Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:17 AM

Chapter 1742

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Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai thought about it and called Christie's mobile phone.

"Mr. Xiao, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms Christie, recently you went to the Anderson family security company to hire more bodyguards to protect you and other company leaders."

Christie was stunned and said, "Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the war between us and the Bessie family in Africa has begun."

Christie was shocked, and after a long time, she said, "how could it be so fast?"

Christie knows very well that Xiao Yunhai has set up mercenaries in Africa. Once the Bessie family knows about it, they will not stand by and wait for the other side to grow slowly. Sooner or later, the war will come.

However, she thought it would take a year and a half to start, but she never thought it would be so fast.

Xiao Yunhai said the situation again and said: "I believe that the strength of the dragon war mercenaries can definitely kill the Viper mercenaries. My only worry is that the Bessie family will be so angry that they dare not look for me, but will spread their fire on your heads. That's what makes you look for more bodyguards, okay? "

Christie said, "OK, I'll do it."

In Washington, almost at the same time, Apollo Anderson, who had been paying close attention to Xiao Yunhai and the Bessie family, came to his father's manor.

"Is the war about to begin?" Seeing Apollo with a happy face, Allan put down the newspaper and asked.

Apollo nodded and said: "the Viper mercenaries took the lead in launching an attack on the dragon war mercenaries, but they misjudged the strength of the other side and thought that the dragon war mercenaries were the same as before, leading to the total annihilation of more than 300 people. It is estimated that the two sides will start the war soon. This is a little faster than we thought. "

Alan said with a smile: "it's going to be better or slower. The relationship between Kung Fu Xiao and the Bessie family has become completely hostile. We can sit in the back and take advantage of it. "

Apollo said: "I hope the dragon war mercenaries can win."

Alan said, "don't underestimate Kung Fu Xiao. Let me tell you one thing. The Congress has passed Kung Fu Xiao's desire to establish a security company in the United States. "

Apollo slightly a Leng, surprised asked: "how possible?"

Alan said, "it's impossible. With the full support of President Lyle and justice Simon, it's hard for him

Apollo recalled the scene of Xiao Yunhai talking and laughing with Lyle and Simon at the inauguration ceremony of President lair and said: "father, I feel that Lyle and Lyle are very supportive of Kung Fu Xiao."

Alan nodded and said, "of course. Lyle is a president who wants to do big things and naturally doesn't want to be constrained by us and the Bessie family. Supporting Xiao Yunhai is actually looking for a partner who can fight against our two families. Xiao Yunhai is different from us. He is a Chinese. No matter how powerful he is, he will not pose a great threat to his rule. What Lyle suspects most is that we even want to do something

Apollo's eyes staring at the boss, said in disbelief: "how can? Does he have the guts? "

Alan said with a smile, "well, it's not possible, but it doesn't have to be. Apollo, you are good at everything, but you are short of the overall situation. Remember, be careful of Lyle. "

Apollo heavily nodded and said, "I will."

For the next two days, Xiao Yunhai had been at home and didn't go anywhere.

Although long Yishuo is full of confidence, his opponent is a well-equipped snake mercenary in Africa. Xiao Yunhai is really not sure whether he can win.

Xiao Yunhai has never been so anxious since he came to this world.

Even so, he still didn't call long Yi.

He knows that long Yi should be preparing for the war now. If he talks with him rashly, he will cause him greater psychological pressure, which is not a good thing.

Xiao Yunhai's restless appearance makes Zhao Wanqing feel a little surprised. She doesn't understand how her husband, who has always been full of confidence, is so anxious.

"Husband, what happened?" Zhao Wanqing finally couldn't help asking.

Xiao Yunhai did not tell her the matter, and said with a smile: "some work problems, nothing."

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing was directly happy and said, "forget it. Kristi is in charge of the company. Who do you mind. Come on, tell me the truth. "

Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to say it again. Looking at Zhao Wanqing's shocked face, he said with a bitter smile, "are you afraid?"

Zhao Wanqing stabilized her mind and said, "I never thought that the war would be so close to me."

Xiao Yunhai held her in his arms and said, "the war is in Africa, far away from us. It's just that the outcome of the war will affect the development of our company. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "honey, let's talk about tourism later. I'm a little worried. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is totally unnecessary. The more powerful the dragon is, the more dare the Bessie family dare not do anything to us. Because they are more afraid than we are. Compared with the safety of the United States of America, which is eight thousand li, you understandZhao Wanqing said, "it's too scary. I feel a little hard to accept. "

Xiao Yunhai patted her on the back and said, "you don't need to accept it. Just leave it to me. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded.

In fact, it is not only the Xiao Yunhai, Bessie and Anderson families, but also the American government and the Chinese government.

Africa has always been a place of four wars, with chaotic order. However, there are countless resources there, which makes the great powers compete with each other by various means.

The reason why vipers stay here is because there are several gold and diamond mines in this area.

The territory of dragon war mercenaries and viper mercenaries is not far away, only more than 300 kilometers. Once the dragon war is won, they will immediately become one of the top mercenaries in Africa, and the whole region will become their territory. These mines will be theirs.

The No.1 head of the Huaxia government office and Xiao Chongyang sat together to discuss matters.

"Chongyang, that boy in your family is very good. I just got the news that the kid traded 10% of Yunqing network company for the Anderson family's 800 billion dollars in arms. Hehe, he wants to have a share in Africa. "

Xiao Chongyang said, "if I said I didn't know anything about it before, would you believe it?"

No. 1 leader said with a smile: "believe it. In fact, if the dragon war mercenaries win, it will be very good for our government. First of all, they are all Chinese veterans who share the same root and origin with us. If there is anything we can't do in the future, we can ask them for help. Secondly, there are many companies in Africa in China. I heard that they are often bullied by some people. The rise of the dragon war mercenaries is a good protection for them. Thirdly, the more powerful they are, the more mineral resources they can obtain. Then we can get scarce resources through them. "

Xiao Chongyang nodded and said: "it's a good thing that Yunhai has set up dragon war mercenaries. But only if he can win. The more beautiful you win, the more stable your heel will be. "

"Don't worry. The leader of the dragon war mercenary named longyi was the first expert in the modu military region. In the previous campaign of encirclement and suppression of terrorist organizations, he performed extremely well. The Viper mercenary should not be his opponent

Xiao Chongyang said with a smile: "I hope so. But I need to hit this kid. I don't think even my father knows about such a big thing. "

No. 1 chief said: "his status and status are different from before. His opponents are becoming more and more powerful. It's normal to do these things. It's just that I'm sorry for his 800 billion dollars. If we put it in the west, I don't know how many problems we can solve. You go and tell him that Huaxia will take care of the arms of the dragon war mercenaries in the future. Just like his Yunyi shopping website, we guarantee delivery to the door. "

Xiao Chongyang laughed as soon as he heard it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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