Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:54 AM

Chapter 1759

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In a villa in Yanjing, Wang Yangqiu, whose pseudonym is Wang Yang, saw that the legend of the heroes of the gods was so popular that he smashed the teacup into eight pieces.

He answered a phone call from Shengshi staff and said that from last night to now, the traffic volume of Shengshi novel network was 50% less than that of the original. The reason is that all the fans have gone to see the "divine eagle swordsman", which makes Wang Yangqiu very angry.

But I can't help it. It's so classic that even he thinks it's good, let alone other people.

At this time, a woman in her fifties, who was dressed very solemnly, came in.

Seeing the pieces of tea cups in the living room, the woman shook her head and said, "what are you doing in Yangqiu? Why are you so angry? "

It was Mu Wenli, Wang Yangqiu's mother.

"Mom, am I particularly bad compared with Xiao Yunhai?" Wang Yangqiu asked helplessly.

When Mu Wenli heard the name Xiao Yunhai, her face sank and said, "Yangqiu, how could you suddenly have such an idea?"

Wang Yangqiu said, "Mom, you answer me first."

Mu Wenli pursed her lips, organized her language, and sighed, "it's not that you are bad, but he is so excellent. Xiao Yunhai is less than 30 years old. Through his own efforts, he has reached a fortune of more than 20 trillion yuan, which is extremely rich. It is said that he has set up a dragon war mercenary in Africa. Even the Bessie family of America has been severely punished by him, forcing them to hand over Citibank and TCP shares to him. Such a person, let alone you, is one by one in China. Who can compare with him? "

Wang Yangqiu said, "yes. At the beginning, I was not as good as him, and now I have nothing. We, the Wang family, have also suffered a serious blow because of me. "

Mu Wenli knew that Wang Yangqiu had been playing with Xiao Yunhai, which led to the Wang family being implicated.

Seeing his disheartened and disappointed appearance, Mu Wenli comforted: "Yangqiu, don't think about the past. Now you are the president of Shengshi novel. Let's start from scratch. "

Wang Yangqiu said maliciously, "but I am not reconciled. If Xiao Yunhai doesn't pay the price, I won't be reconciled in my whole life. "

Mu Wenli frowned: "Yangqiu, I beg you, don't go to Xiao Yunhai again. Today, he is at the top of the world's gold tower. You can't fight him at all. We Wang family can't fight him. "

Wang Yangqiu closed his eyes and said, "Mom, don't worry. I know it in my mind. Xiao Yunhai can use six years to develop from a poor student with nothing to today, and I will certainly succeed. "

Mu Wenli said: "I just hope you can be safe, and then give me a grandson, other I don't care about anything else."

Pity the world's parents.

Mu Wenli was also a leader at the official and ministerial level, known as the iron lady. I don't know how many officials are afraid of her. But in front of Wang Yangqiu, she is just a mother who is very careful.

Wang Yangqiu said: "Mom, don't worry. I will let you report to your grandson as soon as possible."

Xiao Yunhai will not know about Wang Yangqiu. Even if I know, I won't take it to heart.

According to the original plan, Xiao Yunhai updated the chapter of "divine eagle knight errant" every two days. Every time he updated it, countless martial arts fans would complain, and they all strongly demanded that he be faster.

Of course, there will also be numerous awards. After five chapters, the reward has exceeded 250 million, much more than that published.

The key point is that the update of "the eagle of heroes" has brought a lot of popularity to the website and the novel client. The traffic volume of Shengshi has dropped dramatically. Even those writers of heyday have discussed with their fans about the novel in their own comment area.

Xiao Yunhai's phone call was Yang. Every day, the director came to ask for the adaptation right of the novel, and without exception, all of them were sent away by Xiao Yunhai.

I'm kidding. A TV series like "the hero of the eagle" will surely be a hit. Of course, it will be left to Hanhai film and television investment company to shoot.

Good news also came from the United States. Through the auction, dozens of oil field shares obtained from the Anderson family sold more than 458 billion US dollars, hundreds of billions more than Xiao Yunhai expected.

After the auction, Gavin Dulles, general manager of Yunqing oil and gas company, held a press conference to announce the remaining 20 oil fields in the Middle East. In a short period of two days, the stock price soared, and the market value of the company exceeded the $1 billion mark.

The news soon spread all over the world, Xiao Yunhai's fortune exceeded $25 trillion, and immediately let him stand on the crest of the waves.

"Twenty five trillion dollars. How much is that? It scared the baby to death. "

"Yunhuang's assets are equivalent to the net income of the whole China in one year, which is terrible."

"It took emperor Yun only six years to achieve this. People are more angry than others."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai has become a national topic, many TV stations have taken advantage of this opportunity to find many experts to discuss Xiao Yunhai's success, and won a large audience rating.To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Barker bank actually became popular in China because of this.

After seeing Xiao Yunhai's worth, we began to trust Barker bank, and many people rushed to Barker branches all over the country to deposit money.

Seeing this, Zhao Guangting immediately invested one billion yuan and launched extensive publicity in China.

In particular, the photos of 17 million tons of gold, in addition to making people dumbfounded, felt a sense of security. In addition, its interest rate is higher than that of the four major banks and Citibank, and its service is more considerate, convenient and quick, and it soon makes a big difference.

In Africa, the Bessie family sent people to borrow prisoners and carry gold. After Xiao Yunhai sent copper and manganese ore to China, the government sent troops to take over.

Xiao Yunhai's gold and diamonds were taken back to Yanjing by the transport plane and locked in the vault.

"Three ladies, have you ever seen such a big diamond?" Xiao Yunhai, with five diamonds of more than 300 carats, said triumphantly to Chen Xiuzhu, Yan Feiyun and Zhao Wanqing.

Diamond for women, is absolutely full of temptation.

Now put the 10 billion check in front of Zhao Wanqing and others. They may not even look at it, but the five crystal clear huge diamonds are different. As soon as they are taken out, they attract the attention of three people.

Zhao Wanqing grabs the box in Xiao Yunhai's hand and gives it to her mother and mother-in-law. Then she picks up one and looks at it carefully and says, "husband, is this diamond too big?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what's big? The largest diamond in the world is more than 3000 carats, and they are less than one tenth of others. "

Chen Xiuzhu said, "Yunhai, how are you going to deal with it?"

Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said, "you can do it. I don't understand."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "there are many skilled craftsmen in my jewelry company. They can make some jewelry for us with agate and jadeite. It's OK to wear them yourself or give them away. By the way, husband, the hundreds of tons of diamonds will be handed over to Yunqing jewelry company. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. You let them do it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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