Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:12 AM

Chapter 1789

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"Mr. Shaw, we saw what paramount people said about the unfair judgment of the court. Did you win the case?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, I lost. Yunyi shopping website did violate the contract, and I did obstruct the release of "dream come true". There is nothing to deny. I didn't bring a lawyer because I didn't expect to argue about it. "

"Is it because you admitted it so quickly?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Some things have to be done even at a very high price. "

"Then why do they say the law is unfair?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Yunyi shopping network violated the contract and was fined 15 million. There is no injustice. As for me, the court awarded a million yuan, which they may think is too little. But they don't think about it. I'm just an introduction. The real problem lies in their own crew. In fact, I also feel very unjust. I just said a few fair words on the Internet? Why give them a million. However, since the court has made such a decision, I will abide by it 100% and I will send a million yuan to paramount this afternoon. "

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of Matthew, the star of dream come true?"

Xiao Yunhai's face immediately pulled down and said: "hearing this name, I feel a little sick. More than ten thousand lives are worth nothing in his eyes. Such a world outlook and values are simply too terrible.

I have informed my company that I will never cooperate with artists who have no conscience or humanity. "

"Mr. Xiao, I heard Matthew apologized in public. Do you think it necessary to hold on to his pigtail? "

Although the other party didn't bring a badge, Xiao Yunhai was very clear that he must be a reporter under paramount. He snorted and said, "if it's useful, what should the police do. I saw Matthew's press conference this morning. If he really apologizes before the fans block him, maybe everyone will forgive him. But after the blockbuster, that's not the same thing. What's more, Matthew's being banned has nothing to do with me, because his words and deeds hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. I hope you're not mistaken. "

"Mr. Shaw, we know that paramount and you are enemies. Are you trying to revenge by doing so?" The reporter continued to ask.

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "do you think I still care about a little paramount now? I don't mean to say, I didn't see you in the eye. I am usually very busy, if this is not a special case, I am lazy to pay attention to. Well, that's all for the interview. I'm going to pick up the kids and go home. Goodbye. "

Reporters immediately made way for Xiao Yunhai.

The result of paramount suing Yunyi shopping network and Xiao Yunhai soon spread all over China, and the Internet became lively.

"The emperor is very aggressive. I don't have a lawyer. I admit it frankly. It's pretty cool. "

"Yunhuang didn't let the other lawyer make a statement and admitted all the problems neatly, which is to show his determination not to let" dream come true "

"The emperor of cloud is very powerful, which gives us Chinese people a lot of face."

"Paramount also felt aggrieved. Bah, I think it's emperor Yun who has been wronged. "

"If I have the ability, I will sue them on behalf of the whole people in the disaster area. It's very sad to have lost a loved one. You have to show a comedy. It's just inhumane. "

"Yunhuang and Yunyi have done a good job this time, showing our attitude to the whole world."

Paramount has now become the role of everyone in China, along with other films being released.

Two days later, Ricky Franklin came to Yanjing in person and held a meeting.

After listening to Luk Hsiung's narration, Franklin gave Matthew a cold look, but Matthew did not give him any face, holding a nail clipper to trim his nails.

A little anger flashed on Franklin's face and said, "Matthew, should you say something?"

Matthew didn't even look at him and said, "what should I say? Hum, I really don't understand Huaxia. Don't you want to watch a movie after the earthquake? It's a joke. "

Lu Kexiong frowned and said, "Mr. Matthew, China's national conditions are different from those of the United States. Here, we... "

" who are you? Dare to teach me face to face. If it wasn't for your arrangement, I couldn't have held any press conference. " Matthew put down the nail clipper and said rudely to Luk Hsiung.

Finally, Franklin couldn't suppress his anger. With a bang, he stood up, pointed to Matthew and said, "is that your attitude? Matthew, do you think you are the president of the people, I dare not move you

Matthew put on a look that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. He raised his eyebrows and said, "then you can try."

Then he stood up and said, "I have something else to do, so I won't waste my time with you."

Under Franklin's cold eyes, Matthew left the conference room smartly, waving his sleeves without taking away a cloud."This man is just unreasonable," said rukshon. It not only destroyed the dream come true, but also destroyed our 1.5 billion blockbuster "the lion.". Ordinary actors have long been in fear and tried to deal with it. He is good, but he is still careless, as if nothing happened

Franklin said, "I'll deal with his problems when I get back to Hollywood. Now to your questions. Mr. Lu, I need an explanation. "

Lu Kexiong sighed, took out an envelope from his clothes, got up and handed it to Franklin. He said, "I have an unshirkable responsibility for China Affairs. This is my resignation letter. I am going to take the blame and resign. "

As soon as the others listened, their eyes lit up.

If Luk Hsiung left, his seat would be empty. Maybe one of them could sit on it.

Unfortunately, Franklin's next words, let their wishful thinking all failed.

"Mr. Lu's ability to do so just shows that you are a CEO in charge. Hollywood headquarters has a great responsibility for "dream come true". You should not be ordered to release it by force. I remember when the earthquake happened, you said to me, but it didn't arouse my enough attention. In addition to your strong ability to work, paramount has developed very well in China in recent years, so we decided to let you continue to do it. " Franklin's face softened a little when he saw that he had no reason to take the responsibility.

"Thank you very much for your comment," Luk said

Franklin said, "but if you are wrong, you will be punished. Well, half a year's bonus, is that ok? "

"No problem. Mr. Franklin, what shall we do next? "

Franklin said, "it's better to be quiet than to move. Xiao Yunhai is not a person we can deal with. We can only eat the loss honestly. "

I don't know why, Franklin, who had made contact with Xiao Yunhai several times before, was afraid of him from the bottom of his heart. If he didn't see him, he was OK. When he saw him, Franklin felt uncomfortable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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