Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:49 AM

Chapter 1762

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"Yunhai, are you resting now?" At ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Zhan, who just came back from the TV station, called Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Wan Qing and I have not slept, uncle, come here."

Soon, Chen Zhan came in from the outside.

Glancing around, Chen Zhan asked softly, "are all the children asleep?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I've been sleeping for a long time. Uncle, you don't have to be so quiet. They're big now, they're sleeping so fast that even the thunder can't wake them up. "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "Yunhai, online comments are not good for you? I've seen your fan count drop by tens of millions. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I was blackened. Originally, I wanted to give an interview and explain it in a few days. Look at the current situation, if we let the event continue to ferment like this, it will be a big event. "

Chen Zhan said: "I will arrange for you to participate in an interview with Yunqing TV station tomorrow afternoon. After recording, edit it and broadcast it in the evening. The host let Xin star come. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no way. It can't be recorded. It has to be broadcast live. Now the netizens are not easy to fool. Once you record like this, they will say that it is post production, and the persuasiveness will drop a lot. "

Chen Zhan said: "OK. You should communicate with Xinxing more and don't make mistakes. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

"The heroes of the gods" and Xiao Yunhai's identity incidents have not passed. Another thing about him has exploded all over China, that is, the movie "Zhu Xian" was painted in cinemas all over the world, and the box office broke through 30 billion US dollars, reaching 34.8 billion.

Seeing such a number, both the industry and ordinary fans do not know what to say.

Although we have predicted before, but when things really happen in front of their own eyes, I still feel incredible.

It's 34.8 billion dollars, which is really frightening.

Even if a director has spent his whole life, his films may not be able to reach this number.

At present, there is none in China, but there are several in Hollywood, which mainly borrow the light of 3D movies.

"The emperor of cloud has given us the glory again. It's very powerful."

"Shooting" Zhuxian ", the emperor of cloud should not have the help of Xiao family's power, those black powder can shut up."

"Cloud emperor come on, don't mind those bastards' smear, we will support you forever."

"Yunhuang, making more and better movies is what you should do. Other bad comments should be treated with or without

or not. "

Xiao Yunhai's "Zhu Xian", which made fans who supported him and had honor, won the victory of public opinion temporarily.

People in the circle have been interviewed by reporters.

"Director Jiao fangtao and Mr. Liang Hui, what do you think of Zhu Xian's $34.8 billion box office

Jiao fangtao said with a bitter smile: "2012 is a monument that I have always wanted to surpass the past, but it has not yet surpassed it. A higher monument has been erected. With $34.8 billion, I'm afraid I won't be able to make a movie with such a high box office even if I make it for another 20 years. "

Liang Hui said: "my appraisal only has one sentence," after Zhu Xian, there is no immortal Xia. "

On hearing this, Jiao fangtao immediately said, "wrong. Mr. Liang, you forget that there is a "Zhuxian 2" behind Zhuxian

Liang Hui laughed and said, "look at my brain, there is indeed a" Zhuxian 2. "

"You two, it's been said all over the Internet recently that Mr. Xiao is the son of Xiao family. Did you know this before?"

Liang Hui said: "when we were filming Infernal Affairs, we already knew it. To be honest, I was shocked. However, if you want to say that he succeeded by relying on the Xiao family, that's totally nonsense. Yunhai's family affairs are special. He knew his life experience only when he had a fortune of hundreds of billions of dollars. The Xiao family did not give him any help in his development. "

Jiao fangtao said: "when many people on the Internet hear that Yunhai is the second generation official, they think that his success has water. This is a typical jealousy. I don't have the ability, so I hypnotize myself. I feel that the great achievements of others depend on external forces. Ha ha, this is a serious lack of self-confidence. Yunhai is an open and aboveboard man. I have never heard of him relying on the Xiao family to do some secret activities. I can vouch for that with my reputation. "

Liang Hui nodded and said, "I can do the same."

On the Internet, Xiao Yunhai's old friend Ye Yongren published a post on his homepage.

"First of all, congratulations to Yunhai. After 2012," Zhu Xian "hit a new box office high of $34.8 billion. In this way, the first and second place in the box office of world film history are his films. I hope he will continue his efforts and take the third place

"Secondly, let me talk about the identity of Yunhai. We should all know that he and I met at a concert of Zheng Hai. At that time, he had just entered the entertainment circle. He was a very talented new man, and he did not know that he was the child of the Xiao family. Even when he got married, no one from the Xiao family went to attend. We didn't know his identity until Infernal Affairs. Therefore, he does not exist to use the identity of Xiao's children to do anything for himself. I hope you don't get him wrong. "Huang Bo, who is busy getting married, posted some direct posts on his home page.

"Shut up my third brother's blowers. Is it interesting for you to talk nonsense online? What do you know? You don't know anything. In school, not to mention popular, drink spicy, he three meals a day is a problem. For a woman, he fell out with his parents. He didn't have any financial resources. Even his tuition fees were earned by working as a group actor. Our class knows about it. As for how he became a child of the Xiao family, it's a private matter of others. It's none of your business. Finally, congratulations on the $34.8 billion box office of Zhuxian

"Third brother, I got married on June 6. You should prepare a big red envelope for me. It is absolutely impossible for you, a millionaire, to lose eight digits. Ha ha. "


the entertainment industry began to make collective efforts. Big stars such as Huang Qiusheng, Chen Huan, Yao Na, Huang Peiqi, Wu Zixu, Wang Guoan and other big stars all began to speak for Xiao Yunhai, and public opinion suddenly showed a trend of one side falling.

These artists and their personalities are deeply trusted by Chinese fans. They collectively say so, which has a great impact on netizens.

At this time, Yunqing TV station released an interview with yunhuang at 9:30 p.m., which attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao Yunhai's iron fans are very happy. Since he dares to come out, it shows his idol's confidence.

Wang Yangqiu, in the president's office of Shengshi, handed a piece of paper to Zhang Le and said, "since Xiao Yunhai wants to participate in the live interview, I'll let him have a hard time. Zhang Le, you find someone to sneak into Yunqing TV station and ask Xiao Yunhai these questions. "

After seeing Zhao Wanqing's post, Zhang Le has been playing drums for fear that the other party will really find himself.

Now Wang Yangqiu asks him to do something unfavorable to Xiao Yunhai and scolds his mother in his heart.

"Mr. Wang, Xiao Yunhai may have known about my post. I'm afraid I'll never die if I go on with it. What's more, no one dares to do it in front of Xiao Yunhai. " Zhang Le said with a sad face.

Wang Yangqiu said: "if you can't find someone, you can do it yourself."

He took a check out of the drawer and said, "this is five million. You just have to ask these questions on the paper on the spot, and it's yours. "

"Five million?" Zhang Le, who has always been greedy for money, stares at the check with his eyes. His face falls into a struggle. Finally, he bites his lip and grabs the check in his hand. He says, "Mr. Wang, I'll go to Yunqing TV station immediately."

Wang Yangqiu's face showed a brilliant smile and said, "go."

After Zhang Le went out, Wang Yangqiu said triumphantly, "Xiao Yunhai, I think you are not dead this time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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