Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:46 AM

Chapter 1764

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Zhang Xinxing also did not expect such a thing, so said: "the old chief executive and your father's temperament is really strong enough. But you have the same temperament. It's also because of one thing. You fell out with your father. You didn't go back home in four years of college, and you didn't use any money from him. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not four years, it's more than three years. At that time, my grandfather and my mother were secretly giving me money, but I was useless. In terms of temper, I have to admit that our three generations are a bad virtue. I have gained a lot from my three-year career, such as my teacher Yao Wenyuan and my brother Huang Bo. They often help me and ask me to accompany them to dinner. In fact, I know in my heart that they are worried about me being hungry. "

"How miserable were you in those years?"

"The worst is the beginning of freshman year. You know, the tuition of Yanjing Film Academy is much more expensive than that of other schools. So I came to Yanjing ahead of time to a hotel to work, to earn tuition fees, but not to earn living expenses. For half a month, I always eat steamed bread and mustard, and buy instant noodles when I'm good. The students in the dormitory couldn't see it any more, so they took me out to eat and even gave me money, but I didn't go or borrow it, mainly because I couldn't afford to lose that person. Looking at my situation, Huang Bo went to the student union and found me a job. He could earn 12000 a month, which is a solution to my urgent need. "

"You have a stubborn temper. You used to say that when you were in college, you used to go out and do group acting, right

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. After I was a freshman, I went outside to find a production crew to film. In a summer vacation, I performed more than ten plays, with an average income of three or four hundred yuan a day. "

"No. How can you make so much money? "

"I'm not only doing group performance, but also doing Wuti. You know my kung fu is still good. Because of its danger, this business makes more money. "

"What celebrities have you worked for?"

"Teacher Liang Hui's martial arts film" hero without regret. ". He was injured while filming and was lying in the hospital. I did martial arts for him for two days, but I didn't see him. Otherwise, maybe I can get his appreciation and enter the entertainment industry ahead of time. Hehe, if I don't say it, I don't think Mr. Liang knows it until now. "

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, you are too confident. You did martial arts in hero without regret. You had it on the Internet two years ago, OK

"Ha ha ha."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's astonished appearance, everyone laughed.

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "why didn't Mr. Liang mention it to me. Well, I thought he didn't know

"Mr. Xiao, after you get married, do you have any restrictions on you

Xiao Yunhai said: "how to limit it? My company is in the United States of America, I also rely on my own movies and TV series music to make money. I don't need to look for resources under the banner of Xiao family. He has no reason to restrict me. At that time, I only had dreamlike special effects image company in China, and he was responsible for the research of new special effects. After success, it brought me a lot of money. Later, the success of 3D research completely opened the door to my success. These have nothing to do with the Xiao family. "

"Later, I focused on the United States, bought Marvel comics, founded Marvel TV, and got Yunqing oil and gas company, Barker bank and so on. At present, China's industries are basically brought to China after their success in Europe and the United States. I don't believe it. You can check it. "

"That is to say, all your companies have nothing to do with the Xiao family."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Those who spray me on the Internet can shut up. What I said can be verified. If you don't believe it, I can invest 10 billion US dollars to buy the evidence that I used the Xiao family for personal gain. Anyone who finds it can make it known to the outside world, 10 billion dollars, directly to your bank card. The media all over China can testify. "

"Wow, the cloud emperor is really domineering."

"Use 10 billion dollars to attract people to check themselves. Cloud emperor, this is what kind of confidence. "

"That black powder can go away. The emperor of cloud is like this. If anyone talks about him, I must scold you to death. "

"Let's find out. One piece of evidence is worth 10 billion dollars. "

At home, Chen Jiahong, Chen Xiuzhu, Yan Feiyun and Zhao Wanqing all sat together to watch the live broadcast.

After hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Liang Jiahong patted his thigh and said, "this boy is doing well."

"Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile:" he gave us $10 billion to let the world check him out. This kind of trick is what he can think of. "

Yan Piaoyun said: "but Xiuzhu sister, we have to admit that this kind of move is the most effective and fully conveys our confidence to the outside world."

In the studio, Zhang Xinxing clapped and said, "Mr. Xiao, you don't need to check. Because your attitude has shown you are confident. "

"Mr. Xiao, can I ask you a few questions?"

At this time, Zhang Le suddenly stood up and said.Zhang Xinxing frowned and said, "this audience, we don't have this link. Please sit down

Zhang Le said scornfully: "Yunqing TV station is Mr. Xiao's. Although it's a live broadcast, who knows how long you've been practicing. "

Zhang Xinxing was about to speak when Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "sister Xinxing, please ask this gentleman to say hello, so that he will not think that we are engaging in conspiracy and forced to wash white for me. What's your name, sir? "

"My name is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Le. I'm just a nobody."

Xiao Yunhai felt that the name seemed to have been heard. After pondering for a while, he thought of Zhang Le of the flourishing age novel network? If it is, it means that this person was sent by Wang Yangqiu to deliberately disturb the scene.

Xiao Yunhai said quietly, "you are not a nobody. Well, Mr. Zhang, you can ask

Zhang Le bit his teeth and asked, "Mr. Xiao, everyone knows that you started from magic effects company. How did you get it? You know, you didn't have money to buy magic at that time

"Wow, that's a sharp question."

"I feel like something's going on. Look at the look of the host, this person is definitely not arranged in advance by the TV station. "

The audience was whispering, and the audience in front of the TV set were all bright, waiting for the good play to come on.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have never talked about the process of getting magic effects company. It's not because of how dirty it is, but because I'm worried that it will affect young people today and give them the illusion that they get something for nothing

"In other words, Mr. Xiao's magic special effects company didn't pay for it. Could it be that people paid for it?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "it's a magic with many patents and a market value of billions. Who would be so stupid to give it to me. No, I don't think so. Magic effects was a bet I had with its original owner. At that time, Wanqing and I went on a trip to America and met Mr. Thomas of paramount. He didn't believe in the power of Chinese Kung Fu, so I had a fight with his men, and everyone knew it. This guy has a good bet. He gave me the magic. It's so simple. "

Zhang Xinxing said, "you don't say it because you are worried that you will learn from others after you succeed in this way, right?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I'm an artist, and I've always had a lot of attention. I try not to let people know about these bad things. If this gentleman hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have said it at all. By the way, Xuanwu, an international superstar, was also present , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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