Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:16 AM

Chapter 1787

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The conference room is full of lights.

Lu Kexiong kept knocking on the table and said, "what's the matter with the propaganda department? "Dream come true" has come to this point. You have no action at all. "

Yang Jianbai, director of the Propaganda Department, said with a sad face: "general manager Lu, we have also found the water army that we have been cooperating with before, but they say that this matter has made people angry and dare not accept it. With these people in our propaganda department, we can't even afford a splash on the Internet. "

"Mr. Peng, I think we should postpone it." Guan Jun, director of the editorial department, said.

"Delay? Who is the free schedule for? " Luk hung was furious.

Everyone in the conference room was silent and no one dared to speak again.

After a while, Luk Hsiung adjusted his mood and said, "forget it, tell the cinema to cancel the release."

Just then, Yang Jianbai's mobile phone rang.

In Lu Kexiong's murderous eyes, Yang Jianbai carefully connects the phone.

"What?" Less than ten seconds later, Yang Jianbai stood up with a shocked face: "OK, I know. I'll report to Mr. Peng immediately. "

"What's going on?" he asked

"Matthew Babbitt, who starred in" dream come true, "put down his mobile phone and said," it caused a lot of anger when he posted a post on his home page. "

Before Yang Jianbai finished, Lu Kexiong asked people to turn on the computer and log onto Matthew Babbitt's home page. He found that the post above had been deleted.

Looking for a forum at random, a screenshot of Matthew Babbitt's post appeared on it. It was written in English and translated into Chinese by a netizen.

"I don't understand. What does our comedy have to do with the earthquake in China? Ten years ago, the United States of America was hit by a huge tornado, which killed more than 300000 people. We didn't think it was serious. The Wenche earthquake just killed more than 100000 people? Mr. Xiao is an actor I like very much. Unfortunately, his attitude towards the film this time makes me very sorry

Just a few lines of words let Lu Kexiong see the cold sweat.

There are comments from netizens.

"The death of more than 100000 people turned out to be a trivial matter in people's eyes. Well, Matthew, you did a good job

"Kill, you must. I don't want to see such an artist. "

"He also said that the emperor did not do a good job. Damn it, he's lucky he's not in front of me, or I'll have to beat him to death. "

"Isn't Matthew very good? Then let him see the energy of our Chinese fans. "

"Yes. I will not

watch any film or TV series that Matthew makes, even if it is a minor supporting role

"No matter when dreams come true, we'll make it zero box office."

All on the Internet, Ma fan scolded.

"Is he a pig?" Lu Kexiong swung his arm and dropped his laptop to the ground.

China is different from America. America is playing with personality. Law and contract are above everything.

In China, however, law and human relationship, sometimes human relationship is much greater than law.

Matthew's words in the United States may be nothing, but in China, it is simply immoral.

"It's over. Dream come true is over." After Lu Kexiong was angry, the whole person seemed to have no bones, his face was pale, and he collapsed on the chair.

Yang Jianbai suddenly said, "Mr. Lu, it seems that Matthew is the person pushed by the head office. He also has a $1.5 billion blockbuster "the lion," which is in the late stage. "

Lu Kexiong's eyes were almost protruding, and he said: "I can't wait. Go to public relations immediately. We must minimize Matthew's influence. Go, all of you. "

After all the people left, Lu Kexiong showed a look of despair. He knew that once this matter was not handled properly, he, the head of Huaxia branch company, would be finished.

"Xiao Yunhai, it's all your fault." Lu Kexiong said with a face of ferocity.

Although paramount made various remedies, it still had no effect.

All the entertainment companies, cinema lines and TV stations in China have made the decision to completely ban Matthew.

During the Wenche earthquake, Matthew said such words, it is almost no different from looking for death, paramount suffered heavy losses.

Not only is "dream come true" unable to be released in China, but also the "Lion" which is about to be completed in post production has no Chinese market ranking the second in the world.

In order to make up for the mistake, Lu Kexiong ordered his lawyer to take Yunyi shopping website to court the next day, and accused Xiao Yunhai of using his influence to block the premiere of "dream come true".

"Lao Xiao, the company's court summons has arrived." Wu Yifa said to Xiao Yunhai on the phone.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "so coincidentally, my personal court summons also arrived."

Wu Yifa said, "do you know what the staff who sent me the summons said?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Wu, from a personal point of view, we support you."Wu's method of playing chess was stunned and said, "although it's not the same, it means the same thing. How do you know? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "because this is what they said to me. I don't intend to delay this matter any more.

Strike while the iron is hot. I will admit it in court this afternoon. Isn't it just a fine? I don't care

Wu Yifa laughed and said, "that's right. What we did was to block the release of dream come true and see what they could do to me. Unfortunately, I'm going to negotiate in the afternoon, otherwise I'll go to support you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what are you going to do to rob me of the limelight?"

Wu's method of playing chess said, "well, let's give it to you."

The news of the trial of Xiao Yunhai by the Yanjing intermediate people's court at 3 p.m. soon spread throughout China.

The reporters were waiting at the gate of the court before two o'clock. In the distance, there are thousands of fans with slogans of "support the cloud emperor" and "down with paramount".

"Damn it, paramount. It's a trapped animal fighting. Well, you deserve it A young reporter seemed to be an angry youth, said with disdain.

"In law, this time yunhuang and Yunyi shopping network must lose. It's hard to say just how much the court has decided. "

"You can't live if you do evil to yourself. Matthew's death was entirely his fault. It's just that more than 100000 people have died. I'll take care of his grandmother. "

"Yunhuang and Yunyi have done a good job. I've been to the earthquake zone, where the scene is no different from hell, every day I can hear the scream of exhaustion, that scene will never forget me

The reporters have been talking about it, and they are very indignant.

The reporters from paramount TV station also came, but they knew the current situation. They were smart enough not to take the logo of the TV station, let alone say that they were the reporters of paramount. Otherwise, they would be beaten for sure.

At 2:40, Xiao Yunhai, accompanied by several bodyguards, appeared in front of the court.

The reporters immediately gathered around.

"Mr. Xiao, why didn't your lawyer arrive?"

"Mr. Xiao, do you think you will win this trial?"

"Today's trial, are you representing yourself or Yunyi shopping network?"

"You think paramount..."

countless questions have been thrown out by reporters, but Xiao Yunhai turns a deaf ear to them. Until he is about to go in, he turns to the reporters and says, "this afternoon, two things will be tried at the same time. In addition to myself, I also represent Yunyi shopping website. As for the situation, I will give you an account when I come out. "

"Support the cloud emperor."

"The emperor will win."

Fans yelled.

Xiao Yunhai waved to them, turned and walked into the court.

As before, the internal facilities of the court are still very simple, including the plaintiff's seat, the defendant's seat and the hearing seat, but the seats are more outdated.

Not many people came to the hearing this time. In addition to the staff of Yunyi shopping website and Hanhai, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Ge Wuyou, Zhang Hong and other film emperors who were idle at home and had nothing to do with them also came.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and nods to them. Wang Guoan and others feel relieved to see Xiao Yunhai so relaxed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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