Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:48 AM

Chapter 1763

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At 9:20 p.m., in the live broadcasting Hall of Xinxing show of Yunqing TV station, the lights were bright, and more than 300 live audiences were in place, including Zhang Le, who also sat down. Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "but you didn't change it in the end? Why? "

Of course, Xiao Yunhai can't say that it is because the great Xia Jin in his previous life has not changed. He said, "you just said that little dragon girl is a fairy like figure, right?"

"That's right."

"But I'm not writing about immortals, but about living people. From the beginning of her appearance, I wrote Xiao Longnu as a woman who was as cold as ice and still as water. She gave people the feeling that she could only be viewed from a distance and could not be profane. XiaoLongNu's loss of virginity will allow her to put all her feelings on Yang Guo and stop deliberately suppressing her, so that she can go from an immortal to a human being. "

"But the process is too painful for fans to accept."

"No rain, no rainbow. The following plot, the protagonist Yang Guo is also miserable. Two people with defects, finally overcome all difficulties, walk together, is the real love

"Is Yang Guo miserable? What's the matter

"I don't know. However, after he is miserable, he will be ready to work hard and become a master of the world. "

"So many fans are discontented, have you ever thought about changing it?"

"How? I've set the plot for the rest of the story. I can't change it. The whole novel revolves around a sentence, asking what is the world's love, teaching life and death. Don't deny this book completely just because you see something wrong with XiaoLongNu. I can assure you that the plot under this book will be more wonderful. "

"Mr. Xiao, on behalf of all the fans, I'd like to ask you if you can send out all the chapters in the back? It's hard to wait for a chapter in two days. "

"That's right."

"That's it. It's been so hard for two days that people are itching."

Zhang Xinxing's words, caused the fans of the scene to agree.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. I mainly want to attract you to visit the three major websites of magic wolf, Shuhai and Tenglong and the dream app to enhance our reader flow. Since we strongly demand it, let's do it one chapter a day. "

"Good." There were warm applause at the scene.

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "everyone heard it. Don't abandon the book, or you will regret it. This is the end of our conversation on the issue of the hero of the eagle. And then it's about who you are. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "actually, it's not about my identity, but you want to know if I have used this identity to do some shameless activities for my company, right?"

Zhang Xinxing nodded and said, "so you are really the grandson of the old chief of xiaoleshan?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Don't you know my wife admitted it online? "

Zhang Xinxing said: "I just want to confirm it again. Mr. Xiao, many people on the Internet are saying that your success is because you are a descendant of the Xiao family. What do you say? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I can explain the psychology of this person. They are just comforting themselves. You can see that Xiao Yunhai has such achievements because of his identity, not his own efforts. If he is an ordinary person, just like me, no matter how hard he tries, it's useless. In this way, to find their own excuses. Unfortunately, what I want to tell you is that the establishment of all my companies has nothing to do with the Xiao family. "

"My grandfather Xiao Leshan is very strict in governing his family. He is very clear that with his brand, if people of the Xiao family are engaged in business in China, they are absolutely unimpeded. Therefore, he forbids anyone from the Xiao family to go fishing for money. The elders of my previous generation and the brothers and sisters of the same generation either went into politics or the army. No one dares to go into business. "

Zhang Xinxing asked, "then why did you break this case?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I never met the old man before I got married, and I never knew that I was the child of Xiao family. His ban has nothing to do with me. After I met each other, I was already one of the top 20 richest people in the world. He can't make me give all my money and be a poor man. "

Zhang Xinxing said, "why didn't your father tell you about the relationship with the old chief executive?"

"It's a matter of the previous generation, I can't say." Xiao Yunhai considered some words and said: "well, my father and my father have a huge difference on one thing. Neither of them will give in, and the contradiction is very big. The old man was so angry that he drove my father away and told him not to go back to Yanjing again, let alone use the banner of the Xiao family. "

"my father as like as two peas in my grandfather's temper, changed his name from Xiao Changfeng to Xiao Qifeng, and then moved to Zheng Hai with my mother and became an ordinary teacher. All of a sudden, it was 25 years. If you don't believe it, you can check it out at my dad's school. He has been a Chinese teacher for more than 20 years and has taught countless students. "

"Wow. It's too cruel. "

"It's just a TV play."

"There are some in the plot of the novel, but I didn't expect it in reality."The audience murmured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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