Published at 11th of May 2022 05:11:00 AM

Chapter 1754

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An hour later, dozens of reporters gathered in front of the headquarters building of Citibank.

"What's the matter, man?" A reporter asked the photographer who was playing with a tripod.

"I don't know. It's just that I heard that there's a groundbreaking news that will be announced here. "

"What's wrong with Citibank?"

"No way."

Since its establishment, Citibank has been standing at the top of the pyramid. It is better than most national banks. No one believes that it will happen.

Among the crowd, reporters from Marvel TV also came here, ready to live broadcast here.

They are the first to get a month, early received the order of the director, waiting for major events affecting the global economy.

At 11:30 a.m., a young man in a suit and leather shoes came out in high spirits. Beside him was an oriental face, Jin Jiarong, the spokesman of Apollo and Xiao Yunhai.

"Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I'm Apollo Anderson. The reason why you are here is that I have called you here. "

Isn't Apollo Anderson the president of Anderson bank? Did he buy a stake in Citibank?

All the reporters were puzzled and whispered.

Apollo laughed and said, "you are right. We Anderson bank does own 5% of Citibank. "

"Wow, it's amazing."

"Compared with Citibank, Anderson bank is far behind Citibank in terms of strength and influence. How can this kind of small fish eat big fish

"Now the sky is going to change."

Apollo continued to bomb their ears and said, "in addition to Citibank, we also bought a 10% stake in TCP energy."

There was another uproar.

Apollo made a gesture of please to Jin Jiarong nearby and took a step back.

Jin Jiarong nodded his thanks, then stood in front of the microphone and said, "I am Jin Jiarong, the spokesman of Mr. Xiao Yunhai. I now announce that Mr. Xiao has successfully acquired 10% of Citibank and 10% of TCP energy. From today on, the three of us are colleagues. I believe that with our joint efforts, Citibank and TCP energy will develop better and better. "


Jin Jiarong's words, like a deep-water bomb, exploded in the ears of reporters.

"Why is there Kung Fu Xiao?"

"What happened to Citibank and TCP energy?"

"Did Kung Fu Xiao cooperate with the Anderson family to acquire shares in two companies?"

"Nonsense. These two companies are completely controlled by the Bessie family. How can they be sold to others? "

Just when the reporter wanted to ask clearly, Apollo and Jin Jiarong didn't give them a chance, so they turned around and left.

The press conference was only two minutes, but the impact was so great that it shocked the whole world.

That afternoon, Citibank's share price soared by 30%, and its market value directly exceeded $5 trillion.

I'm kidding. With the Anderson family and Xiao Yunhai, the new richest man, it's strange that the stock price doesn't rise.

In the White House of America, President Lyle showed a brilliant smile after watching the live broadcast of Marvel TV station.

He picked up the phone and called Simon.

"Teacher, Mr. Xiao is really efficient. It was done in less than two days. " Lyle laughed.

Simon said: "I heard it was Alan Anderson who went to Citibank in person and organized a shareholders' meeting. Elvis can't help but go, less than ten minutes, seven holes on the gas smoke, angry left. Now, I think Elvis should hate Xiao Yunhai. However, this is absolutely the best thing for us. "

Lyle said with a smile: "the base camp of Bessie family has been attacked by the Anderson family, and the contradiction in the future will be particularly prominent. Next, I will reorganize the Department of defense. The post of defense minister must be my own. As for the two vice ministers, they can have a fight. And then there are members of Congress. I intend to take advantage of the competition between the two families and ask them to give us 20 more seats. In this way, we account for two fifths of the total number of people, and we can make both ends meet

Simon said, "again, I'm all for you. However, I would like to remind you that we must master the army. Everything else is false. The army is the key. "

Lyle said, "I understand."

Xiao Yunhai's success indirectly gave them great confidence.

In addition to the White House, the Chinese government is also talking about it.

"Chongyang, you little guy is very good. Not only did we win the war, but we also dealt a blow to the Bessie family. " It's very rare for chief executive No. 1 to sit with Xiao Chongyang for tea.Xiao Chongyang said with a smile: "this boy has always had good luck."

"Luck?" Chief one waved his hand and said, "you don't have to be humble for him. It's a symbol of strength. But I don't know much about one thing. What did he do with the Bessie family? How can I force Elvis, the old fox, to make such a big concession. "

Xiao Chongyang said: "I also heard from the old man that there are 56 tons of gold in the hands of viper mercenaries, which are printed with the words of Turkish national bank."

The No.1 chief suddenly realized that Elvis had done what happened a month ago. He is really brave enough. Unfortunately, in the end, it's cheap

Xiao said with a smile: "and the Anderson family. The boy should have given part of the benefits to the Anderson family. In this way, it can be regarded as successful to arouse the contradiction between the two families. And he retired and ran back. Oh, look, there are Anderson family in the front line against the Bessie family, even if Elvis hates him again, he can't care

No. 1 leader said with a smile: "my home has been broken by the enemy, and it's too late to protect myself. Where can you have the leisure to find other people's trouble. With Yunhai's intelligence, he should have taken a lot of good things from the Anderson family? "

Xiao Chongyang said: "it should be. This boy is different from the past. He is doing more and more things. When he comes back, I need to talk to him

Chief one nodded.

The news that Xiao Yunhai became a shareholder of Citibank and TCP energy company was transmitted to Huaxia network, which immediately attracted the attention of numerous netizens.

"Yunhuang is so wonderful. Even Citibank can get it. It's a complete mess. "

"I know a fart upstairs. Citibank is great, but it can't match TCP energy. This is a big Mac, with 10% of the shares worth more than $200 billion. "

"Both Citi and TCP are influential companies in the world. The emperor of cloud has become their shareholder, which is to promote our national prestige. "

"Originally, the cloud emperor wanted to upload" the divine eagle knight errant "on this Monday, but he broke the appointment. I was still very angry before. Now I know that he went to America and was busy with the acquisition. I forgive him

"Huang Yun didn't support it."

Netizens have sung praises for Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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