Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:11 AM

Chapter 1790

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After spending only one afternoon in Yanjing, Franklin rushed back to Los Angeles to welcome Wesley Bessie.

Paramount Pictures is an industry owned by STEL network company. No matter the chairman of the board is STEL, Vanessa or Wesley, they come to the town for a few days every once in a while. In addition to dealing with work problems, the more important thing is to check accounts.

Like Xiao Yunhai, paramount headquarters also has a president's office for Wesley, which is cleaned every day.

Walking around the company's Department, leaving some people to check accounts in the finance department, Wesley and Franklin walked into the president's office.

Sitting in the boss's chair, Wesley asked, "Ricky, I heard you and Matthew were having a bit of a fight, didn't you?"

As soon as Franklin heard it, he knew that Matthew must have done something in front of Wesley.

The reason why Matthew didn't pay attention to Franklin was that he was Wesley's "woman". Yes, he was a "woman". Wesley has some problems with that orientation. He likes boys and loves Matthew very much.

Franklin was the only one who knew this in paramount.

"Mr. Wesley, as the CEO of Paramount Pictures, I feel very sorry for Mr. Matthew's behavior in China. He made Huaxia angry because he sent a post, which led to the failure of our dream come true and the later $1.5 billion blockbuster, the lion, to be shown in China, and even indirectly affected the achievements of other films and TV dramas, making us paramount the target of people's yelling in China, and the loss was too great. If we don't deal with him, I'm afraid the Paramount Pictures system will have no effect. "

Wesley frowned and said, "is it so serious?"

Franklin said, "it's more serious than you think. The impact of this matter in China is very bad, and other entertainment companies will never miss this opportunity. How long is it? It's hard to say

Franklin was right. After the Matthew incident, both Chinese and foreign entertainment companies joined hands to promote the event.

He not only nailed Matthew to the scaffold of shame, but also implicated paramount.

But in just three days, Paramount's ratings plummeted by 30 percent, and cinema attendance was even worse.

Wesley squinted slightly and asked, "what are you going to do with it?"

Franklin didn't even think about it. He replied, "snow or kill or fire."

Wesley looked at Franklin coldly with his eyes like a knife and said, "you should know who Matthew is to me?"

Franklin nodded and said, "yes. It's just what I did best for Paramount Pictures. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for paramount to turn over in China if we don't give Chinese fans an account. "

Wesley closed his eyes, and the air around him seemed to be frozen. He said, "is there no other way?"

Franklin said, "yes. Fire him, and then you secretly buy an entertainment company and let him continue to grow there. With your care, he should be very smooth. In this way, we will account for both China and you. "

Wesley thought about it for a while and said, "this is a good way. OK, that's it. By the way, I heard that Xiao Yunhai did it again this time, didn't it? "

Franklin nodded and said, "yes. Except Xiao Yunhai, other artists and entertainment companies have no courage to attack us. "

Wesley snorted and said, "Kung Fu Xiao won't be long. I'll let him die."

Franklin's eyes brightened. Did the Bessie family master any weapon.

China Yanjing, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Chen Qingqing and came to a teahouse.

"Director Chen, which one are you and Xiangyang doing? How could you treat me to tea? " Entering the box, Xiao Yunhai looked at Chen Qingqing sitting there and said with a smile.

Chen Lianyang stood up to say hello.

Chen Qingqing didn't get up because of his age, but he said politely, "Yunhai, come and have a seat. The tea here is very good. You can try it."

Xiao Yunhai sat down, picked up the cup, sipped, and said, "well, the best Longjing."

Putting down the cup, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "director Chen, we are old friends. If you have anything to do, just say it. I have nothing to help you with. "

Chen Qingqing said: "sea of clouds, I like your" Eagle hero. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "director Chen, we are all old friends. I will not hide with you. Since the completion of "heroes of the eagle", there are not ten directors who have called me, but eight of them have been taken back by me on the pretext of leaving them to directors of Hanhai film and television investment company. If I gave it to you, I would have no face to see them

Chen Qingqing said with a smile, "what if I joined Hanhai?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "director Chen, I don't mean to intimidate you with" the hero of the eagle. "Since the dissolution of Huaxia film and television company in 2000, a large number of directors and actors have been robbed by other entertainment companies. However, some directors and artists like Chen Qingqing and Wang Guoan have not joined any company.

They have been successful people for a long time, and they are not worried that there will be no shooting.

Now Chen Qingqing suddenly asked to join Hanhai, which made Xiao Yunhai happy and surprised.

Chen Qingqing waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm not cheap enough to be bought by a play. I'm old. I want to take advantage of my physical condition and make more good movies. You Hanhai has always been less people and more plays. Of course, I would like to go to your place to choose some good scripts to shoot. Just don't know if you want me to be an old bone? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, you really know how to joke. If you want to come, we will definitely welcome you with your shoes. "

Chen Qingqing asked, "what about the hero of the eagle?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are all directors of Hanhai. Who do you want to give it to? Hehe, it's definitely a big profit to trade a novel for a big director. "

After that, he took a look at Chen Xiangyang and said with a smile: "director Chen, if I guess well, Yang Guo should have a master."

Chen Qingqing nodded his head and said, "you can't avoid relatives. Xiangyang is very suitable for playing Yang Guo. What do you think?"

Chen Xiangyang has been an actor of Hanhai for a long time, and said: "director Xiao, I have read the novel of the divine eagle knight errant from the beginning to the end for more than ten times. I love Yang Guo very much. Please be able to complete it."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "after these two years of training, your acting skills have been completely at the film emperor level. Playing Yang Guo is more than enough. Give it to you, I have nothing to worry about. Director Chen, what about little dragon girl

Chen Qingqing thought for a moment and said, "the role of XiaoLongNu should be beautiful as a flower, and then as cold as ice. Beautiful actresses, the circle of Bibi are all, and can perform these four words, only Bai binglu. Her performance in Zhu Xian is amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "Xiangyang with binglu is a good combination. By the way, Xiangyang, you don't seem to have a girlfriend yet. Binglu doesn't seem to have a boyfriend either. She has a good performance and tries to shoot a good play, and then goes home with a beautiful woman. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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