Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:30 AM

Chapter 175

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The reporter shook his head with a wry smile. Xiao Yunhai's words were very beautiful and high sounding, but there was no useful information, and he did not answer his questions at all.

However, Xiao Yunhai's and Xue Ming's answers are not correct, which proves their conjecture. The relationship between them is very poor.

Wu Zixu saw that things were not good. He winked at Miao Wei, who knew him and nodded. He came forward and said, "well, thank you for your warm interview. Because of time, our free interview time is over. Let's go to the last link, star fans interaction. We have a...... "

soon, an hour has passed. Under the leadership of the cinema manager, everyone went to the cinema to see a movie.

Xiao Yunhai also wanted to know that his own Wujiang was obviously stunned. Then he thought for a moment and said definitely, "it's the battle between Huang Qiusheng and Xiao Yunhai. Although the fight between the two was not as fierce as the last few fights, every look in their eyes and every movement seemed to imply a kind of inexplicable thing, which was unforgettable for a long time. Maybe this is what people call the essence and spirit of Chinese martial arts. "

Zhang Qing nodded and said with a smile, "it turns out that not only I have this feeling, but also you."

Wu Jiang burst out a hearty laugh and said, "we are heroes who think alike. I didn't expect that the new man named Xiao Yunhai could not only write wonderful martial arts novels, but also make movies so skillfully. What a genius. "

Wu Zixu on the stage held the microphone and said excitedly: "the great master is the biggest challenge since I was a director. I have been busy for more than a year, and finally it is a success. As the director of the great master, I can hear your applause here, which is the greatest praise and support for me. Thank you. At the same time, I would like to thank all the staff and cast members of the grand master. Without them, there would be no grand master. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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