Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:20 AM

Chapter 1783

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That afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo flew back to Yanjing together.

"Tengyang, Jinyu, do you miss your father?" Xiao Yunhai walked into his living room, opened his arms and asked happily.

Xiao tengyang just looked at him and said nothing.

Xiao Jinyu is very excited, suddenly rushed into his father's arms, and then in his face a kiss, said: "think about."

Xiao Yunhai picked up his daughter, laughed and said, "girl, you are really my little cotton padded jacket. My father loves you so much."

Holding her daughter around for two times, Xiao Yunhai looked at Xiao tengyang and said, "what's the matter with you? It's not a sign to see dad at all? "

Xiao tengyang snorted and disdained to say, "a man's husband, how can you let people hold him casually?"

His son's words directly amused Xiao Yunhai.

"Good, ambitious. But if you say it, you must do it. If you dare to let me or someone else hold you, be careful that I spank you

"I'm sorry for the little girl Zhao Wanqing. I'm sorry I've been smiling at you for a while. I'm sorry to let you smile at Xiao Wan Hai for a while."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I believe you will be OK. Husband, tired or not? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "tired. I feel a serious lack of sleep right now. In the novel, martial arts experts often fight fiercely for three days and three nights. Bah, it's nonsense. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes, you are talking nonsense."

With that, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai Leng Leng, wry smile way: "get, carelessly put oneself into."

In the evening, the four members of Xiao Yunhai's family and the old people of two sides sat together for dinner. Naturally, Chen Xiuzhu could not help complaining.

Xiao Yunhai could not help but nod and accept the criticism of the leader with an open mind.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai went back to his bedroom and fell asleep without saying a word.

I didn't wake up until seven the next morning.

He's really tired out these days.

Sending the two children to kindergarten, Xiao Yunhai drove to the headquarters of Barker bank.

This building is not the property of Xiao Yunhai, but rented by Barker bank. Their development in China is not smooth. Zhao Guangting demands that unless the annual income of China Barker bank reaches more than 50 billion US dollars, the office building will only be rented but not bought.

In the headquarters, Zhao Guangting has always kept a president's office for Xiao Yunhai. Although Xiao Yunhai has never been in the future, the sanitation inside is cleaned every day.

Lady, I'm sorry to disturb you. I hope you haven't had a rest yet Xiao Yunhai walked into the office, stood in front of the window and called Kristi.

Christie laughed, "I'm looking at some business literature. Mr. Xiao, didn't you go to the earthquake relief? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I came back last night and slept in the dark. I started to work again."

"As a foreigner, I really admire the performance of China in this earthquake," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai said thanks and said, "Ms. Kristi, I'm calling you to talk about something very important. Huaxia wants to borrow two trillion US dollars from me for five years and return it after two years. I have promised to do so. "

"Oh, my God, Mr. Xiao, how can you agree?" Christie exclaimed, "Mr. Shaw, we are rich now, but we can't spend like this. My God, I'm going crazy now. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wait a moment, you will be more crazy. I agreed because Huaxia is ready to support our bank

Christie was stunned and said, "support? What does that mean, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai said to Kristi about the strategic partnership between the people's Bank of China and Barker bank, and said, "I think you should know what this means?"

Christie was overjoyed and said, "of course I know. In terms of international influence, even ten Citibanks are far inferior to the people's Bank of China, because they represent the whole China. Although we have to pay 20% of the profit every year, compared with what we get, it is not worth mentioning. As long as the people's Bank of China can support us, within three years, Citibank will be trampled on by us. Mr. Xiao, there is no problem with two trillion yuan. I hope to start negotiations as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry. Didn't you say a few days ago that several shareholders were going to sell their shares in Barker bank? "

Kristi immediately understood Xiao Yunhai's meaning and said, "I'll contact them and buy the shares in their hands."

Because of the setback of Barker bank in China, many shareholders played a retreat.

At this time, the market value of Barker bank has more than doubled, and they intend to take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

According to the previous agreement, if you want to sell the shares of Barker bank, you can only sell them to outsiders if other shareholders give up the purchase. The price is calculated according to the market value at that time.Therefore, they can only yell in the shareholder group to confirm that no one has bought it, and then sell it to outside people.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Ms. Kristi, how many people intend to withdraw shares?"

Kristi said with a wry smile, "thirteen people, including your two compatriots, are twenty-one percent of the shares."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good. Ms. Kristi, buy them as soon as possible. With the people's Bank of China, we can rest assured. "

"Give me two days and I'll get things done," Christie said

After speaking, Xiao Yunhai sat in the boss's chair. As soon as he turned on the computer, he heard a knock on the door from outside.

"Come in, please."

The door opened and Zhao Guangting came in with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Xiao, this is your first visit to our bank headquarters. How do you feel? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's very good, but it's a little small. How are the banks doing recently? "

Zhao Guangting said: "compared with before, it is much better. But it's a long way to go. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "let me tell you some good news. The situation will change soon. The people's Bank of China... "

after hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Guangting stood up excitedly and said," God, how can such a good thing happen? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we are mutually beneficial and win-win. They don't have to do anything. They make at least 300 billion dollars a year, and we make more. "

Zhao Guangting was puzzled and asked, "isn't there a commercial bank under them? Why are you looking for us? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Huaxia commercial bank belongs to the state. When it comes to foreign countries, let alone those banks, even the local government will block its development. We don't have this problem in private banks. President Zhao, it's good that you know about this matter. Don't spread it out. "

Zhao Guangting said, "I'm worried about the shareholders' withdrawal. I didn't expect another village. I think Ms. Christie should be busy buying up the shares of those shareholders now? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded approvingly and said, "yes. Let's get in touch with Christie for a couple of trillion dollars. When we have signed a contract with the people's Bank of China, we will handle the loan. "

Zhao Guangting said, "OK."

An hour later, accompanied by Zhao Guangting, Xiao Yunhai visited various sections of the bank.

Seeing the big boss arrived, everyone was very excited and excited.

Some girls even screamed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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