Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:25 AM

Chapter 1780

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Liu Yongchun, chairman of the student union of Xi'an Conservatory of music, is a fan of Xiao Yunhai. After downloading "till forever" and "dawn", he can't wait to open it and listen to it.

"All of a sudden, life is in danger. It's too late to fulfill the wish of spring. All of a sudden, I am worried about gathering and parting. Only the movement of love comforts my missing. Don't be afraid, I'll stand by your side, heart together, love will make us brave. Don't be afraid, I'll stand by your side and see that the night can't swallow the dawn

The lyrics of "until forever" are very simple, without any delicate and artificial, and the melody is not as pleasant as imagined. However, the combination of the two has produced an extraordinary chemical effect. In particular, Xiao Yunhai's voice is hoarse with a kind of magnetism, full of compassion, which attracts Liu Yongchun's ears.

"I firmly do not let tears come to my eyes and give everything for the declaration of life. I smile and stand between life and death, the flame of love, burning heart, until forever

There are only two sentences in the climax, but they are full of power.

The first time of singing, Xiao yunhaixian's ease, left a big gap, the expression of feelings is relatively not too strong.

But Liu Yongchun knows how powerful this song will be when it finally breaks out.

Sure enough, at the climax of the second paragraph, Xiao Yunhai's voice went up and went up to the high octave. Just like the song "being", he kept torturing people's hearts.

"I firmly do not let tears come to my eyes, and I give everything for the declaration of life. I smile and stand between life and death. The flame of love burns in my heart forever

Liu Yongchun, as if in the face of the great calamity, saw the courage of the people.

"This song is so shocking."

After the last note of "until forever" falls, Liu Yongchun takes a deep breath and sends out deep emotion.

After five minutes, Liu Yongchun started Zhao Wanqing's "dawn".

At first, the melody is very sad, but very pleasant.

"It was a summer, and the wind was so lingering. It reminds me of their helpless eyes, where the beautiful scenery accompanies me, and I hear a loud noise, shaking through the valley

"It was that summer, when I couldn't see my father's face again, he used his shoulders to hold up the starting point of my rebirth. In the dark, tears filled his eyes. Don't leave, don't hurt... "

this song" dawn "was written for a couple by Han Hong in the previous life. At that time, they took a cable car with their child, and the cable car suddenly crashed. Before dying, they held the child high, and finally the child was only slightly injured. With their love for their children, they raised the starting point of his rebirth and created a miracle.

No doubt, it will be very appropriate at this moment.

Zhao Wanqing's voice is soft, with a trace of sadness and sadness, singing every word, every word, all make people cry.

If Xiao Yunhai's "till forever" brings strength, then Zhao Wanqing's "dawn" brings a touch.

"I saw my mom and dad go so far and leave me in this strange world. I don't know what risks there will be in the future. I want to hold on to his hand tightly. My mother told me that I hope there will be. When the sun comes out, my mother smiles and it's dawn. "

together with the climax, Zhao Wanqing's voice instantly turned into a sharp edge, deeply rooted in Liu Yongchun's heart.

The lyrics use the position of a child to call his father and mother. It can be said that he saw a child crying helplessly in front of the body of his parents, and he could no longer enjoy the father's and mother's love. Liu Yongchun burst into tears.

"It's a night with stars in the sky. I saw my mother in my dream. A person in the world to learn to be strong, you do not leave, do not hurt. I saw Mom and dad go so far, leaving me in this strange world, I would like to build a beautiful garden for him. I want to hold his hand tightly. My mother told me that I hope there will be another one, to see the sun come out and the day is bright... "

in the main song part of the second paragraph, Zhao Wanqing still deals with the perfect part. The voice seems to have a kind of magic, which makes Liu Yongchun sink into the sad atmosphere she created. The lyrics seem to touch the softest place in his heart and move people's hearts.

When it comes to the chorus part, Zhao Wanqing's feelings accumulated in the main song seem to turn into a huge wave and rush out crazily. Liu Yongchun doesn't know how many people can hold back their tears. Anyway, he can't stand it.

After the song was finished, his eyes were red with tears.

"It's so touching. It's just a story. " Liu Yongchun wiped away his tears.

He can't wait to open the school forum and post a post on it.

"Just after listening to Emperor Yun's" till forever ", I feel melancholy, but also feel a kind of power from life. I smile standing between life and death, the flame of love burning in my heart forever. This is the most shocking lyrics I have ever heard. Then I listened to sunny after the "dawn", let me a seven foot man cry is dark. This is not a song, but a story. The lyrics are completed in the tone of a child who has lost his parents. It can be said that the words pierce the heart. Students of Xi'an Conservatory of music, 300 kilometers away, our compatriots are suffering. Can we stay in the school? I'm going to ask for school leave in the afternoon. I'm going to save my brothers and sisters. I'll get together at the school gate tomorrow morningLiu Yongchun post once released, the following quickly out of countless replies.

"I'll go."

"I'll go, too.

"Without money, I have strength. One can be saved is one. "

"I'll get a banner. We'll start tomorrow."

In a short afternoon, Xi'an Conservatory of music responded to the call of more than 300 students.

Things soon spread to the headmaster's ear, he gave only a reply: "the teacher led the team, the school drove out, in the disaster relief, at the same time, to ensure the safety of students."

Not only Xi'an Conservatory of music, but also the college students of other schools have been sent to the disaster areas.

Young people are the hottest and most easily agitated.

Xiaoyunhai and zhaowanqing's two songs seem to be a guide, let them join the earthquake relief army.

"Chongyang, your nephew wrote two songs very well." After the head of the general headquarters for disaster relief, the No. 1 head heard of "until forever" and "dawn", his eyes were red and praised.

The image of both people is not very good, one day and night without rest, let them very tired, hair seems to be a lot white.

Xiao Chongyang said: "his ability to write songs is still good."

"No. 1 head said," it's not good, it's very good. He was told that he donated billions last night to CCTV, and claimed to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on post disaster reconstruction. Meanwhile, his Yunqing charity foundation also contacted the government to buy countless materials and was on the way to the city. Chongyang, you say that the boy's money is not good to do, there is no overall awareness, but you see, more than 100 billion ah, is the highest donation ever. "

Xiao sighed and said," I didn't expect him to do this, which made me very happy. Often in front of great difficulties, we can see the real quality of a person. Yunhai, did not let me down, did not let the old man down. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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