Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:38 AM

Chapter 1770

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At five o'clock the next day, the four members of Xiao Yunhai's family got up and drove to the hotel where the bride Bai Huijie was sitting in the car that Huang Bo had already prepared.

Only 20 minutes later, we arrived at the hotel where the bride was picked up.

Xiao Yunhai, as a man, stood downstairs waiting for Huang Bo to arrive.

Zhao Wanqing and her two children went upstairs.

Seeing tengyang and Jinyu, Bai Huijie, Lin Lu, Meng Xuewei, Bai binglu and other girls immediately surrounded them. One kiss, another touch, and even Zhao Wanqing's mother-in-law are squeezed outside.

Two children do not recognize life, clever call aunt, simply lovely people can not stand.

Zhao Wanqing looked at Bai Huijie's parents and said, "uncle, auntie, congratulations."

Bai Huijie's mother took Zhao Wanqing's hand and said, "Miss Zhao, I want to thank you and Mr. Xiao. Huijie often said that if there were no two, she would not have been able to get to this day. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this is all Huijie's own efforts, we just gave her a platform to show it."

After a brief chat, there was a knock outside the door.

Lin Lu asked, "who is it?"

There was a voice outside the door: "waiter."

"Why is the voice so familiar?" Lin Lu Road.

"It's dad. It's dad." Xiao Jinyu said crisply.

Lin Lu snorted and laughed and said, "elder martial brother, this move is really too low-level. Our Jinyu can see through you. I tell you, if we want to open the door, we have to go through three levels first. "

Huang Bo called out at the door, "wife, open the door quickly. I'm freezing to death. "

Bai binglu said, "it doesn't matter if your wife says it now. It's our bridesmaid's business whether we can open the door or not. Do you want to break through the barrier

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you want to break in, you can't help us with so many of us."

Zhang Guoyang echoed: "yes. You can work out a question

Bai binglu said: "the first question is very simple. We want to see how concerned the bridegroom is to the bride. Dear Mr. Huang Bo, please show us the bride's ID number. As long as you recite a wrong number, it will not pass. "

Xiao Yun Haydn was not happy and said, "what you have mentioned is too biased. I don't even remember my wife's ID number, let alone the bridegroom and bride who live together

Bai binglu said, "so you admit defeat?"

Huang Bo said, "I don't know. I saw my wife's ID card once. It seems to be 937293198002059344. Wife, right? "

Zhao Wanqing and others look at Bai Huijie, who nods.

Zhao Wanqing said, "neck, you are right. Xiao Yunhai, go back and hurry up and back my ID number. I'm pissed off. "

"Ha ha ha." Everyone laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, no problem. It's time for the second pass. "

Meng Xuewei stepped forward and said, "the second level is simple. The bridegroom should write a love poem to the bride. Only when we think it is good can we pass the test.

">"? That's too much. " Qin Yunyi called.

Lin Lu said, "you forget that you have a great God who writes poems. At the beginning, we wan Qing was hooked off by one of his songs, "that day."

Huang Bo outside the door said with a bitter smile: "third brother, brother's happiness depends on you. Come up with a love poem for me."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "don't worry, I'm thinking about it."

After carefully searching the poems he had seen in his previous life, Xiao Yunhai quickly found one and said, "is ancient poetry OK?"

Lin Lu said with a smile, "as long as it can satisfy us."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. Listen. The cloud is skillful, the flying star spreads hate, and the silver man is far away. As soon as the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win but countless in the world. Tender like water, happy season like a dream, bear to look back at magpie bridge. If the two love for a long time, it is not in the morning and evening. "

This song "magpie bridge Fairy" in the previous life almost everyone knows, but in this world has not been handed down.

Xiao Yunhai plagiarized the ancient poetry, all the people inside and outside the house were stunned.

"As soon as the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win over countless people. If the two love for a long time, it is not in the morning and evening. What a beautiful mood. " Bai Huijie's eyes are full of obsession.

Lin Lu said, "sister Wanqing, do you know this poem of elder martial brother?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Meng Xuewei said with a shocked face: "this is not what he just made it?"

Lin Lu Lu showed an unbelievable look and said, "how can it be? If it is improvised, is it still human? "

All the people outside the house recited it silently. Seeing Xiao Yunhai's eyes full of admiration, they raised their thumbs one after another and said, "you are too cow."

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't mention poetry. Neck, do you remember that? Read it again. "Huang Bo nodded and recited the poem again in an emotional tone. He said, "wife, have you passed the customs?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "you can pass. But I want to ask your third brother, what is the name of this poem

Xiao Yunhai told a lie and said, "haven't you got a name yet?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK. Listen, when you go home, write me three poems similar to it, or you will kneel on the washboard for me

"Ha ha ha." The crowd laughed again.

The second level is naturally over.

"The third song for the bridegroom is a guitar on the left. We think the singing is sincere and touching, even if we pass. " Lin Lu Road.

Looking at the guitar, Huang Bo said: "third brother, please accompany me. I want to sing your fairy tale."

Xiao Yunhai picked up the guitar, adjusted the tone, and said, "no problem."

"I forget how long it was before I heard you tell me your favorite story..."

Huang Bo's voice was low and full of magnetism, which was very recognizable. His singing skill should be regarded as professional. After a fairy tale was sung, it was unanimously recognized by the bridegroom group outside, and the applause all started.

Bai Huijie smiles on her face. She gets up and wants to open the door. Zhao Wanqing stops her.

"This song is too old for our ears to hear. It can't move us at all. Neck, don't you have a love poet there? Let him improvise a love song for both of you. If we are satisfied, we will open the door for you. " Zhao Wanqing deliberately gives Xiao Yunhai a difficult problem.

Xiao Yunhai said: "my wife, I'm married to Huijie. What kind of love song do you want me to sing. Isn't this trouble? "

Bai Huijie said: "third brother, sister Wanqing is right. When you two got married, you wrote ten new songs in one breath. They were all very nice. I hope you can write a love song for my neck and me. It would be better if we could sing to each other. Husband, what do you say

Huang Bo said, "that's right. You're right, wife

Xiao Yunhai cursed: "neck, which head are you? How can you pick up the bride if I can't think of it? "

Huang Bo said with a smile: "third brother, help me. I believe you, there must be no problem. "

Other members of the bridegroom's group were not afraid of the big things, and they were clamoring one after another.

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "shut up for me. Who has a pen and paper? "

"No They all shook their heads.

Zhao Wanqing took out a diary from her bag, tore out two of them, together with her pen, handed it to Lin Lu and said, "we have. Lin Lu, open a crack in the door and send out the paper and pen. "

Lin Lu nodded, opened the door, gave them the paper and pen, and then quickly closed the door.

Xiao Yunhai said, "you are stupid. What a good opportunity just now, why don't you know how to squeeze in. "

Zhang Guoyang said with a smile: "we all want to hear your new work, so we have no intention to break the door by force."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said helplessly on his face: "I'm almost pissed off by you."

Xiao Yunhai picked up the paper and the pen, pretended to feel like it for two minutes, and then began to write. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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