Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:23 AM

Chapter 1740

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"Ha ha ha."

There was another burst of laughter from the conference room.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you think slowly. I'll talk about it first. For online novels, to be honest, I don't know much because of my work. Your pseudonyms are basically the first time I've heard of them. I'm glad you've been able to come to our fiction league from the heyday. I know that it is a prosperous world, with a market share of over 60%. It's not easy for you to make such a decision. However, I and the three managers will assure you that your choice is absolutely correct. "

"Why do I dare to say that? Because we have a dream driven novel client. Before I came here, I asked my colleagues who were responsible for running the dream driven client. They told me that more than 80% of the current readers read books on their mobile phones. But the client side of the whole Chinese novel is to share the world equally between dreams and prosperous times. Of course, the pursuit of dreams is worse, accounting for only 37% of the total, while the flourishing age accounts for 68% and the other 5% is divided up by other clients. "

"The reason for this gap, I think we should be very clear, is that there are not as many good books as flourishing times. Who wrote good books? You writers, of course. I heard from Mr. Chu that all of you are called "little gods" on the Internet, and you earn a lot of money, but there seems to be a big gap between your influence and those platinum gods, especially in terms of recommended resources. At this point, I think Shengshi is not good enough. The fact that you have been able to come from a prosperous age also shows the same thing

"Who can tell me how much your income is different from those platinum gods? Zhan Tian, you say it. "

In the dream, Zhan Tiandao said: "take myself and my good friend, the great God of platinum, a sword drifting.". I write 300000 words a month, and I can get about 120000. The 300000 words of a sword are at least ten times of mine. "

Zeng Jiang cut in: "zhantian and Yijian rafting are both illusory. The editor told me that there was little difference between the two in terms of words. One sword drifting is just to set off the atmosphere. It is better than zhantian. In the future, as long as Zhan Tian pays attention to this aspect, he will be a living God. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "so it is. A little bit of a problem makes your contribution fee more than ten times different. It's really cruel. "

A young man with a thin face: "in fact, we don't like prosperous times, not because of the payment, but because they don't respect us. Shengshi is completely market-oriented and will not give you room for growth. The great gods are popular. If they sell well, they will push them to death. And we only have a slightly better recommendation every other month. The bottom authors are even worse. If they want to be recommended, they should be able to stand out from tens of thousands of books. It's scary to think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can give you the recommendation you need, and I can give you a lot. Today's era is the era of smart phones, and I am exactly the first to open the era of smart phones. So far, there is no advertisement for Yunqing's social mobile phone client. I'm going to reserve a novel for you

"Wow, Yunqing social app. It's good to make a recommendation on it. "

"If my novel can go up, even if it is only for one day, it will still be able to kill the gods."

Yunqing social mobile phone client has more than one billion members in China. With such a large base, even if one in ten thousand of them read books, it can also make them rich.

Therefore, after Xiao Yunhai said this, they were very excited.

"So, Mr. Xiao Chu Wenqing asked.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. I always keep my word. After I go back, I will ask the company to make such a list, which guarantees that 20 excellent novels can be recommended every day. As for the way to choose, we can discuss it later. It is better to be fair and just. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, all of them clapped their hands and cheered incessantly.

When the applause gradually stopped, Xiao Yunhai continued: "in addition, we will have editors of Hanhai film and television media company to check what you have written regularly. If there are works suitable for shooting TV series or movies, congratulations. Copyright fees alone can make you rich."


"cloud emperor is cloud emperor, too awesome."

"If there's a company or a director who's interested in it, we're not going to be crazy."

Xiao Yunhai continued his efforts: "the other is reward. We organize an annual meeting every year, and all the authors who have achieved the top 100 sales results will receive our invitation. We should have been to the domestic places, so we will go abroad directly and all the expenses will be reimbursed. "

"Wow, that's great."

"I've never been abroad since I was little."

"I said, follow the emperor must be popular drink spicy."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it seems that you have confidence in your sales into the top 100. This is a good thing. All right, that's all I have to say. You have any questions to ask. "

The people shook their heads when they looked at me and I looked at you."No problem."

"It has been made clear that there is no need to ask."

Xiao Yunhai said: "let's discuss the rules of Yunqing social app ranking."

When they heard about this issue concerning their own vital interests, they all offered suggestions and suggestions. It took them two hours to come up with the plan.

Xiao Yunhai photographed the scheme just printed out and said with a smile: "I will do it according to this in the future. If there are any problems in the implementation process, we can take them out for discussion at the annual meeting. Let's go. This afternoon, it's my treat. You don't have to save me money. You just eat the expensive ones, not the right ones. "

"Ha ha ha."

As they laughed, they went to the restaurant on the first floor.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai surrounded by these little god writers, Zeng Jiang sighed: "Mr. Xiao is really fierce. Just one meeting won everyone's heart. Is this the legendary air of despotism

Cai Pei said, "it's called affinity. Before, in their eyes, Mr. Xiao was a high-ranking figure. After meeting, suddenly found that this person is humorous and witty, without any airs, so we naturally want to be close to him. "

Chu Wenqing said with a smile: "with Mr. Xiao, they are completely home."

At lunch, everyone pushed cups and changed cups. The atmosphere was very warm.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "brothers and sisters, I will tell you a message today. Next week, I'm going to publish the second part of the shooting trilogy, the eagle warrior, on the Internet. At that time, we will have a competition on the dream app. At the annual meeting next year, let's see whose sales are high. If you can beat me, I will give him a big gift. "

"Good. I'll take that gift

"Who said that, it's mine."

"Come on. It would be strange if we could win. "

"How many fans are there? It's hard to count. It must be more than 200 million.

This is a sequel to it. These people will definitely read it. Do you think you can have so many fans? "

"Not one in ten. Shit, that's right. There's no comparison. "

Hearing what they said, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you don't have to destroy your own prestige. I promise that next year more than one of you will be able to become a God with a monthly income of more than a million. I'd like to show the prosperous age how the writers they don't care about soar to the top when we pursue our dreams. I hope you can use your own strength to slap Shengshi fiercely. The more people fan, the better, and the more painful the fan, the better. Do you have faith? "

"Yes." Cried the crowd, pulling their throats.

Xiao Yunhai said, "what are you waiting for? To your bright tomorrow, cheers. "


Two hours later, when he was full of food and drink, Xiao Yunhai drove to the company to find the person in charge of Yunqing's social networking website and asked him to make a novel ranking list and put it on the app. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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