Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:22 AM

Chapter 1741

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At the headquarters of Yanjing Shengshi novel network, Wang Yang sat on the boss's chair to talk to people on the phone. Sun ran, an assistant, was standing there in a professional suit and holding a document in his hand.

Three minutes later, Wang Yang put down his mobile phone and asked, "what's the matter?"

Sun ran said respectfully: "Mr. Wang, those websites of magic wolf secretly took away many of our small gods level writers. It is said that at noon today, Mr. Xiao..."

"eh?" Hearing Wang Yang's query, sun ran understood immediately and quickly changed his words: "no, Xiao Yunhai invited them to dinner in a five-star hotel. It's a foregone conclusion that they will leave, which is very unfavorable to our website. "

Wang Yang frowned and asked, "what do you call a lot of God writers? How many are many? "

Sun ran handed the list to Wang Yang and said, "there are 42 people in all."

Wang Yang looked at the name above. A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes and said, "these website managers really have some means. I want to know what kind of bad effect this has on us? "

Wang Yangcai didn't take over the flourishing age for a long time, and he didn't know what was going on inside.

Sun ran said: "the most important thing about our network is the platinum gods. They are at the top of the pyramid. Each of them has millions or even tens of millions of fans. After all, platinum gods are few, and the bottom writers can't, so our backbone is these little gods. After these years of development, the website monthly income of more than 50000 God has more than 200. Now it has gone one fifth at a time, and the loss is not so heavy. The most important thing is the follow-up effect. Once they develop better outside than they are now, it will certainly make other small gods envious, and there is likely to be a chain reaction at that time. "

Wang Yang looked at Sun ran with admiration on his face and said, "is this all your own analysis?"

Sun ran was stunned and nodded: "yes."

Wang Yang was very rare to praise: "you are very good. OK, I know about this. You go out. "

Sun ran bowed a little politely, but when she turned her head, she was disgusted. She said in her heart, "a plastic face. If the salary here is not good, I will not serve you. What's that? Compared with emperor Yun, it's just a lousy

If Wang Yang knew sun Ran's idea, he would have killed her.

"What a vengeance." After sun ran went out, Wang Yang was indifferent.

At the beginning, he sent someone to dig those websites, but he didn't expect that the other side would fight back so soon. And the object is not the God who ordered the editorial department to take strict precautions, but those small gods, which made Wang Yang a little unprepared.

There are some problems in the situation of Xiaoshen writers in Dozens of great gods can't be separated from each other for big recommendation, so they can't care about them at all. And small recommendations, and no effect, so that they hang in the air, up and down, very uncomfortable.

if these websites are not suck, these people will have to run away.

Wang Yang considered for more than an hour, but did not come up with a way to keep these little gods writers, so he had to call everyone to the meeting room for a meeting.

The final conclusion is to increase their share by 5%. However, everyone knows that this is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure.

There's no way. Unlike Xiao Yunhai, they have to rely on their salary to retain those writers.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai finished his meal and made a post in his own space.

"Good news, brothers and sisters. The second part of the shooting and carving trilogy, the divine carving knight errant, will be serialized on the three major websites of fantasy wolf, Tenglong and Shuhai next Monday. Meanwhile, the client of dream chasing novels will also be updated synchronously, with one chapter per day, a total of 40 chapters. Please look forward to it. One more word, don't scold if you don't like it. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's post was released, it immediately attracted numerous replies from novel fans.

"At last. I'm coming

"Thank God, I finally brought" the eagle knight "to me. Guo Jing, Huang Rong, are you ok? "

"I don't feel right. What does not like not to scold? It seems that the emperor is not confident enough this time. "

"I'm kidding. "Shooting carving" has at least 200 million fans. As a sequel, if it is not a classic, with the nature of emperor Yun, it will not be released at all. "

"Who on earth is it about? It should not be Guo Jing and Huang Rong. "

"No matter who it is, I'm looking forward to it."

