Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:13 AM

Chapter 1745

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Xiao Yunhai was in a good mood, so he drank a little wine with his father and father.

Xiao Leshan said with a smile, "look at your appearance, did you win over there?"

Xiao Yunhai raised his head, drank up the wine in the cup at one breath, and said, "I won, and the harvest is far beyond my imagination."

Xiao Yunhai was not surprised that the old man knew something about Africa.

After all, he was also a person who had been the No. 1 chief. Even if Xiao Chongyang didn't tell him, he also had his own news channel.

"Beyond imagination?" Hearing Xiao Yunhai's reply, Xiao Leshan's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "it seems that this time, the Bessie family will be in bad luck."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it should be said that it's bad luck. Life and death are all in my mind."

Xiao Leshan was shocked and said: "sea of clouds, remember a word, too much is better than enough. I don't know what you've got with the Bessie family, but I know one thing very well, that is, the Bessie family has the ability to overturn the chessboard. They are very powerful in the U.S. military. Once they face the pressure of death, you think they will do something crazy. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "grandfather, are you familiar with the Bessie family?"

Xiao Leshan said, "of course. As a former number one, we must understand the United States of America, which is a big country in China. But to understand America, the Bessie family and the Anderson family can't get around in any way. Well, there are people in the Bessie and Anderson families in the military, otherwise you think that the presidents of the United States are all dry meals. The better the political figures are, the less they want their rights to be restricted. The presidents of the United States of America did not want to get them down, but they were afraid that the final result would split the United States. "

"So good."

Xiao Yunhai originally wanted to let long Yi hold a press conference directly to spread the gold story all over the world and let Turkey find trouble for them. But after listening to the old man's words, he was a bit of a rat's pawn.

Once the US military gets involved, even Turkey can't stand it. If the Bessie family were to survive, it would certainly do anything to deal with themselves and let the Anderson family pick up a big bargain in vain.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I know how to do it."

Just then, the phone rang again.

Zhao Wanqing brought it to him, took a look at the caller ID and said in surprise, "it's president lair of the United States."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a glimmer, and said, "it's another lobbyist."

Xiao Leshan said: "the most important thing in politics is to keep balance. If the Bessie family is really in trouble, Lyle will be the next one. Because the Anderson family will have no scruples. Pick it up

Xiao Yunhai pressed the answer button.

"President Lyle, long time no see." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

"Mr. Shaw, as I said before, when I take up the presidency, you and your family will be invited to go to the White House for a walk. I don't know when you will be free? " Lyle road.

"Is this an invitation?" Xiao asked

Lyle said with a smile, "you can say that."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's great. After a while, I will take my family to travel. When I get to Washington, I'll go straight to the White House. "

Lyle said, "I'm looking forward to it."

After the two said some ungodly polite words, Lyle got to the point.

"Mr. Xiao, do you understand my purpose?"

Xiao Yunhai deliberately pretended to be stupid and said, "Mr. Lyle, I'm a little confused about what you said."

"Although I don't want to speak for the Bessie family, I have no other choice," Lyle said helplessly. Mr. Xiao, how can we return the 560000 tons of gold to the Bessie family? "

Xiao Yunhai stopped pretending and said with a smile, "Mr. Lyle, it really surprised me that you came to plead with the Bessie family."

"I can't let the Anderson family control America," Lyle said

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Lyle, tomorrow morning, Vanessa Bessie will come to negotiate with me on behalf of the Bessie family. If you want to buy my 560000 tons of gold, it depends on the sincerity of the Bessie family. If they want to break up with me with their own power, I can't help it. "

Lyle knew that it was impossible for the Bessie family to stop without bleeding, so he said: "if you make a mistake, you have to bear the price. I support you on this point. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you for your understanding. At that time, I will inform you of the result of the negotiation. "

"Well, I'm looking forward to your good news," Lyle said

For Lyle, as long as Xiao Yunhai gives the Bessie family a chance to negotiate, that's the best. As for the cost, it's a Bessie family thing, it's none of his business.

The next morning at nine o'clock, Xiao Yunhai came to a tea house, quietly waiting for winnissa's arrival.

Almost half an hour later, the bodyguard who had been to the airport came in with Vanessa."Mr. Shaw, miss winnissa Bessie is here."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and let the bodyguard go out. He got up and said to Vanessa with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect Mr. Elvis to let you come over."

Winnissa held out her hand and Xiao Yunhai and said, "in the Bessie family, I have dealt with you, and I am the one who can speak."

When they sat down face to face, Xiao Yunhai poured a cup of tea to Vanessa and said, "your Chinese language is very Yanjing flavor."

Vanessa said with a bitter smile, "what's the use of that. Will you let us go? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "in this world, anything can happen. Even if the fifty-six tons of gold are in the world, with the energy of your Bessie family, there will not be anything wrong. "

"But the price is too high for us to afford," she said. Mr. Xiao, to tell you the truth,

when my father asked me to negotiate, he tried to hold you back for five days. But I know that with your intelligence, you can't give us such time at all. So let's open the window and make it clear. What's the condition? "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea, held out three fingers, and said, "first, you should buy back the 960 prisoners, 100 billion dollars; second, you should buy back the 56 tons of gold, 560 billion dollars; third, I want 30% of the shares of Citibank."

"It's impossible." On hearing this, Winnie couldn't help but blurt out: "such conditions are too harsh, my father will never agree."

Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "is it more serious than your death net? Miss Bessie, you have to know that although your Bessie family is very powerful, compared with the whole country of Turkey, do you think there is a chance that you will win if there is a real row? Now the Anderson family doesn't know about it, and if the negotiations break down, I'll tell them right away. You should know what will happen. "

"Citibank is one of the core industries of our Bessie family. If you want 30% at a time, you're killing us," winnissa said

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's when the negotiation broke down, right? Oh, it's a pity. Let me see how strong the Bessie family is. "

Seeing Xiao Yunhai get up to go, Vanessa quickly stopped and said, "Mr. Xiao, I need to call my father."

Xiao Yunhai sat down again and said, "whatever you want."

Winnissa called Elvis and told him about the conditions put forward by Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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