Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:32 AM

Chapter 174

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"It's said that in the film, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Huang have quite a lot of rivals. I wonder if you met a film emperor like Mr. Huang when you first acted in the film. Is there a lot of pressure? What do you think of your performance? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, it is the pressure mountain. After all, Huang's voice didn't ring.

"He lied."

"Brush!" The camera and eyes of the whole audience moved instantly, and the speaker was Huang Qiusheng.

Suddenly, the whole hall sounded the shutter sound of rain playing Pipa again.

"Miss Huang, what does that mean?"

"What's wrong with Huang Qiusheng and Xiao Yunhai?"

Some reporters even wrote on the book: "the movie emperor rudely interrupted the emperor, suspected that the two people were tense."

Huang Qiusheng saw that all the attention on the field had come to him, and he said with a smile, "everyone, I think it's better for me to answer your questions just now."

"I remember that a while ago, Mr. Huang Peiqi once praised Xiao Yunhai's acting skills and said that he would be a good contender for the golden cup award in TV series next year, which also caused quite a stir. A lot of media are saying that this is the deliberate propaganda of other people's troupes. "

"Today, I can tell you plainly that Mr. Huang Peiqi is right at all. Xiao Yunhai absolutely has the acting skills of the film emperor."

As soon as Huang Qiusheng's words fell to the ground, the whole hall was suddenly silent. Then, the huge noise broke out like a flood coming out of the gate.


"No way?"

"Movie king? How old is it? "

"Did I hear it wrong? Are you kidding me

Huang Qiusheng was very satisfied with the effect he had created. He pressed his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Then he said, "in the film, Xiao Yunhai and I have only two rival scenes, but his performance is impressive. Well, I've tried my best to pull out the things at the bottom of the box, but I didn't get the upper hand in the end. You can see that later when you go to the movies. "

If Huang Qiusheng's statement still makes people waver between doubts, then Yu Yuexian and Wu Zixu make the whole scene explode completely.

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "Mr. Huang is right. I'm not boasting. My brother's acting skills are absolutely second to none in the age group under 30. The difference between him and us is that he lacks a trophy for the best actor award."

Wu Zixu also added a fire and said, "Mr. Xiao Yunhai's acting skills are really the film emperor's. It's the first time I've seen such a young actor perform such a superb performance in decades of acting. To be honest, I still can't believe it. "

"My God, what's the situation?"

"Is Xiao Yunhai too rebellious?"

"It's too exaggerated that the film emperor and a golden cup director jointly endorse a newcomer who has just made a film."

"I don't think his performance in" Legend of Chu Liuxiang "has made much difference

"What do you know? In the legend of Chu Liuxiang, the protagonist is Chu Liuxiang. No matter how good Xiao Yunhai plays, the director and the producer can't let him pass the leading role. "

A group of film critics at the bottom also talked about it.

"Do you think it's true or is it a publicity stunt?"

A man in his sixties and glasses asked a middle-aged man next to him.

"Nine times out of ten it's true. What a proud man Huang Qiusheng is. If he didn't really admire the other party's acting skills, even if it was for publicity, he would never have said that

"Hehe, I'll see the film soon, and then I'll know. However, my old man really likes his song "a man should be strong."

"Pa Pa Pa Pa"

numerous flash lights burst out again, dozens of cameras, all of which emit dazzling white light. Xiao Yunhai's eyes are so white that nothing can be seen clearly.

"May I ask Mr. Xiao, what is your opinion on the evaluation of Mr. Wu, Mr. Huang and Mr. Yu?" A female reporter stood up and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "the words of the three teachers make me feel very scared. I think a large part of the reason why my performance has been praised by several predecessors is that I can barely be regarded as the original performance. I learned Xingyiquan from my grandfather since I was a child. For more than ten years, I have achieved little, so I have a deeper understanding of the role. "

"Mr. Xue, what do you think of Xiao Yunhai's acting skills? Can you afford to be a movie king A middle-aged reporter suddenly stood up and asked the silent Xue Ming with a smile.

"Sinister and vicious"

"a knife hidden in a smile"

"his heart can be killed"

looking at the smile of the middle-aged reporter, these idioms suddenly appear in Xiao Yunhai's mind.

Xue Ming and Xiao Yunhai in the crew can be said to be irreconcilable.When Xiao Yunhai chatted with Yu Yuexian, Yu Yuexian said something intentionally or unintentionally.

It turns out that when director Wu was promoting the great master, Yu Yuexian had privately asked him why he didn't let Xiao Yunhai come over.

At that time, Wu Zixu didn't say anything until he couldn't stand Yu Yuexian's repeated questioning, which gave the answer.

"Choose one from two"

Yu Yuexian, who and others, immediately understood the meaning of it.

If we choose one between Xiao Yunhai and Xue Ming, no matter which director will choose Xue Ming without hesitation.

Although Xiao Yunhai has been very active recently, Xue Ming's influence in the film and television industry is far greater than his. In addition, Xue Ming has a good relationship with the producers, and his plays are far more than Xiao Yunhai. Wu Zixu has to give up Xiao Yunhai after comprehensive consideration.

The reporter's question can be said to have hit the weakest link of the crew.

Generally speaking, the three big men in front of him have publicly supported Xiao Yunhai. Even if the other people don't think so in their hearts, they must agree with him.

But Xue Ming didn't do it. He thought about the wording and said, "I admire Mr. Xiao's Xingyiquan Kung Fu very much."

"The answer is not the question"

"avoid the strong and attack the weak"

"the implication is that Kung Fu is OK, but the acting skills are ordinary."

How can the usual tricks in the entertainment industry hide from the journalists who have become elite.

Xue Ming's answer also made Wu Zixu and others frown.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of Mr. Xue's acting skills?"

The reporter asked Xiao Yunhai again.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "this gentleman has a bad heart. He is good at picking things up."

"Ha ha ha"

everyone was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words. The original tense atmosphere was Yi song.

The middle-aged reporter said with a smile to Xiao Yunhai: "I will take what Mr. Xiao said just now as a compliment to me. But you don't seem to have answered me positively yet? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment, and Zhengrong said, "I didn't stay in the crew for a long time. It just took a few days. But it was in these days that I learned a lot from my predecessors, which I couldn't learn in school. Among them, there is Mr. Xue Mingxue. "

"Mr. Xue's xuejiaban is very powerful in the field of action. I have observed it carefully and really benefited me a lot. Therefore, I would like to thank Mr. Xue, as well as other senior teachers of the crew. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and bowed deeply to Wu Zixu and Huang Qiusheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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