Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:42 AM

Chapter 1767

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That night, the martial arts fans saw Xiao Yunhai's "the divine eagle knight errant" to send out in one breath, one by one, they couldn't believe their own eyes.

"Damn it, the emperor is so merciful."

"The hero of the eagle" has finally revealed its full face. Thank you very much

"Yun Huang awesome is to force, passed more than 30 chapters at once, beautiful."

"I didn't say that. I'll give you a 10 million reward."

"What is ten million? Give a 100 million reward first, and if it looks good, add another 100 million. "

"It's a local tyrant upstairs. Unfortunately, you don't have as much money as the emperor. "

The next day, Xiao Yunhai got up and checked the situation of "the hero of the eagle".

Good guy, the three major websites plus the client of dream chasing novels have given more than 200 million awards and more than 100 million posts in the comment area.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. How are you?"

Just after breakfast, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Hua Mingquan.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "President Hua, long time no see. If I guess it's right, you want the copyright of the eagle knight

Hua Ming said: "that's right. Mr. Xiao, we had a very happy cooperation before. I hope you can continue to hand over the eagle knight errant to our sunshine publishing house for distribution. The share is 9:1. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "President Hua, we have all seen the carving knight errant on the Internet. Do you think it is necessary to publish it?"

Hua Mingquan said with a smile: "just because the fans have read it and know that it is very classic, they will buy it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if so, it would be better. President Hua, after all, this book has sold a lot of money on the Internet. I can't let you suffer. Let's increase the share ratio to 7:3. "

Hua Mingquan said happily, "Mr. Xiao, thank you very much."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are welcome. I'll go to Qingdao tomorrow. If it's appropriate, you can send someone to bring the contract. "

Hua Ming said with a smile, "OK. I'll have him waiting for you outside the airport. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, no problem."

Xiao Yunhai then told him the time of his arrival.

"Husband, it's time for us to go to school and give presents to the children." Zhao Wanqing took two children's hands and came out of the bedroom.

Xiao Yunhai looked at his watch, nodded and said, "it's time for the master to deliver things. Let's go. "

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to Jiahong martial arts school.

Meng Fang welcomed him with a smile, said hello, and then took out two birdie toys from his pocket and gave them to tengyang and Jinyu. They were very happy.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "elder martial brother, you have a heart. Are all the cars here? "

"Here it is," said Montfermeil. Boy, you're tough enough. There were eighteen trucks, but they had to be arranged to the playground

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "June 1 is the children's festival. We should make them happy. I heard from my grandfather that the children's rehearsals were wonderful, didn't they? "

Meng Fang nodded and said, "yes. They know that they want to be on TV, so they attach great importance to it. All the children who participate in the program practice day and night. I believe it will bring a wonderful party. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good." During class break setting-up exercise children's Day brother exercises twenty minutes' fist and walks to the stage. "All of you, today's children's day," your brother Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sister brought many school things, including laptop computer and cell phone, "

. Everyone comes up to get it in turn according to the order of the class. "

"Thank you, brother Xiao Yunhai and sister Zhao Wanqing." More than 600 children cried out in unison.

The clear and pure voice quickly melted the hearts of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and laughed at each other. They felt a strong sense of satisfaction.

At eight o'clock in the evening, jiahongwu's school day party officially opened in Yunqing TV station.

This evening party, Yunqing TV station did a lot of publicity, probably because of the existence of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, so the audience rating was very good.

The children's performance is very good, crosstalk, skits, songs, dance, magic, Kung Fu performance, every program is brilliant.

This makes people who just want to see Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing can't help being attracted by these little guys.

Due to the live broadcast, accidents will inevitably occur in the program. When a child is performing luohanquan, he forgets the action and cries there.

Other team-mates rushed to comfort him, this warm-hearted plot let the TV audience can not help but smile.

At the end of the program, host Zhang Xinxing stepped onto the stage and said, "dear audience, today's party is all completed by the children of Jiahong martial arts school. Jiahong martial arts school was founded on January 16, this year. It is funded by Mr. Xiao Yunhai. It is the principal of 95 year old Mr. Chen Jiahong. There are 600 children practicing and studying here. They are all orphans. We should thank Mr. Chen and Mr. Xiao for their learning and living environment. Today, they are all sitting on the scene. Let's invite them to the stage with the warmest applause and say two words, OK? ""Good." The children clapped their hands as they called.

Xiao Yunhai stepped onto the stage with a smile on his face and said, "Mr. Chen, my grandfather is a little tender and shy on stage, so I will speak on his behalf. First of all, today is the June 1 children's day. I wish you a happy holiday on behalf of our family.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa." The applause broke out again.

After the applause, Xiao Yunhai continued: "at the beginning of the establishment of our Jiahong martial arts school, the purpose was to promote Chinese martial arts and train you to be both literati and martial artists. To this end, the school has hired many excellent teachers to try their best to create the best living and learning environment for you. Today, I want to tell you that you have lived up to the expectations of the school. You study very hard. You are not afraid of hardship, pain and tiredness in your daily practice, which makes your teachers feel relieved and distressed. If you eat bitterly, you will become a master. That's how I came here, just like you

"You are the future of China and the pillars of our country. I hope that in the next few days, you can work hard as always and be useful to the society in the future."

"Good." The voices of more than 600 children rang through the auditorium.

Zhang Xinxing said: "I heard that Mr. Xiao left one of his poems in school. Almost every child can recite it, right?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "have you? I don't know. "

"Yes." The children answered in unison.

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile, "let's use this poem as the last program today, OK?"


All the children and teachers stood up.

Zhang Xinxing said: "I'll open a head and let's recite together. Today's responsibility... "

more than 600 voices read in unison:" today's responsibility is not in others, but in my youth. If the youth is wise, then the country is wise; if the youth is rich, the country will be rich; if the youth is strong, the country will be strong; if the youth is independent, the country will be free; if the youth is progressive, the country will progress; if the youth is better than Europe, then the country will be better than Europe; if the youth is male than the earth, then the country will be stronger than the earth. When the red sun rises, the road is bright; when the river goes up and down, the ocean overflows; the Dragon rises into the abyss, and its scales and claws soar; the milk tiger roars in the valley; the eagle and Falcon test their wings, and the wind and dust absorb; the strange flowers are born and the emperor is born; the general's hair is like the sky, and the earth is yellow; there are eight wastelands in the world; the future is like the sea, and the future is long. Beautiful, my young Chinese, and the day is not old! Zhuang Zai, my Chinese youth, with the country boundless! "Br >

the voice is loud and majestic, full of passion, hear the audience in front of the TV is scalp numb, blood boiling.

After the end of the party, netizens.

"Where is the Jiahong martial arts school? It's amazing. "

"It seems that all the emperor's family have gone, and they are sitting in the first row."

"These children in the martial arts school are both literati and martial arts. They are full of spirit, and their boxing is fierce and vigorous. "

"I think the most powerful is the little girl who sings" the sunshine is always after the wind and rain ". Her voice is sweet and my heart has melted

"Crosstalk and sketches are also very good. It's funny to watch them learn from adults. "

"What shocked me most was the last impassioned recitation of the song" young Chinese "by more than 600 children, which was really inspiring

The Party of Jiahong martial arts school has won the unanimous praise of netizens, and Xiao Yunhai has also been unanimously praised by all.

The audience rating of Yunqing TV station is very good, reaching an average of about 2%, which is much higher than other programs in the same period.

After the program, Xiao Yunhai invited all the teachers to have a meal in the hotel to show his thanks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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