Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:37 AM

Chapter 1771

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Write for a while, stop for a while, Xiao Yunhai lingered for five minutes, this just finished a song plagiarized from a previous life.

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. The completion of the love song should be able to meet your requirements. However, this song is not suitable for guitar, so I can only sing it in a clear voice. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "then you sing to listen."

Xiao Yunhai cleared his throat and began to sing.

"Who can tell me if there is such a pen that can draw a pair of eyes without tears. Can stay in the world, a long time has passed. Can let all beautiful, from now on also no longer wither. If so, I can comfort myself. In the night without you, can draw a line of light. Stay happy, all sent to you, bitter taste changed sweet

The name of this song is "as long as there is you". In the previous life, Sun Nan and Tian Tian Na Ying were sung by the singers. They once made the last song in a "youth Bao Qingtian". Their singing skills are first-class and the interpretation is very good.

But Xiao Yunhai's singing is not weaker than them. Although there is no music accompaniment, he has not been greatly affected.

At the beginning of the first sentence, the magnetic voice was very attractive and attracted everyone's ears.

The lyrics are very beautiful, Xiao Yunhai's voice is clear and affectionate, every word is clear, so that people can fully feel the kind of deep friendship expressed in the lyrics.

Soon, the chorus arrived, and Xiao Yunhai directly raised two tones.

"From now on, we don't have to separate the heaven and the earth that love each other. We can meet the moon and the sun again in the same sky. As long as you are in life, everything has changed, so that all meteors meet at any time. Since then, there is no helpless separation in the world, I don't have to open my eyes to see your far away back. No deterioration of youth, no lost love, all promises of eternity like stars. "

every word of the lyrics is almost intoxicating.

Bai Huijie said, "sister Wanqing, this song is really wonderful. From now on, we don't have to separate the heaven and the earth that love each other. All the promises are eternal like stars. It's very good. If combined with music, I believe the appeal will be better. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I didn't expect him to have such a good song. At that time, you and your neck can record it and send it online as a witness of love. "

Bai Huijie said happily, "thank you, sister Wanqing."

After Xiao Yunhai finished singing, he called out, "how about it? Is it possible to get into the fair fair fair

Zhao Wanqing said, "just so. Whether to open the door or not, we need to discuss it again. "

Lin Lu nearby said, "sister Wanqing, let's open the door. No matter how late it is, we will not be able to catch up with the auspicious time. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "OK. Let's open the door. "

Lin Lu opened the door and the bridegroom came in.

Huang Bo sends red envelopes to the bride.

After laughing again, Huang Bo goes downstairs with the bride in his arms.

For convenience, Bai Huijie lives on the second floor.

Holding the car, 20 luxury SUVs left the hotel.

To the new house, held a simple ceremony, the whole wedding is over.

Xiao Yunhai and others find a place to have breakfast and return to their hotel, waiting for the wedding banquet at noon.

"Husband, there are so many good poems and songs in your mind." Just arrived at the room, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help saying.

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile, "is that a dog jumping over a wall? In that environment, I don't know what's going on. I think very quickly, and then I write poems and songs in a muddle

"Edit, continue to edit." Zhao Wanqing scoffed.

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around Zhao Wanqing and gave her a hard kiss on her lips, saying, "wife, you must believe me. When did I cheat you? "

Zhao Wanqing did not speak, his son Teng Yang said with a smile: "father, mother, shame."

Zhao Wanqing was suddenly embarrassed and gave Xiao Yunhai a hard look and said, "be more serious in front of the children."

Xiao Yunhai said, "I know. I can't help it. Who makes you so beautiful? "

Zhao Wanqing couldn't hold back any longer and laughed.

At noon, after the wedding banquet, Xiao Yunhai and his family headed for Qingdao International Airport. Their goal was Vienna, the capital of Austria.

Xiao Yunhai's performance in the process of Huang Bo's wedding reception was quickly posted to the Internet by the photographer of the wedding company, which aroused heated discussion.

"That poem without a name is very good. If the two love for a long time, it is not in the morning and evening, too artistic conception

"If emperor Yun is a poet, he can be a mess."

"Is that really what emperor Yun did on the spot? This literary talent is too frightening. I think we can get into primary school textbooks. "

"Emperor Yun already has several works for class, OK? There's no need to make a fuss. "

"In addition to the poem, I think" as long as there are you "is also very good. Without accompaniment, you can sing itIt's beautiful. If you add accompaniment, it's not good to hear it

"Huang Bo and Bai Huijie are so lucky that they can ask emperor Yun to write a duet for them. Waiting for the MV, it is difficult to think of fire. "

" people's yunhuang and Huangbo are good brothers in the University. What is a song? "

After the network publicity, Xiao Yunhai plagiarized the "magpie bridge Fairy", spread all over China.

"It's another classic. This guy is so good." On the car, ye Yongren looked at his computer's "ice rain" thesaurus and sighed.

When ye Yongren goes to the airport to see Xiao Yunhai off, Xiao Yunhai tells him that the song has been sent to his mailbox.

On the way back, ye Yongren can't wait to turn on the computer and say such a thing after reading it.

Li Zongmin, the agent, was also full of emotion. He said: "when I saw Mr. Xiao, I thought he would certainly have something to do. I didn't expect to kill him for six years

Ye Yongren said, "yes. Now Yunhai can enjoy the treatment of a country's president no matter where he goes. Even the No. 1 chief executive, President of the United States of America, Mr. Lyle, can talk on the phone at any time. It's amazing. Fortunately, his disposition has not changed, otherwise we will not even have the qualification to speak to him. "

Li Zongmin said, "how much are you going to give him for this song?"

Ye Yongren frowned and said, "it's not appropriate to give money. He certainly didn't write songs for me for money. We can't

give it. It's just like we took advantage of him. What do you say? "

Li Zongmin pondered for a while and said: "to donate money to his Yunqing charity fund, the best thing is to let the media spread to his ears. I'm sure he can understand what you mean

As soon as ye Yongren's eyes brightened, he patted Li Zongmin on the shoulder and said, "Lao Li, you are more and more smart now. In this way, in my name, call the foundation 30 million. "

Li Zongmin nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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