Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:17 AM

Chapter 1786

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Lu Kexiong was scolded by Franklin. He hung up the phone and said to his assistant, "you can get in touch with Mr. Xiao Yunhai as soon as possible. We need to talk to him about the copyright of the song."

The assistant was puzzled and asked, "aren't we waiting for him to sue us in order to increase the attention of the program?"

"Are you a pig? If he tells us after the end of the program, then we can't take advantage of anything and give tens of millions in vain. "

The assistant said, "OK, I'll go to find the person from Hanhai film and television investment company right away. I hope I can contact Mr. Xiao."

Lu Kexiong thought about it for a moment and said, "it doesn't matter if you can't contact it. After you go back, immediately ask those young singers who have sung Xiao Yunhai's songs to hold a press conference, apologize to Xiao Yunhai in public and express their willingness to make compensation. I believe that Xiao Yunhai's identity will not let them lose money. At the same time, he has successfully used Xiao Yunhai's fame and killed two birds with one stone. "

"Well, I know what to do. Do you want to go on telling Yunyi shopping Asked the assistant.

"Of course. There is no conflict between the two. "

Everyone knows that Xiao Yunhai is the second boss of Yunyi shopping network. Although he doesn't care, he is the spiritual leader of the whole company.

Yunyi shopping network can develop so fast, Xiao Yunhai's fame and strength have played a very big role.

Lu Kexiong wanted to win over Xiao Yunhai and sue his company at the same time. Even his assistant felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

At 6:00 p.m., in a hotel conference room near paramount TV station, five young men and women sincerely apologized to Xiao Yunhai for using Xiao Yunhai's songs without authorization and violating the copyright law in front of more than 100 reporters.

Because of this matter involved Xiao Yunhai, so quickly on the headlines of major entertainment websites.

"No. It's too much for angel of our family to sing the song of emperor Yun without telling him

"This is against the copyright law."

"It's reasonable to say that this kind of low-level mistake can't be made."

"It's not an artist's problem. Blame paramount TV if you want to complain."

"Yes. No matter what the singing contest is, after the contestants sing a song, the TV station will send a notice to the copyright owner of the song. Generally speaking, no one cares about it. However, if you don't inform them,

directly use them, it will not work. The law attaches great importance to copyright. If Mr. Xiao demands compensation from the other party, the other party needs to pay at least 10 million yuan. "

"Damn it, ten million, at least. It's too serious."

"I don't think I will care about this matter with the identity and status of the emperor."

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai also saw the news on the Internet. He sniffed and said, "this paramount TV station really knows how to play. It's a great idea to hold a press conference just to put this matter right. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "are you going to investigate this matter? I'll bet Paramount will be very happy if you take them to court. At the same time, they will put all the responsibility on these young people. At that time, you can't ask for money from them. You can't be scolded by the media. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course not. Look at mine. "

Xiao Yunhai opened his home page and posted a post.

"Copyright law is not meant to look good. If you know that you have broken the law, you still have to do it. Can this kind of behavior be completely eliminated with an apology? It's normal for some young singers not to have my contact information, but will your paramount TV station not be able to contact me? The world knows paramount is my enemy. If you really want to find me, just ask the head office boss. "

"I guess you're just trying to use me to promote your programs. If I investigate, you will be fined more than 10 million yuan at most, but the benefits to you are far more than the 10 million yuan. At the same time, I am also given a reputation of being stingy. If I do not investigate, then you use more unscrupulous. What is the meaning of the heart when the Zhu? I know it today. "

"You're very accurate, and I really don't intend to pursue such matters. Because these young people are very good, singing is also very good, I can't because of the fight between the two families affect their star path. However, I would like to say that the Wenche earthquake has not passed, so it is better to broadcast such programs less. I don't know if paramount has donated money, but I know that their person in charge must not have visited the earthquake area. If he did, I'm sure paramount would never broadcast such a festive show. "

"There's another thing that annoys me today. Paramount is going to premiere a Hollywood comedy "dream come true" tomorrow night. Are you going to salt the wounds of our Chinese people? If you want to show it, I hope to go to Wenhe county. You can see if the victims there will tear you up. What makes me more difficult to accept is that our Yunyi shopping website is still selling tickets for them. I immediately called Mr. Wu and scolded him severely. He was also anxious to listen to, quickly made measures, as if the pre-sale out of the film ticket money to refund. Although it will cost us tens of millions, I still want to praise his behavior, which is worthy of my good partner"Finally, at a time when China is in danger, I hope everyone can show more respect to the people in the disaster area. Please don't laugh in the cinema while they cry. It's insensitive, it's trampling on human nature. "

After reading Xiao Yunhai's post, Zhao Wanqing was directly silly and said: "husband, you want to let Paramount's film be completely reimbursed."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "shouldn't it be reimbursed?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. It's hard to accept that they're putting on comedies less than a week after the earthquake. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm going to build orphanages and nursing homes there to accommodate orphans and elderly people in the earthquake. What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "of course. Well, the money is from our jewelry company. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. Wife, we haven't had that for a long time. Tonight, we...

Zhao Wanqing gave him a blank look and said, "go take a bath."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes."

When they did that, Xiao Yunhai's post on the Internet became hot.

"It's thanks to paramount that comedies are shown during the national disaster."

"Emperor Yun is right. This is disrespect for the dead."

"Friends who go to see" dream come true ", remember that more than 200000 heroes are still lying on the ground in the earthquake area. I really want to see if you can laugh

"Yunyi has done a good job. I bought the ticket before the earthquake, so I didn't intend to see it. Originally thought of 28 yuan of movie ticket money, did not expect the website to return. I can only say that Yunyi shopping is a conscience website. "

In addition to the 30 billion donations made by Yiyun, the company donated the most. Now I've done something full of positive energy. What I didn't say, I support you. "

"For those who go to see the movie dream come true, I think those 200000 brothers and sisters who died will definitely come to see you in the evening."

Not only netizens, stars saw Xiao Yunhai come forward, but also expressed their views one after another.

First of all, the artists of Hanhai film and television investment company all said on their homepage that they didn't want to see the dream come true.

Then artists from all major companies joined in and denounced paramount.

China's market is so big, one less is one. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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