the day's play, the first time to accept the resident reporter's interview.

"After watching Zhu Xian, I had a premonition that it would be popular all over the world. Because the film is easy to understand and won't hinder foreign fans from watching it. To achieve such a result, it is mainly due to Mr. Xiao's efforts to improve the film. It can be said that he made every shot of the film to the extreme. "

Ye Yongren was asked this question by the host in an interview program.

"As you all know, I know Yunhai at Zheng Hai's concert. At that time, I was very optimistic about him, but in any case, I did not expect that he would use a few short years to get to this point. "2012" reached more than $21 billion. Before other directors broke the record, he raised the record by more than 10 billion. It's hopeless. I'm glad I'm not a director. "

In addition to congratulating the great success of "Zhuxian", Liang Hui, the film emperor, made a comment on Xiao Yunhai in the end.

"It is the misfortune of all our artists to be born in an era with him. Because his light is too bright, no matter how hard we try, we can't catch up with him. But it's also our luck. Because we can learn a lot from him and his works. Thank you, Xiao Yunhai. "

Liang Hui's post soon spread all over the network and was wildly spread by netizens.The news broadcast on the same day also broadcast Xiao Yunhai and Zhu Xian for five minutes.

"Xiao Yunhai, a famous director of China, landed in the European and American cinemas with his new work" Zhu Xian ". With his high reputation, he won a pre-sale box office of 8 billion US dollars. Together with the Asian region, "Zhu Xian" completely surpassed "2012" and became the most popular movie in the history of the world. "2012" is also Xiao Yunhai's work. "

"The Ministry of culture of China has highly appraised Xiao Yunhai and Zhu Xian on its official website, calling on directors of Huaxia to make more and better films based on their own culture."

"Here are the pictures that our reporter interviewed in the European and American courtyards."

Yanhuang cinema appeared on TV, and there were long lines in the hall, all of which were fans who used mobile phones to collect tickets.

"Lady, what kind of movie do you come to see?"

A beautiful woman in her twenties shook her mobile phone and said with a smile, "of course, it's Mr. Xiao's Zhu Xian."

"There are so many movies on the screen now, why do you choose Zhuxian?"

The woman shrugged her shoulders and said, "can other films be as good as Zhu Xian?"

"Thank you for your interview," the reporter said

"Sir, why did you choose to watch Zhu Xian?"

A middle-aged man in his forties, with his face full of beard, took the ticket and said, "I am a super fan of Mr. Xiao. I have seen all his films, which are very classic. Zhu Xian, of course, is no exception. After watching the online film reviews, I am more convinced of my point of view

After interviewing several fans one after another, the on-site reporter said: "you see, no matter the children in their teens or the old people in their sixties, they all choose to go to the cinema to watch Zhuxian. It can be said that "Zhu Xian" has been completely popular in Europe and America. "

In the courtyard of Yanjing, Xiao Leshan held tengyang in his arms. When he saw all the news about Xiao Yunhai's movies, he laughed happily.

"The boy has made it again." Chen Xiuzhu laughed and scolded, but her face was full of pride.

Xiao Changfeng said, "I haven't seen this movie yet. Otherwise, let's go to the projection Hall of DreamWorks tomorrow

Xiao Leshan said, "good. I also want to feel how dreamy the world of Zhu Xian is. "

Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile: "I'll contact Yunhai and ask him to arrange it. When the time comes, call in your family again. "

Tengyang and Jinyu two little guys yelled: "grandma, we are going to see the movies made by our parents."

Chen Xiuzhu a face doting said: "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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