Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:27 AM

Chapter 1737

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The next morning, the family went to DreamWorks.

For the boss's family, Wu Hao and others naturally dare not neglect. What's more, there was once No. 1 chief, Mr. Xiao.

After watching the film, Xiao Leshan took off his glasses and sighed: "no wonder" Zhu Xian "can be popular in the world, which is really eye opening. Yunhai and Wanqing did a good job. "

It's not easy for Xiao Leshan to boast.

Xiao Changfeng and Chen Xiuzhu look at each other and smile.

It's been a week since the movie was released in Europe and America.

Huaxia was the first to be released. The box office reached 11.2 billion US dollars. The hot momentum has disappeared. There are only a few hundred cinemas left, which is two or three days away from the painting.

The rest of Asia was a little bit late, taking in $9.05 billion. Now, there is obviously some shortage in the future. The attendance rate is declining. It is estimated that you can get 9.5 billion US dollars before painting.

South America, Oceania, Africa and other regions have all released "Zhu Xian". These three continents have always been the barren areas of the film. Xiao Yunhai's price here is not high. A ticket of 30 US dollars. Looking at the situation of the first three days, it is estimated that he can get $3 billion.

In this way, apart from Europe and the United States, Zhu Xian can take away 23.7 billion US dollars.

When the news reached the ears of European and American movie fans, they were even more excited. Many fans are buying tickets again, ready to see it again.

That day, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Zhao Guangting.

"Mr. Xiao, everything has been settled. It was 1730 tons of gold, which cost US $293 billion

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "great. Although it costs a little more, it's worth it. Mr. Zhao, is gold loaded on the plane now? When are you going back to Shanghai? "

"In three more hours, we'll leave," Zhao said. This time, the Chinese army has made great efforts to send not only one transport aircraft, but also four modern fighter planes to escort them. This treatment is really high enough. "

Xiao Yunhai was not angry and said: "I used more than 10 billion barrels of oil and 40 tons of gold in exchange. You think it's free. For this 1700 tons of gold, I was once again pit by the No. 1 chief. "

Zhao Guangting laughed and said, "Mr. Xiao, I also want to be pit by No. 1 chief officer, but I have no chance."

Two people talk and smile a few words, Xiao Yunhai way: "Zhao Zong, these days hard you. After the gold is sent back to Shanghai, you put them in batches in the safe of Yanjing, huhai and modu headquarters. "

Zhao Guangting a Leng, way: "Europe and the United States do not put it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Europe and the United States are not very safe. I'm afraid that some people will try their best. It's not that it hasn't happened before. In China, it is much safer. This gold is our bank's reserves, mainly to protect against risk. If it is really used in Europe and America, it means something has happened to us. I hope they won't be used in the future. "

After talking to Zhao Guangting, Xiao Yunhai picked up a cup of tea and took a sip of it. Unconsciously, his fingers flicked at the tea table and said, "do the Bessie family know that I cut the Hu? Hehe, even if they know, what can they do? "

In a villa in Washington, DC, a young man in his thirties, dressed in suits and leather shoes, sits respectfully opposite Elvis Bessie.

"Uncle, more than 1000 tons of gold from Angus gold company in South Africa was intercepted by the Chinese government."

"Froda, when you said that more than a thousand tons of gold was in your pocket, I didn't expect to fail in the end. You have to take full responsibility for this Said Elvis Bessie coldly.

The young man is froda Bessie, who controls Citibank and is the first successor of the Bessie family.

Froda Bessie knew that her uncle was making use of the problem. After Terence's death, he could have obtained his support. Unexpectedly, the other party found Wesley to replace Terence, which made froda completely disappointed with Elvis.

"Uncle, do you know who this is?" Froda Bessie took a picture from her arms and gave it to Elvis.

Elvis took a look and said, "I don't know."

"Zhao Guangting, President of Barker Bank of Kungfu Xiao," said froda Bessie

Elvis was shocked and asked, "what do you mean?"

Froda said: "he is in the Chinese government delegation. I think the owner of this gold is not the Chinese government, but Kung Fu Xiao. The Xiao family, known as the first political family in China, is fully capable of carrying gold with the help of the army. "

"It's him again," said Elvis, with a chill in his eyes

"He bought more than 1700 tons this time, obviously to develop Barker into the world's top private bank like us Citibank," froda said

Elvis thought about it and said, "even so, it can't offset your mistakes."

Froda said, "I know. I just want to tell you the truth about this. Kung Fu Xiao has become a big problem for our Bessie family. We must find a way to get rid of him. "To be the first inheritor of the Bessie family, of course, is not a soft hearted person.

Elvis shook his head and said, "you'd better not make a fuss about him. This person is not someone who can be dealt with by special means. If it doesn't work out well, our whole family will bury him. "

Fu Luoda said: "I have received news that Kung Fu Xiao has set up a dragon war mercenary group in Africa. Our people have fought with each other and robbed their gold mine, right?"

A haze flashed through Elvis's eyes. His eyes were staring at him coldly and said, "how do you know?"

The three mercenaries only listen to the orders of the head of the Bessie family, which was set up at the beginning of the army.

The fact that froda was able to know the dragon war mercenaries showed that there were his people behind him, who were transmitting information for him inside the mercenaries, and even ...

Elvis didn't dare to think about it any more. Looking at his nephew who thought he was under his control, Elvis found for the first time that he had become a terrible opponent.

Froda stood up and said, "I heard that. Kung Fu Xiao wants to have armed forces. I think you'd better kill it as soon as possible. Otherwise, things will be in trouble. Uncle, my duty, I will be punished at the clan meeting. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. "

With that, froda bowed to him, then turned and left without any hesitation.

Elvis's expression is difficult to see the extreme, his beloved tea cup was hard to fall on the ground, a ferocious face, said: "it's really a tiger. Somebody, please check for me. Who is his man among the three mercenaries? And ordered the Viper mercenaries to remove the mob that killed Kung Fu Xiao. "

"Yes, sir," said the housekeeper

At the same time, Allan Anderson, the head of the Anderson family, was on a video conversation with his son Apollo.

"All the weapons have been delivered?" Asked Alan.

Apollo nodded: "we have an arms manufacturing factory in Africa. It is only 200 kilometers away from longzhan mercenaries. In less than one day, we gave them 30 billion US dollars worth of arms. At the same time, I also asked people to tell the relationship between the dragon war mercenaries and Kung Fu Xiao to those undercover agents who were lurking in our factory. I believe Elvis should have known that the gold mine he hit was Xiao Yunhai. "

Alan laughed and said, "you're asking them to fight to the death."

Apollo said: "in South Africa, Citibank used every means to get the gold of Angus gold company, which is up to thousands of tons. But in the end, he was robbed by Kung Fu Xiao Li with the Chinese government. This matter can be the fuse for their fighting. "

It has to be said that the power of the Bessie family and the Anderson family is too great. Xiao Yunhai thinks that he has done something without knowing it, but he doesn't want to be known for a long time.

"I'm afraid the dragoon mercenaries are not rivals of the Bessie family," said Alan. Apollo, you have to help them. You can't let the dragon war be easily destroyed by others. "

Apollo said with a smile, "I understand. Tanks, armored vehicles, UAVs and other equipment are expected to arrive within a week, ensuring that they are equal in arms. If Xiao's Kung Fu is lost, it's not necessary for us to support them. "

Alan nodded and said, "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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