Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:44 AM

Chapter 1766

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In front of the TV, Wang Yangqiu, who was watching the live broadcast, almost blew the TV.

"It's unreasonable to have something that can't be done enough, but something that can't be done."

He didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would know Zhang Le's name. What's more, he didn't expect that Zhang Le would be less daring than a mouse, and he would speak himself out foolishly.

On that occasion, even if Zhang Le didn't say anything, Xiao Yunhai couldn't do anything to him.

But since he said it, he was in big trouble.

There was an uproar at the live broadcast.

"Damn it, it turns out that everything was created by Shengshi novel network."

"It's so unethical."

"I usually read novels in prosperous times. It seems that I have to change this problem in the future."

"As a fan of Shengshi, I'm really speechless about the boss's practice."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhang, thank you for telling us the truth."

Zhang Le cried and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm just a small person. Please don't take this matter into consideration."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, what are you afraid of? I'm not a gangster. However, I advise you not to go back to work in heyday. If you tell your boss in front of the whole Chinese audience, he will not give you fruit to eat. This is because of me. If you don't have a place to go, I can introduce you to the Publicity Department of dream chasing client. "

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Xiao," Zhang lelian said

After the live broadcast of the interview, the Internet exploded completely.

"Yunhuang, I'm really sorry that I missed you."

"How can a person who can donate more than 200 billion yuan to society do some shameless activities for money. Yunhuang, I'm sorry

"The most hateful is the water army, and Wang Yang, the boss of Shengshi novel network."

"Isn't Sheng Shi's boss surnamed Zheng? Why it became Wang Yang. "

"I won't go to Shengshi novel website again. It's shameless. "

"In the online world, competition is normal, but this kind of unscrupulous approach to success is really disgusting."

The great God level writers of Shengshi literature network have also made speeches.

"I've always been proud of this title as the golden God of the golden age, but today, I look down on myself."

"As soon as Mr. Wang of the prosperous age came up, his welfare increased a lot. He thought he was a person who did great things, but he didn't expect that... It was disappointing."

"The emperor of cloud's" divine eagle swordsman "is really good-looking, compared with our network gods, I don't know how much. But he is no more than a book. At most, after a while, the online world will recover again. Mr. Wang is really in a hurry. "

"After I've finished writing this novel, I'm going to go to other websites. I don't know the flourishing age. "

The so-called fear of God like opponents, afraid of pig like teammates.

Wang Yangqiu wanted to put Xiao Yunhai into the dust. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong team mate and found a man with less courage than a mouse. He was guilty of his own crimes and could not live.

Xiao Yunhai's fans vent all their anger on Wang Yangqiu, especially those fans who have wronged Xiao Yunhai, who attack most fiercely.

Wang Yangqiu's nickname "Wang Yang" was forced to shut down, and the novels of flourishing age writers suffered a disaster. Tens of thousands of book fans scolded Wang Yang in the comment area. The more popular the novel is, the more abusive posts there are. Shengshi novel network has no choice but to shut down the comment area of all writers on the ground of website problems.

Xiao Yunhai through this live broadcast, plus Zhang Le's God assists, completed the gorgeous turn.

What's more surprising is that pingei has already achieved his goal of attracting popularity to three websites and dream chasing app.

In the heyday, because of Wang Yangqiu's actions, his popularity plummeted. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is ready to publish all the later chapters of the divine eagle knight errant to avoid trouble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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