Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:45 AM

Chapter 1765

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"So it is."

"Compared with emperor Yun, that Thomas is really stupid."

"They are not stupid. They just don't know the power of emperor Yun. At that time, his kung fu was not famous. "

Zhang Le said: "Mr. Xiao, how did you become a shareholder of Xinhua Xia cinema? At that time, the government never approved the right to build cinemas. "

It has to be said that Wang Yangqiu's problems are very good, pointing to Xiao Yunhai's loopholes.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Xinhua summer cinema line was built by me, Mr. Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting. At that time, the Chinese cinema was divided into four parts, which were all taken by foreign companies at the auction. Seeing this situation, I had an idea, so I found them and submitted the application to the government. Because I think the entertainment and cultural industry is very important. It is impossible for the Chinese government to see all cinemas controlled by foreigners. "

"Sure enough, our application has been approved by the Ministry of culture, but the condition is that more than 60% of the domestic films must be shown every year. Our shares each account for 30%. The other 10% is donated to charity organizations free of charge in the name of new Huaxia cinema. This is also well documented. In the Chinese Red Cross Society, there is an account for the new Chinese cinema. "

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai talked freely and perfectly resolved the two problems in front of him, Zhang Le felt nervous.

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, do you have any questions?"

Zhang Le said, "No. No, and there are. Mr. Xiao, as we all know, you have set up a Yunqing coal company in Northeast China. It is said that it was introduced by commander Xiao Shengli, your second uncle, through relations, isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. However, I don't want to explain this matter any more. Because the leaders of the Chinese government all know that I am trapped by my second uncle. The profits of coal companies are not a bit worse than those of oil companies. If it wasn't for his face, I wouldn't take it at all. "

Zhang Le hehe said with a smile: "a year alone, there are hundreds of billions of taxes. You are still too small."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's your opinion. The money I invested in Yunqing coal company will get much more returns in any of my industries. The most important reason why the coal company was founded was to resettle the veterans of Liaoyang military region. We all know the situation at that time. Those private coal companies do not pay attention to safety at all, resulting in frequent accidents. My second uncle was not at ease. I was allowed to run the coal mine, but the government also had shares in it. Mr. Zhang, this matter has nothing to do with the Xiao family. If you are willing to take over, as long as the government believes in you, I can sell it to you immediately. "

Zhang Le said, "I can't afford it. Mr. Xiao, my fourth question is... "

Zhang Xinxing interrupted him and said," Mr. Zhang, can you tell me how many questions you still have? "

"There are still seven or eight," Zhang said

Zhang Xinxing said helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, we can all hear that you are looking for Mr. Xiao's problems in the operation of the company. You want to prove that Mr. Xiao has taken advantage of Xiao's family for personal gain. Today's TV interview is mandatory. More than 30 minutes have passed now. Could you hurry up. So, the last question, you can ask the question that you think is most likely to achieve your goal. No way. We can't afford it. Please understand. As for the rest, you can ask Mr. Xiao to answer through the reporter. "

Zhang Xinxing's words are actually playing Zhang Le's face.

The audience didn't care much about it. After hearing Zhang Xinxing's words, they immediately noticed this, and their eyes suddenly changed.

This person is really not pure motive.

Zhang Le had no choice but to find one of Wang Yangqiu's questions and said: "on the Internet, we have seen more than 1700 tons of gold from Barker bank, which is really shocking. Could you tell me whether they were transported back from South Africa by Chinese transport planes? I heard that there are four fighter planes escorting them. If you are not from the Xiao family, how can the army help you as a businessman? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed. "The call of the army is the first and the military committee has the final say. We have no right to be included in our shaowai family, including my uncle, uncle Bo. Since the army helped to bring my gold back, it was naturally the instruction of the first chief. Because it involves trade secrets, I can't tell you. "

"Audience friends on the scene and in front of the TV, I Xiao Yunhai can clearly tell you that I have never done a dirty thing since I started business, and I have not used the power of my grandfather and my uncle to pit the government's money. On the contrary, I have invested in the construction of eight highways, six railways and one high-speed railway in the western region. More than 80% of the oil owned by Yunqing oil and gas company has been sold to Huaxia. Our leaders and I have donated more than 200 billion yuan to Yunqing charity fund

"Do you think I can rely on the Xiao family to bring me these benefits? I'm really angry and sad about the recent online attacks on me. Because I didn't expect so many people to follow the Internet water army to stigmatize me, which makes me a little unbearable. Can't all I've done over the years bring back a little bit of trust? "Zhang Xinxing was excited when he saw Xiao Yunhai. He even said, "Mr. Xiao, don't do this. We all believe in you. If you don't believe it, listen. "

"Yunhuang, you are the best."

"Cloud emperor, we believe in you."

The audience yelled.

Xiao Yunhai eyes red, stood up and said: "thank you, thank you, also thank those who have been supporting me online."

There were bursts of applause.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang wanted to slip away.

Seeing that he was going to leave, Xiao Yunhai stopped him and said, "Mr. Zhang, you asked me a few questions, and I would like to ask you some in turn. Can you wait a minute? "

Zhang Le reluctantly said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, the program is almost over. We'd better discuss it in private."

Xiao Yunhai said: "director, give me two more minutes. Is that ok?"

Sitting in the first row, the director said, "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai said thanks, and then asked Zhang Le, who was at a loss, "Mr. Zhang, are you the director of the Publicity Department of Shengshi novel network?"

"Shengshi novel network? What does this have to do with Mr. Xiao? "

"You're not a fan of fiction. Mr. Xiao's "divine eagle swordsman" was released on the dream following app and three major websites, which had the biggest impact on the market share of Shengshi. Of course, they want to make Mr. Xiao stink, and then affect "the eagle knight."

"Oh, I see."

Hearing the discussion behind him, Zhang Le didn't know what to do, and his face turned pale.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhang Le, yes, no, it's not. Is this difficult to answer?"

Zhang Le had no choice but to nod his head and say, "yes, I am Zhang Le in prosperous times."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang Le, do you know how I know you?"

Zhang Le looked nervous and said, "no, I don't know."

Xiao Yunhai said: "my wife said on the Internet that she had found out who was the first to post my son's post. Mr. Zhang, please answer me honestly, aren't you? "

"Wow, no, it's him."

"It seems that this man is not very brave."

"Damn it, the boy is so gentle that he can't do such a thing."

Zhang Le was so shocked that he waved his hand and said, "it's not me. Mr. Xiao, you are mistaken. I have never published or spread these things. You are framing. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's not so serious. Even if it's your post, what can it do? You're just telling the truth, not making it up. Although it has caused me some troubles, it will be fine if we explain it clearly today. Actually, Mr. Zhang, it's no use denying it. There are too many experts in the Technology Department of Yunyi shopping website and Yunqing network company. They have restored your posts. I have it in my personal space. I don't believe it. I can open it now for you to see. "

Zhang Le knew that it was no use denying it any more. His face was covered with ashes. He was not brave enough to be exposed by Xiao Yunhai in front of the audience on the scene and in front of the television. The whole person did not know what to do.

After a while, he said, "Mr. Xiao, I am also ordered to act. You must not trouble me."

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to say that Zhang Le was so bad. He said, "Mr. Zhang, you don't need to be afraid. It's like I'm going to eat you. Since it was ordered, tell me, who told you to do this? Do you pay for those cyber Marines? "

Zhang Le said: "it's our boss Wang Yang who asked me to do it. I'm looking for the Internet Navy." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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