Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:51 AM

Chapter 1761

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Xiao Yunhai's identity in the upper circles is not a secret, but no one dares to say it to the outside world.

Joking, the identity of the Xiao family has not been announced by themselves. Who dares to take over the responsibility.

But now, Xiao Yunhai is a descendant of the Xiao family. It is well known on the Internet that no one can stop the fermentation of things.

In particular, this moment was also a time when the book "the Condor Heroes" caused strong dissatisfaction among the book fans, which was just worse.

"Husband, what to do?" Seeing that there are black husbands everywhere on the Internet, Zhao Wanqing is worried.

Xiao Yunhai did not expect such a thing to happen before. He had never worried about the "divine eagle knight errant". Like great Xia Jin in his previous life, he still did not change his original intention even though he was resisted by tens of thousands of martial arts fans in Xiangjiang. This is the character of a scholar.

But when two things are added together, it's not as simple as 1 plus 1 equals 2.

"This is someone who is leading netizens to discredit me." Xiao Yunhai has a dignified face.

Zhao Wanqing said, "do you want to explain it?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's a little early now. Wife, guess who did it

Zhao Wanqing is also an ice snow smart woman. She thinks deeply and says, "is that Wang Yangqiu who has adjusted her face? I can see that everything starts from the legend of the Condor. The people who blackmail you are also a group of people, and their names have not changed. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you're right. I'm 100% sure that it must be him who started it. Others don't have the courage. "Divine eagle knight errant" has increased the customer flow of the three websites and our dream driven novel app by 30%. This is long and the other is gone, and the passenger flow of the prosperous age is much less. It can be said that we are now competing with each other. I'm not surprised that he attacked the hero of the eagle, but I really didn't think he would dare to do such a thing. It seems that this man is determined to fight against me. "

Zhao Wanqing just wanted to say something, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly rang. It's Wu's game.

"Lao Xiao, are you in trouble?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "someone made a post on the Internet and published my identity, which is not a good thing for me."

Wu Yifa said: "the post came out less than ten minutes ago, and I sent someone to check it. Do you know who did it? "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "in addition to that Wang Dashao, who can still have."

Wu's method of playing chess was surprised and said, "have you checked it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I guess. From your tone, it seems that my guess is correct. "

Wu said, "yes. "The heroine has been treated like that. What else are you looking at. It's boring. I'm sorry for my ten thousand yuan reward. "

"Yes, upstairs. Anyway, I don't want to watch it. It's so sad. "


although Zhao Wanqing posted a post, the effect was not so obvious. Almost half of the fans supported and opposed it.

It's still something that never happened.

In the past, as long as a little explanation was given, everyone would stand on Xiao Yunhai's side to speak. But now people are skeptical, which makes Xiao Yunhai feel a sense of crisis. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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