Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:28 AM

Chapter 177

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"The Kung Fu is very powerful," he asked quietly

Xiao Yunhai smile, said: "careless."

"Are you not going to go up and teach him a lesson?"

"Miss Huang, you should know that I am a star. Go up and fight him, win at most is to make me more famous. If I lose, I have to die. I'm not going "

Su Yingxue also came to Xiao Yunhai at this time. After listening to him, she nodded and said," yes. Mengfang and song Yunfeng are coming soon. Don't go up and compete with him. "

At this time, there are two bodyguard like people to challenge, Yamamoto Lianggong was easy to clean up.

Yamamoto has defeated three bodyguards in a row. His momentum is like a rainbow. His whole body exudes an incomparable momentum. He raises his head and says, "who else dares to fight? Ah, Chinese traditional art was called the first in the world. Now it seems, ha ha, it's not as good as my karate. "

Xiao Yunhai heard the words of Yamamoto Lianggong, a burst of anger from the bottom of his heart.

As a star, Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to be involved in the right and wrong of martial arts. However, Yamamoto Lianggong said in public that karate is far beyond the traditional Chinese martial arts, which makes him cross the bottom line.

A warrior can be killed but not humiliated. Insulting national skills means insulting all the people who practice it.

"Do you really think Chinese art is declining?"

In spite of Su Yingxue's obstruction, Xiao Yunhai goes out of the crowd and comes to the place less than three meters in front of Yamamoto Lianggong. He stops and looks at him coldly, his eyes like a sword or a gun.

Yamamoto Lianggong instantly felt the strong sense of oppression brought to him by Xiao Yunhai. His eyes narrowed slightly and his face became dignified and said, "isn't it?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "there are dragons and tigers in China. Martial arts masters may be hidden in the poor mountains and gullies, but they don't want to appear in public."

Xiao Yun Haydn stopped and continued: "those who practice Chinese martial arts should be broad-minded and tolerant, but there is a principle that they should not be humiliated. I'm just an artist. I didn't want to get involved in karate. But what you said is too much. You even insult Chinese traditional skills. As a martial arts practitioner for more than ten years, I can only come out and teach you a lesson. "

"Shit, really?"

"I said," can the cloud emperor do it? "

"I've heard of emperor Yun's Kung Fu, but I don't know if it's fierce or not."

"No matter what, Emperor Yun dares to come out at this moment, absolutely enough man, no matter win or lose, he will be my idol in the future."

"Yes, that's right."

When the reporters saw that a crew member finally came out to fight against him, Xiao Yunhai, the famous emperor of cloud, could not care about other things. They aimed at Xiao Yunhai one after another and flashed away.

Yamamoto took a deep breath and said, "please advise me."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Yamamoto, I haven't finished. As a star, I don't fight with people casually. I have to have a lottery? "

Yamamoto's palace frowned and said, "colorful head? What does that mean? "

Xiao Yunhai explained: "lottery is also called gambling. Well, don't say I bullied you. If you lose, you will donate 100 million yuan to the Chinese Red Cross Society in the name of Xiao Yunhai before noon tomorrow. I wonder if Mr. Yamamoto dares to take it? "

Xiao Yunhai's words made the whole hall hot.

"Shit, one hundred million yuan. The emperor is too bold."

"It's my idol. It's crazy."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

I don't know who called out Xiao Yunhai's classic slogan, and then everyone followed.

Especially those young people who are full of vigor and vitality are even more excited and flushed. Standing on the seat, they are looking at Xiao Yunhai with burning eyes and shouting madly.

Wu Zixu suddenly found that Xiao Yunhai was just like the senior brother in the movie. He was tough, resolute and fearless.

Huang Qiusheng said softly: "as long as we pass this pass, the fame and fans of Yunhai will soar geometrically, not under any one of the heavenly kings."

"If you can win." Liang Hui said.

Yao Na asked anxiously, "do you think the sea of clouds can work?"

All of them were silent.

After seeing the Kungfu of Yamamoto Lianggong, even Wu Zixu and Huang Qiusheng, who had witnessed Xiao Yunhai's martial arts competition, could not guarantee that Xiao Yunhai would win.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand, and the scene was instantly quiet.

Yamamoto Lianggong said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Xiao is very confident. However, everything is unexpected. If Mr. Xiao loses... "Xiao Yunhai said loudly: "if I lose, I will go to your karate hall before 12 o'clock tomorrow and hand over 100 million checks to you."

Yamamoto Lianggong held out his thumb to Xiao Yunhai and said confidently: "happy. I agreed to your request. Ha ha, get 100 million without any reason. There is no better thing in the world. Do you need to sign a contract? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. There are thousands of fans and dozens of journalists here to testify to us, no one can be relied on

"Yes, please."

Yamamoto Lianggong finished and gave a gift to Xiao Yunhai, and his eyes became cautious.

Although he didn't see Xiao Yunhai attack, Yamamoto Lianggong could feel the explosive force contained in the enemy's body, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Xiao Yunhai hugged his fist, tied down a three body frame, and said, "please."

Yamamoto Liang palace is not polite, straight two steps, a sweep to Xiao Yunhai in front of. The right hand on the waist turned into a palm knife, regardless of it, quickly inserted into Xiao Yunhai's abdomen like lightning. His left hand is like a big axe, looking at Xiao Yunhai's neck.

When the audience saw Yamamoto's ruthlessness, they took a cool breath and couldn't help worrying about Xiao Yunhai.

Facing this move, Xiao Yunhai looks calm as water. He does not retreat but advances at his feet. He suddenly takes a step. His right arm holds the opponent's left palm, and his left hand smashes his fist towards Yamamoto's sabre.


A simple smash fist directly took Yamamoto's Palace back three steps.

Since crossing the world, Xiao Yunhai has never stopped practicing Chinese martial arts. He has to practice for at least an hour every day. With adequate nutrition and his special physique, Xiao Yunhai has almost reached the peak of dark strength, and his speed, physical strength and explosive power are several times higher than those of ordinary people.

As long as you get through the lower Yin level, you can't add a feather, and the flies can't fall. You'll be a brand-new master of Chinese martial arts.

Although Yamamoto is a rare genius in Japan, how can it be Xiao Yunhai's opponent.

After only one move, the hand was red, as if there was no sense in general.

Xiao Yunhai didn't allow people to be reasonable, and his momentum was even more indomitable. The form and meaning of "cannon" fists came out in a series, and the air burst, just like the roar of artillery. The whole hall seemed to be shaken open.

Yamamoto Lianggong's face changed greatly. He couldn't play his kung fu at all. He could only passively defend Xiao Yunhai's stormy fist.

Countless fans opened their eyes and mouths, and their ears were buzzing, and many girls even covered their ears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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