Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:33 AM

Chapter 1774

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Everyone cocked up their ears and listened to their conversation for fear that something might go wrong with this symphony of destiny.

"Hello, Mr. Chen. You've finished it so quickly." Xiao Yunhai's bright voice came from the other end of the mobile phone.

Chen Yuan Lang swallowed hard and said, "Mr. Xiao, I hope you can tell me clearly, is this symphony of destiny really your work?"

Xiao Yunhai stopped for a moment and asked, "what? Has Mr. Chen heard this piece before? "

If Xiao Yunhai's plagiarized music is the same as that of other musicians, he will be really disgraced this time.

Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. However, this "destiny" is so classic that it can be compared with Chopin and Mozart. I'm just asking you to be on the safe side. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he put down his heart and joked, "I'm scared. I thought the score of symphony of destiny was stolen and released. Mr. Chen, I solemnly tell you that it took me 12 years to write this piece of music. It's just that I haven't registered the copyright yet. "


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's definite reply, six or seven performers over the age of 40 cried out happily.

Hearing their voices, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it seems that this piece of music should be qualified for the stage of the concert?"

Chen Yuan Lang's face changed and he said unhappily, "Mr. Xiao, although you wrote destiny, I also ask you not to insult it. If even it is not qualified, then other music is not qualified. Even the famous works of Chopin and Mozart are the same. Because in my eyes, they are all works of the same grade. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "your attitude towards music has made me respect you."

At this time, Cao minde took over the mobile phone and said, "Mr. Xiao, I am Cao minde, the conductor of the Chinese Symphony Orchestra, and also the deputy head of the orchestra. I beg you to sell us the copyright of this piece. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't sell it, but I can send it. You know, I'm not short of money. If you like it, I'll give it to you. "

The whole practice room suddenly quiet down, and then burst out a greater cheering.

Cao minde said, "thank you very much, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai said: "my only request is that you play destiny in this concert. Because my wife and children will go to see it, so that I can set up a glorious image in front of the children

"Ha ha ha." Cao minde laughed and said, "no problem. We will take the time to rehearse next, and we will never disgrace this legendary song. This time, thanks to you, our Chinese Symphony Orchestra will shock the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "congratulations. When you are free, you can ask Mr. Chen Yuanlang to come to me and sign the copyright transfer contract. "

Cao minde said, "OK. Thank you

Hang up the phone, Cao minde called in high spirits: "call all the people back to me. Three days time, will "destiny symphony" thoroughly practice. If anyone dares to do something in rehearsal, just let him go. "

"Good." They all cried out in unison.

They are the leaders of each musical instrument group and have called the members respectively.

Cao minde said: "Yuen Long, you can find Mr. Xiao to sign the copyright transfer contract now, so as not to have a long dream."

Cao Longyuan said with a smile: "teacher Chen doesn't need it. What Mr. Xiao said can't be denied. "

Cao minde said, "I know. But... Forget it. Now, in the past, Mr. Xiao really felt that we didn't believe him. He felt that he was a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I'll talk about it tomorrow. "

In this way, Xiao Yunhai plagiarized "Symphony of destiny" by the Chinese Symphony Orchestra day and night to practice.

Xiao Yunhai's family of four played around Vienna. The two children were very excited. They were curious about everything and kept asking.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are very happy to see the two children playing so well.

On June 10, Vienna's golden hall, the most famous symphony orchestras from all over the world will perform here one by one. It will take about two days.

In terms of fame and strength, Huaxia Symphony Orchestra can only be regarded as the lower middle level.

The huge concert was broadcast by many TV stations, including Huaxia music station and manwei TV station by Xiao Yunhai.

Seeing his boss, the photographer of Marvel TV station went up and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm Vernon of our TV station. Do you and Miss Zhao come to the concert, too?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "yes. We didn't expect it to be broadcast on TV

Vernon said: "it's just the European region. There's not much interest in symphonies on the American side. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "China doesn't see much. It's good that you can adapt to local conditions. It's hard for you. "Vernon chuckled, "that's what we should do."

Seeing Zhao Wanqing and his two children standing there waiting for Xiao Yunhai, Vernon is very witty, smiles and nods to Zhao Wanqing, and then ends the conversation with Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing bought the ticket in the middle of the second row, the position is very good.

Sitting in a comfortable chair, Xiao Yunhai looked around for a week and said, "it is indeed a world-famous concert hall, and it is really splendid. Tengyang, Jinyu, how do you feel

Xiao Jinyu raised the milk tea in her hand and said, "Dad, I want to have another cup."

Xiao tengyang also does not live of nod, way: "I also want."

Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai helplessly said: "what is wrong answer? What is asking the blind? I get it. Wife, take good care of the children. I'll buy them. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "go ahead. Yes, I'll have one too

Xiao Yunhai promised and left.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai came back with six cups of milk tea.

In order to avoid another trip, Xiao Yunhai bought two cups for each of them.

What Xiao Yunhai didn't think of was that he just went out for a while. Unexpectedly, there was a dressed up person, five people and six guys pestering Zhao Wanqing.

"Miss, my name is Tony child, the president of BT. Is this your child? It's lovely. "

Zhao Wanqing said coldly, "thank you for the compliment."

Cho Wan Ching did not recognize the actress because she did not bring her glasses.

Just see each other's skin is white, slim, temperament is more noble and elegant, which has always liked to hunt the heart of Tony become itchy.

Although he has played with some Oriental women, compared with the one in front of him, he is just rubbish.

In the past, as long as he said a few sweet words, those beautiful women would be very interested in chatting with him, and then naturally entered the hotel. After all, what he wears shows his status as a millionaire.

But at present this one does not eat this set, does not care about himself at all, even if he shows his identity, she has no reaction at all, which makes Tony very depressed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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