Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:35 AM

Chapter 1773

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Quietly open the door, see his wife and children are sleeping, Xiao Yunhai then crept out of the laptop, came to the next bodyguard room, check the symphony of the world.

The development of symphony in this world is very different from that of previous generations. Although there are also famous pianists such as Mozart and Chopin, Beethoven of the generation has disappeared in the long history.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai directly copied Beethoven's most shocking Symphony destiny.

Xiao Yunhai had heard this piece many times before. Every note was in his mind. Within an hour, the magnificent symphony of destiny appeared in the world.

If Huaxia Symphony Orchestra really uses symphony of destiny, it will not give them too much rehearsal time. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai calls Chen Yuanlang directly after finishing the task.

"Mr. Chen, I've finished my music. Would you please help me to see if there is any problem? Can you go directly to the Golden Hall in Vienna

Chen Yuanlang, who was rehearsing in a training room at the other end of the phone, was stunned. He thought Xiao Yunhai was joking. Unexpectedly, he actually wrote a song and said, "Mr. Xiao, your speed is too fast."

Xiao Yunhai could hear that he didn't believe in himself. He really let a pop king write symphony. He certainly couldn't be trusted. If someone else had changed, I'm afraid he would have been scolded.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Chen, this symphony is called destiny.". From the first time I heard a symphony when I was 15, it was in the making. It took me 12 years to complete it. I may only be able to make such a symphony in my life. I hope you can read it carefully. If not, I have nothing to say

Xiao Yunhai's voice is very low, in order to let Chen Yuan Long pay attention to it, so as not to send it to him, he should not be a good root grass.

As for whether it will work? Xiao Yunhai is not worried at all.

If Beethoven can't do it, Xiao Yunhai really doesn't know who else can do it.

After writing a symphony for 12 years, Chen Yuanlang was shocked and sincerely said, "Mr. Xiao, it's a great honor to be the first to see your work. Later, I'll send you my email address by text message, and you can just post the song to it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

After a while, Chen Yuanlong's message came, Xiao Yunhai according to his email address, the "Symphony of destiny" to the past.

In an exercise room, the directors of several symphony orchestras are discussing the music.

Cao minde, a famous conductor in China, saw Chen Yuanlong answer a phone call. He walked over with a dignified face and asked curiously, "yunlang, what's the matter?"

Next to the cello chief Hu Xuan said with a smile: "can't it be nervous?"

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Who is Chen Yuanlong? How could you be nervous.

"Mr. Xiao called me just now. He wrote a symphony called destiny. I hope we can play it in this concert," Chen said seriously

Cao minde was stunned and said, "Mr. Xiao? I haven't heard of any musician named Xiao? "

"It's Mr. Xiao Yunhai," Chen said

Hu, the world's richest man, said, "the world's most popular."? How do you know him? "

Chen Yuen Long said what happened to them in the square and said, "I thought he was talking about it. Who ever thought he was really playing. And, he said, it took 12 years to write this piece of music. "

Cao minde frowned and said, "Xiao Yunhai, that young man's musical creativity, is not the second person in the world. Although pop music is very different from symphony music, since he is so serious, we can't take a look at it. It won't take long. "

Hu Xuan said with a smile: "Lao Cao, I advise you not to look forward to it too much. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. I am convinced of Mr. Xiao's pop music. The boy in my family listens to it every day. His fans make me sing several songs. But when it comes to symphony, I really don't believe he can make good music

Turning on the computer, Chen said, "I'll have a look first. If not, I'll just call him back. "

Open the mailbox, Chen Yuanlang will Xiao Yunhai from the music downloaded to the desktop, click open, read.

Just the first four notes, let Chen Yuan Long's eyes shine.

It's very impressive.

A strong expectation suddenly rose in my heart.

The more he looked back, the brighter his eyes became. Half way through, his whole body trembled, his face flushed with excitement, and even his tears came out.

As a pianist, Chen Yuanlang's musical attainments are absolutely standing at the top of the pyramid. Suddenly, he saw a masterpiece, and his heart was shocked.

Although Cao minde has been joking with Hu Xuan, he has never looked away from Chen Yuan Lang, and his heart is tickling when he sees his excited appearance.

"Yuen Long, is Mr. Xiao's music very good?" Cao minde asked.Chen Yuan Lang did not lift his head, his eyes fixed on the screen, and said: "Mr. Cao, a masterpiece no less than Mozart's Sonata and Concerto, do you think you can use a good word to describe it?"

"What?" Not only Cao minde, but Hu Xuan and several performers in the distance all looked over.

Just now, Chen Yuen Long spoke in a loud voice, which startled everyone.

Cao minde walked behind Chen Yuanlang in three steps and two steps. He bent down to have a look, and immediately the whole person was fixed there, as if he had been fixed by the monkey king.

The others, seeing both of them, couldn't help but squeeze in.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yuan long stood up and roared up to the sky. He cried out in tears: "China has finally produced a famous song, which is called destiny."

It is a pity that Cao Minxia, as the chief conductor of the International Symphony Orchestra, can't be the conductor of the international orchestra.

Although many Chinese musicians have also written a lot of famous music, compared with Chopin, Mozart and other people, it is really difficult to be elegant.

I didn't expect to see a masterpiece composed by Chinese people today. Cao minde could only express his emotions by crying.

Hu Xuan and other performers were all excited, crying and laughing, just like a madman.

After a long time, Chen Yuanlang came to stabilize his mood and said, "teachers, don't get excited. I'll call Mr. Xiao and ask him about this piece of music."

Chen Yuanlang picked up his mobile phone with a trembling hand and dialed Xiao Yunhai's number.

After Xiao Yunhai got through to the phone, Chen Yuan Long immediately turned on the loudspeaker. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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