Seeing the post in the comment area, Zhao Wanqing, who had just taken a bath, said with a smile: "husband, if you let everyone know that you let the hero and heroine become disabled and lose their virginity, what reaction will they have

Xiao Yunhai was full of excitement and said: "I guess these fans will turn into black powder. If you don't, you will scold me on the Internet all day long. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "do you feel the pressure?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it is impossible without pressure. What worries me most is that readers, like you, will abandon their books when they see that place. So I am going to send three chapters directly to that day. I believe it can alleviate their anger. "Zhao Wanqing has finished reading "the hero of the eagle" in one breath. Although she has swallowed it, she still has a fresh memory of the plot and says, "this method is good. In the two chapters after XiaoLongNu lost her virginity, Yang Guo's adventures are constant, which may have a good effect. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I hope so."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "my husband," Zhuxian is about to be painted all over the world. When are you going to take my children and me to travel? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as long as you have finished the route map, we can start at any time."

Zhao Wanqing said happily, "great. Give me a few days and I'll plan the route. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "good."

Seeing Zhao Wanqing's gorgeous face, Xiao Yunhai hugged her and said: "wife, last night, because of the" Eagle swordsman ", you almost let me suffocate internal injuries. Tonight, you should make good compensation for me."

Zhao Wanqing took away the evil hand in front of her chest and said, "you go to take a bath first. I'll wait for you in the room."

Xiao Yunhai gave her a kiss and said, "ten minutes."

Next, of course, there is an exciting snake plate battle.

After the rain, Xiao Yunhai took Zhao Wanqing, who had no strength, to the child's bed. He was about to go to bed when his mobile phone rang outside.

Xiao Yunhai was shocked in his heart. He had a premonition that something important had happened. Otherwise, his subordinates would not have called at this time.

Quick step past, Xiao Yunhai picked up the mobile phone, took a look, it is the call of dragon one, quickly picked up.

"Long Yi, what's up?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

A steady voice came from the dragon.

"Mr. Xiao, in the early morning of this morning, we were suddenly attacked by a 300 member mercenary, and more than 100 brothers were killed. The other side didn't seem to know that we had arms. In less than two hours, we wiped them out, leaving only a few survivors. After inquiry, we learned that the identity of the other party is a viper mercenary of the Bessie family. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "why do they attack you?"

Long Yi said, "I don't know. They only said that they had received orders from the snake king. I guess the Bessie family knew that we were your team, so they ordered the Viper mercenaries to kill us. It was only because the vanguard troops were eager to make contributions, underestimated our strength and made a wrong judgment, which was eliminated by us. However, their large army is in the back. It will arrive in less than a day. Mr. Xiao, what do you think we should do? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "Long Yi, don't ask me this question. Although I'm the boss behind the dragon war mercenaries, it's you who really fight. "

Long Yi said: "Mr. Xiao, I have some scruples. After all, the other side is the Bessie family. If we annihilate them completely, will it have an adverse impact on you

Xiao Yunhai said: "the Bessie family and I are already in the same boat. You can do whatever you want. Encounter this kind of thing, you don't need to ask me, direct counterattack is, the more ruthless the better. If I can kill the viper, I will be more happy. "

Long Yi said with a smile: "I understand. There were 5200 Viper mercenaries in total. After we got a large number of weapons, we recruited many more, which added up to more than 12000. What's more, the news from the other side seems to be a bit blocked, thinking that we are the troops with pistols. Ha ha, I have a mind to calculate, but I have no intention. If I can't win such a battle, I'll just find a stone to kill me. "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "it's not to win, what I want is that they are all destroyed, one is not left."

Xiao Yunhai can be said to be extremely disgusted with the Bessie family, the top one of the family is not a good thing. Now we are relying on the strength of our army. If we want to kill the dragon war mercenaries that we have just set up, we are simply deceiving others.

Xiao Yunhai asked the dragon to wipe out all the Viper mercenaries. He wanted to give Elvis Bessie some color to see, so that he would not regard himself as a soft persimmon and let him hold it.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao. Give me two days to make sure you get rid of this viper. Use their blood to make us famous as dragon fighting mercenaries. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. I wish you success. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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