Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:03 AM

Chapter 1752

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Xiao Yunhai shook his mobile phone and said, "see? This impatience shows how important Citigroup and TCP shares are to them. "

"Hello, Mr. Apollo," Xiao Yunhai said with a smile

Apollo said, "Mr. Shaw, I heard you were back in New York."

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I have nothing to do in Washington. I'm back. "

Apollo said with a smile: "what a coincidence, I also went back to New York this morning."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he turned his eyes directly, but he said on his mouth: "it's really clever. By the way, Mr. Apollo, I'm very satisfied with the list you gave me. I took all the oil field shares. Let's sign the contract this afternoon

"Poop" Kristi heard Xiao Yunhai's shameless words, and almost didn't spray out the coffee she had just drunk in her mouth. Her face was full of strange expressions.

Apollo on the opposite side seemed to be stunned. After a long time, he said, "Mr. Xiao, have you misunderstood me? Those oilfields are worth more than 5% of Citigroup shares and 10% of TCP shares. We can't give them to you. What I meant before was that I could trade the fields on these lists, not all of them. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Apollo, you should be very clear about the position of Citibank and TCP energy in the Bessie family. Now that I have given you such a wonderful platform, shouldn't you give me some benefits? If I sell that price to Elvis, he will call me the money without saying a word

Apollo said, "Mr. Xiao, those oilfields are large in quantity and of good quality. I really don't see any sincerity in your cooperation. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am a businessman, and businessmen pursue interests. Just like you asked me to spend 300 billion dollars to build a security company. It's just too expensive, so I didn't agree. But you really need shares in the two core industries of the Bessie family. This is probably the best opportunity for you in nearly 100 years. If you don't buy it, I'll have to sell it to the Bessie family again. Mr. Apollo, it's time to lose. It's not going to happen again. "

Although Xiao Yunhai didn't see Apollo's expression now, he knew that the other party must gnash his teeth because he heard the other party's slight gnashing of teeth.

After a long time, Apollo said, "Mr. Xiao, please wait for my news."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then you'd better hurry up. I'm going back to China tonight. "

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms. Kristi, you don't think I'm too cruel?"

Christie said, "isn't it? It's hard for our financial staff to accept the $2400 billion share sale of US $22000. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's really too much. But I can't help it. This fat meat is so delicious that the Anderson family will never give up. Watch it. This Anderson heiress will call me later. Ms. Christie, you'll send someone to prepare the contract. "

Although Kristi was still suspicious, she informed her team to draw up a contract as soon as possible according to the names of the fields on the list.

While she sat there motionless, she wanted to see if Xiao Yunhai could succeed.

They talked for about half an hour, and Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone on the table rang again.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "see, the other party is talking about the conditions, but I certainly won't agree. Seeing that things didn't work out, Apollo had no choice but to say Mr. Xiao, you won. Finally, we go to sign the contract. This is the whole process. "

Christie was surprised and said, "no?"

But think about it, if Anderson really takes it so seriously, it could be.

"Mr. Xiao, if you don't answer, your mobile phone will be broken."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "if it's broken, he'll call again, won't he?"

Christie was stunned, nodded and said, "it's true."

The phone rings three times in a row, and Xiao Yunhai presses the answer button, but uses a loudspeaker.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Apollo. I just went to the bathroom." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

Yeah, Christie's speechless.

Apollo didn't pay attention to these details and said, "Mr. Xiao, I just reported to my father. 7.5%, as long as you can increase Citibank's shares by 2.5 percentage points, we will agree to it. "

Xiao Yunhai gives Christie a proud expression, which means I'm right.

"Mr. Apollo, I'm sorry, it's not negotiable. Either agree or disagree. Because if I sell it back to the Bessie family, I think I'll get more. " Xiao Yunhai's reply is very sincere, but his face is a indifferent expression. Christie quickly covers his mouth for fear of laughing.

How much attention will be paid to the trillions of business, but Xiao Yunhai can only say that his boss is a wonderful flower.Apollo fought for several times again, and was defeated by Xiao Yunhai.

For the last time, Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Apollo, you should be very clear about what Citibank and TCP energy mean to the Bessie family and your Anderson family. With some oil fields in the Middle East, it's likely to exchange the whole of America. Do you think it's a bad deal? "

Apollo was silent. After a long time, he said, "Mr. Xiao, you have won. I hope we can sign the contract as soon as possible

Xiao Yunhai saw Christie's surprised eyes. His face was full of complacency and said, "OK. I'll have them draw up the contract right away and sign it tomorrow morning. "

Apollo directly refused and said, "no, Mr. Xiao, I don't want to wait for a minute. Tonight, we'll sign the contract. My father wants to go to Citibank for the shareholders' meeting tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that the enmity between you is much more serious than I imagined. OK, no problem. "

After hanging up his mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "how about Ms. Christie? Did I guess it all right? "

Christie shook her head and sighed, "Mr. Shaw, you are so wonderful. You can guess what Apollo said

At this point, she said excitedly: "with these shares in the Middle East oil fields, Yunqing oil and gas company is only one step away from TCP energy company."

"Wrong." "Ms Christie, don't forget that we still have a 10% stake in TCP energy."

Christie patted her forehead and said, "look, I'm so happy I'm confused. From today on, our Yunqing oil and gas company will be the first in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "let me tell you another good thing. We can set up a security company like Blackwater in the United States."

Christie said happily, "great. Now that we have more than 20 trillion US dollars of industry and armed forces at home and abroad, we don't have to be afraid of anyone. Mr. Xiao, do you know how happy I am now

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the more happy is still behind. As long as we work hard, the world will soon be under our feet. "

Christie looked at the confident boss and nodded heavily.

At 11 o'clock that evening, Xiao Yunhai and Apollo signed a contract in the company's conference room.

Xiao Yunhai suddenly owns shares in dozens of oil fields in the Middle East, and the Anderson family also owns shares in the two core industries of Bessie family that they dream of.

But Apollo wasn't too happy.

This time, Xiao Yunhai was not happy because he was not happy.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Apollo, you don't want to have a stiff face all night, as if you had suffered a lot of losses. You know, I got some money at most, and you probably got more than I did

Apollo looked at the agreement in his hand, reluctantly smiling, and said, "I hope so. Tomorrow, my father will call for a board meeting as a new shareholder of Citibank. Mr. Xiao, would you like to join us

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I will send people to Citibank and TCP energy company, and they will work there later. As for me, I will not go. I can imagine what the Bessies would look like when they saw me when they had a feud with them, and now they have taken you

Apollo said, "whatever you want. My father is going to ask for an audit at the board of directors to have a good look at Citibank's bills for more than 50 years. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "we can help you. However, you should do the publicity. After all, you are old rivals. "

Apollo reached out his hand and said, "although I still feel uncomfortable, I still want to thank you. Because the stakes in Citibank and TCP are crucial to me. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said, "we call it a win-win situation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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