Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:18 AM

Chapter 1785

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Lu Kexiong, who is in charge of Paramount Pictures in China, soon got the news and called Qiu Ming directly.

"Lao Qiu, why is the ticket window of our company's dream come true gone?"

They are college students and have a good relationship.

Qiu Ming said: "Lao Lu, I just ordered it to be removed. It's not that I said that at this point in time, you have to show some comedies. Isn't that what you're looking for? "

"Do you think I want to? The film schedule has been set. If we don't show it now, we can only wait for half a year. The headquarters gave me an order. I have to go. What can I do. Lao Qiu, you should recover quickly. "

Qiu Ming said with a wry smile: "our general manager Wu's orders personally also gave me a bad scolding. It's useless for you to find me for this matter."

Lu Kexiong frowned and said, "according to the contract we signed, you have to compensate us for 20 million liquidated damages."

Qiu Ming said: "our general manager Wu said that money should be paid, but we can't do anything that is pointed out by thousands of people."

Lu Kexiong said angrily, "you Wu always don't have an opinion on us paramount.". It's just a movie. Is it necessary to have something to do with the earthquake? If there is an earthquake, there will be no more days. "

Qiu Ming said, "Lao Lu, have you been in America for too long? How many people died in the Wenche earthquake, more than 100000? Do you think it is appropriate to play comedy at this time? I suggest that you'd better discuss with your headquarters and change with other types of films to avoid this sensitive period. "

"There is no room for discussion," sighed Luk Hsiung. In this case, Lao Qiu, let's go according to the agreement. "

Qiu Ming said, "do you really want us to pay 20 million?"

"It's not that I think, it's the headquarters that won't let it go," he said

Qiu Ming said, "OK. You bring someone over and we'll have a good talk

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Ming reported to Wu Yifa and said, "they hope we can compensate them for 20 million yuan. Mr. Wu, you can see... "

Wu Yifa snorted and sneered:" I won't give you any money. To show a comedy at this time is to hit us in the face again. My dad had to break my leg if he knew I was helping sell tickets. Lao Qiu, you should not only close the ticket office for me, but also return all the money from the tickets sold to the fans, and then explain it on the page and apologize to them. "

Qiu Ming saw that Wu Yifa wanted to completely cut the website and "dream come true." he said, "OK, Mr. Wu."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Kexiong came to the headquarters of Yunyi shopping network in anger.

"Lao Qiu, what do you mean? When the window is closed, why do you return the ticket money? You're just deceiving people. "

In Qiu Ming's office, Lu Kexiong points to his nose and sends out a furious rage.

Qiu Ming seemed to have expected the reaction of Luk Hsiung, and said calmly, "Lao Lu, don't be excited. Let's sit down and talk."

"Sit up. There are more than 12 million tickets and 360 million box office tickets. It is too much for you to do so. Today, you must give me an account. Otherwise, I'll see you in court. " Lu Kexiong roared.

"Of course we will give you an account." Wu Yifa, who happened to be passing by, walked in and said coldly: "our explanation is that we firmly do not agree with you to show comedies during the period of national disaster in China. This is simply salting our wounds. I didn't know it before. Now that I know it, I will not be your accomplice. Mr. Lu, if you really Premiere "dream come true" tomorrow night, I advise you to think about how to explain to the whole Chinese people. "

"Mr. Wu, we can't stop playing comedies because of an earthquake," Lu said

Wu Yifa said: "it's not that we will never let it go, but we can't do it in this period of time."

Lu Kexiong's face was hard to see. He said, "it seems that Wu always forces us to meet in court."

"There are some things that need to be done even at a huge cost," said Wu Yi

Lu Kexiong said bitterly, "OK. So far, your company is waiting for the subpoena of the court. "

With that, Luk Hsiung left with his breath.

You don't know how to die

Qiu Ming's face changed. He just wanted to explain their relationship. Wu Yifa has left.

"Lao Xiao, this comedy between us and paramount has been completely delivered, and now they are going to sue us." Back in the office, Wu Yifa called Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said, "when it comes, I will go."

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "you have caused this. Who are you not going to. What's more, you are experienced in the trial, and I have never been on the court yet. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "go away. What do I mean I have experience? Can you talk? Well, we must lose this lawsuit. It is estimated that it will cost tens of millions. "Wu Yifa said: "even if it is several hundred million, it is worth it. If we lose tens of millions for this kind of thing that concerns the feelings of the Chinese people, the Chinese people will give us back tens of millions in the future. What I'm most worried about now is that they won't sue us. It's a pity. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "how could they miss this opportunity. Lao Wu, the movie "dream come true" really annoys me. You didn't go to the disaster area. You don't know how miserable it is. Well, the thought of a comedy coming out at this time makes me sick and I can't even eat

Wu Yifa said, "who said no. All right, you're responsible for this. I'm too busy now. I don't have time to pay attention to it. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. But the money needs the website to come out, when advertisement fee

On the other side, after leaving Yunyi shopping network, Lu Kexiong called paramount CEO Ricky Franklin in the car.

Paramount's big boss behind the scenes is Wesley Bessie, who is also a shareholder of Yunyi shopping. Sue Yunyi shopping network to the court. Of course, Lu Kexiong has to report.

After knowing the situation, Franklin said: "although Mr. Bessie is a shareholder of Yunyi shopping network, he only holds a small share. Whatever you want to do, do it. By the way, don't you want to give Xiao Yunhai some color to see? Why didn't I hear anything? "

"I asked the contestants of a few music TV programs from paramount TV station to sing several songs of Xiao Yunhai," said ruksiong. I thought he would sue us, in order to publicize us in disguise, but I didn't expect that he was quite calm. Up to now, there has been no news. "

"Stupid." Franklin exclaimed, "it's stupid of you to do this. If Xiao Yunhai accuses you of infringing his music copyright after the end of the program, would you not have compensated his wife and broken the army. Lu, is your brain short circuited? I can think of such a bad idea. "

"There are some problems with this plan. However, it's not too late to mend. I'll make it right away. "

Franklin said, "if you can't do it well, you'll be responsible for the music copyright claims, and the company won't pay a cent. Well, be smart. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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