Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:55 AM

Chapter 1758

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In a luxury villa, Cai Pei called Chu Wenqing excitedly.

"Mr. Chu, I'd like to tell you a piece of good news. Mr. Xiao has published three chapters in his book" the hero of the eagle. "

Chu Wenqing laughed and said, "I just knew. Mr. Cai, your traffic has increased a lot? "

Cai Pei said triumphantly: "in less than five minutes, nearly a million people have bought the" eagle knight errant ", which is just crazy. Where are you? "

Chu Wenqing said: "our magic wolf is a little bit better than you. It has exceeded one million. It seems that the eight cents per thousand words is a little low. "

Cai Pei said with a smile, "no matter how high it is, Mr. Xiao is not happy. He wrote the book for the sake of fans, not money. I don't know what happened to Mr. Zeng? "

Chu Wenqing said: "he has drunk too much and is sleeping. I just called him. "

Just then, Chu Wenqing's wife suddenly called out.

"Lao Chu, please log on to the client side of the dream chasing novel. The number of viewers of Mr. Xiao's" divine carving knight errant "has exceeded five million."

Chu Wenqing was stunned. After five seconds, he said, "Mr. Cai, it seems that the main computer station is not as good as the mobile phone client."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's "divine eagle swordsman" was released, tens of millions of martial arts fans in China were all crazy.

At a barbecue stand near Huaqing University, eight students in the same room made a lot of money after finishing a project. They ate barbecue and drank beer. They were very comfortable.

"Have you heard that yunhuang has acquired shares of Citibank and TCP. Oh, my God. That's amazing One of the fat people ate his mouth full of oil and said after a sip of beer.

"Well, we all say that all the people who come out of Huaqing university are pillars of talent. It's a pity that people compare with each other and are very angry. When compared with other people's emperor Yun, we are just a fart." The boss said with a bitter smile.

The old three said with a smile: "you boss, don't compare yourself with my idol. There is really no comparability. By the way, fat man, I've heard everyone tell you to go after school flowers again. What's the result? "

The fat man's face changed and said, "third brother, can we not open the pot and mention it? They only said a word, and I backed out. "

"Which one?" They asked in unison.

The fat man learned the appearance of school flowers and said in a shrill voice: "as long as you have one percent of the cloud emperor, I will marry you."

"Shit, one percent. What's that?"

"The cloud emperor's present value is estimated to be 15 trillion US dollars, and one percent is 150 billion dollars."

The fat man said, "don't you think it's difficult?"

At this time, they suddenly found that except for their own table, everyone was looking down at their mobile phones, even the boss was no exception.

The third came to the boss, patted him on the shoulder and said, "boss, what are you looking at? So absorbed. Are we ready for the chicken wings? "

The boss shook his mobile phone and grinned: "I'm sorry. I just heard from the classmate on the table that the first three chapters of emperor Yun's" divine eagle knight errant "were released. I couldn't stand it. You can rest assured that even if... "

has not finished, the college students in front of you will have gone back.

"Brothers, quickly open the dream app, the cloud emperor's" divine eagle swordsman "appeared

"What? Damn it, my Guo Jing and Huang Rong. "

All eight people took out their mobile phones and looked at them quickly.

In this way, the entire barbecue stand appeared a magical scene, whether the boss or guests, all looked down at the mobile phone.

From this, we can see what kind of expectation we have for "the eagle knight".

What they don't know is that the book review area of the three websites has been occupied by martial arts fans.

"Great. This is the martial arts in my mind. The choice of words and sentences is the same as that of the legend of Shooting Heroes. "

"Just looking at the first three chapters, I know that this is definitely another classic of martial arts."

"When I saw the name tianwaike, I was very excited. Sure enough, the hero of the eagle didn't let me down

"I strongly ask the emperor to add more. Anyway, you have finished writing it. Please send it out quickly."

"Don't say anything. I'll give you 100000 magic wolf coins first

"In order to express my reverence and love for the hero of the eagle, one million. Be a leader first. "

"Damn it, the god named fallen leaves is too good. If you give a reward of 10 million yuan, it's 100000 yuan."

On the list of the three major websites, the hero of the eagle has become one of the most famous online gods of the year in just one night. Seeing such achievements, they all knelt down.

"In the future, please don't call me the great God. Compared with the emperor, I am a fart."

"The annual income of more than 10 million is regarded as the great God. What is the one billion yuan a night for the emperor of cloud?""I've never been a fan of fiction. But after seeing the achievements of emperor Yun, I am convinced

"I always thought I was good at it. But as soon as the "eagle knight" came out, I gave it a reward of 100000. "

After only three chapters, the hero of the eagle has been popular all over China.

"Wife, how are you? Are you not satisfied? " Xiao Yunhai saw the achievement of "the hero of the eagle" and said with pride.

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "husband, don't be complacent. When XiaoLongNu is in trouble, these fans will turn from pink to black immediately and scold you to death. Do you believe it

Xiao Yunhai thought of the story that great Xia Jin had been blocked by fans to protest in his previous life. He was excited and said, "wife, otherwise, let's go and hide from the old man. I suddenly feel that it's not very safe here? "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said with a sneer, "who let you write like that, you deserve it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I deserve it, but you are not. If they really come to our door to protest when they are excited, it will not be good

Zhao Wanqing showed a slight frown and said, "in a few days, the two babies will have a good cold. Let's go out to the public. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. "You mean 61 children's day?"

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai had promised his grandfather Chen Jiahong to watch the party organized by the martial arts school, and would let Yunqing TV station broadcast it live. Chen Jiahong attached great importance to this.

Xiao Yunhai is too busy to have too much space. Chen Jiahong asked Zhao Wanqing to find many dance and music teachers in Hanhai to help the children rehearse.

After a few months, I believe they should be ready.

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. Grandfather said that the children were excited when they heard that they were going to be on TV. They trained very hard every day. They are all a group of poor children. They have not been loved by their parents since childhood. They are relatively inferior. I think this is the time to help them rebuild their self-confidence. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. We'll be there in a week. By the way, since children's Day is 61, can't we start empty handed? "

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "then buy them some school supplies and daily necessities, and then buy some gifts to reward the children who perform. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, it's settled." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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