Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:09 AM

Chapter 1793

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Looking at the agreement, Zhao Guangting's face was full of emotion.

Christie was equally happy, but her sad face remained the same.

After signing the agreement, Xiao Yunhai and Qi Zhanpeng stood up, tightly clasped hands, and said, "happy cooperation."

At ten o'clock the next morning, dozens of reporters poured into the large conference room of the people's Bank of China.

Every time the people's Bank of China releases major news, it is here.

"Mr. Wang, you are always well-informed. Do you know what is the reason for holding the press conference today?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything about it. What information the people's Bank of China has will generally be released on its home page. Unless it encounters major events that affect China and even the world, it will specially hold a press conference. "

"Is there anything important to happen today?"

"I saw in an entertainment report that Mr. Xiao Yunhai brought a lot of people to the people's Bank of China yesterday. Maybe it has something to do with him."

"Well, very likely. With the wealth and status of Mr. Xiao today, he is fully qualified to be equal with the people's Bank of China. "

When everyone guessed in succession, Xiao Yunhai and Qi Zhanpeng walked in with a smile on their faces.

"Click, click."

The reporters pressed the shutter one after another, all kinds of cameras roared, and the flash lights flashed wildly.

Qi Zhanpeng and Xiao Yunhai are experienced in battle, so they will not be frightened by this situation.

"Mr. Xiao, please have a seat." Qi Zhanpeng pointed to the theme and made a gesture to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai quickly declined and said, "President Qi, you are a national cadre at the ministerial level and my elder. I dare not sit in this seat if I am killed."

Qi Zhanpeng said with a smile: "guests follow the Lord, so don't be humble."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am not a guest. We are a family now. President Qi, you can sit down. "

The two men were courteous to each other, and eventually Qi Zhanpeng could not resist Xiao Yunhai and sat on the throne.

Qi Zhanpeng looked at the reporters and said with a smile, "are you surprised why Mr. Xiao and I jointly held a press conference?"

"Yes." All the reporters answered in unison.

Qi Zhanpeng said: "everyone is very honest, and I don't care about it any more. From today, no, it should be said that from 6:00 p.m. yesterday, the people's Bank of China and Mr. Xiao's Barker bank have reached a comprehensive cooperative partnership. In the coming days, we will work hand in hand to face all difficulties and challenges. "

As soon as Qi Zhanpeng finished speaking, the whole conference hall suddenly dropped needles. Five seconds later, all the reporters were crazy.

"Damn it, don't you?"

"The people's Bank of China should cooperate with Barker bank. Am I dreaming?"

"The people's Bank of China is the boss of all the state-owned and private banks in China. Barker relies on it, which is definitely the rhythm of fire."

"It's incredible. The Chinese government should have made such a decision. Mr. Xiao Yunhai is indeed in great luck. "

"What luck? The second head of the government is his uncle. Can you take care of his nephew? "

"The whole of China, no, it should be the economic circle of the whole world going crazy."

"Barker was born, and Citibank had a rival. I just want to know if it can be bought in the market

After two minutes of discussion, Qi Zhanpeng coughed and said with a smile, "if you have any questions, you can ask me and Mr. Xiao now."

With permission, a reporter got up and asked, "President Qi, why did the Chinese government make such a decision? We all know that Mr. Xiao is a child of the Xiao family. Is it related to his identity? "

The first question is extremely sharp. The spearhead is directed at Xiao Yunhai without any scruples.

The reporters are very admirable. After a closer look, it turns out to be a reporter from Huaxia financial channel. No wonder they are so bold.

Qi Zhanpeng said with a smile: "your imagination is really rich. Since Mr. Xiao is a child of the Xiao family, we will escort him. Do you think it is possible? I tell you that this was decided after several meetings of the seven leaders. "

"There are three reasons. First, Mr. Xiao has a huge wealth of US $2.5 billion, and his strength has reached the extreme. What's more, his companies have not yet reached the limit. Cooperation between strong and strong is more conducive to maintaining the rapid development of China's economy. Secondly, Mr. Xiao has done a lot for the Chinese government. He is a patriotic businessman with a good example. Not to mention charity, he also lent the Chinese government two trillion dollars for the development of the western region and the reconstruction of the disaster areas. The people's Bank of China has no reason not to cooperate with such a businessman. The third is interest. We all know that the development of Huaxia commercial bank in the world is not ideal. We support Barker bank and we have high expectations for it. Every year, we will get 20% of their profits to relieve the financial pressure of the government. ""Therefore, our cooperation is mutually beneficial, not bending the law for selfish ends. I hope you can make it clear. "

Another reporter got up and asked, "President Qi, can you give us some details about the extent of your cooperation?"

Qi Zhanpeng said: "in a word, brothers sharing weal and woe. No matter who is in trouble, we will spare no effort to help each other through the difficulties. "

All of them immediately exclaimed.

As an official at the ministerial level, it is obvious that he did not leave a bit of leeway for himself.

At the same time, it also shows the strong support of the people's Bank of China to Xiao Yunhai and Barker bank.

"Mr. Xiao, I just heard that you have lent the Chinese government two trillion dollars. How did you get the money

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not a secret. Some time ago, I exchanged Citibank's shares for a number of Middle East oil fields, and then auctioned them off in New York, and got a lot of money. The Chinese government is in trouble. As a Chinese businessman, I have to do my part. "

"Mr. Xiao, what changes do you think will happen to your Barker bank by cooperating with the people's Bank of China?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "competitiveness. Barker's development in Europe and the United States is not bad, but in China and other Asian countries, it is extremely slow. The biggest reason is that people don't trust our strange bank. Now with the support and help of the people's Bank of China, everyone's suspicion will be dispelled, and Barker bank will naturally develop rapidly. It can be said that it has greatly improved the competitiveness of our bank. "

"How are you feeling now?"

"Excitement, excitement and gratitude. Thanks to the Chinese government for helping us to bring Barker bank into a fast track of development. "


one by one, like a barrage of gunfire, has been thrown at Xiao Yunhai and Qi Zhanpeng.

Half an hour later, the whole conference ended and spread all over China at the fastest speed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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