Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:08 AM

Chapter 1794

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"Damn it, the emperor of cloud is so amazing. Even the people's Bank of China has sent him olive branches. It's amazing. "

"If the emperor is not powerful, the government will not borrow money from him. To be a man, it is absolutely the glory of a lifetime. "

"Two trillion dollars. I feel dizzy when I think of this number. The emperor of cloud is a country that is rich and invincible. "

"With the help and support of the people's Bank of China, it is not far from the rise of Barker bank. At the very least, the market value is bound to soar by 50%

"Fifty percent? The reputation of the people's Bank of China is underestimated upstairs. There is no bank in the world that can fight against it. With its help, the market value of the bank can at least double. "

Not only in China, but also in the whole world.

With more than 1700 tons of gold, the market value of Barker bank has just exceeded 1.8 trillion US dollars, becoming the behemoth next to Citibank.

Now with the full support of the people's Bank of China, no one is sure how far it will go.

Alan Anderson frowned after watching the press conference from his computer in Washington.

He wants Xiao Yunhai to grow stronger and fight against the Bessie family, but the premise is that he can't be stronger than the Anderson family.

Think about it carefully. Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing network company and Yunqing oil and gas company have far exceeded their industries, and their potential is infinite. If you add Barker bank, the power of explosion is simply too strong.

Allan Anderson suddenly felt a shudder. If Xiao Yunhai was allowed to develop in this way, he and the Bessie family would become his stepping stones.

Just then, his private cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was his son Apollo's call, Aaron immediately picked it up.

"Father, have you seen the news about the cooperation between Barker bank and the people's Bank of China?" Asked Apollo.

Alan nodded and said, "I just saw it. Apollo, do you think our partner seems too powerful. He's developing faster than rockets

Apollo said, "I feel the same way."

"What are you going to do?" asked Alan

Apollo said, "watch it. Anderson bank is only the 12th largest private bank in the world, far from Citigroup and Barker. It's not us who are really worried. It's Mr. Elvis Bessie. "

Alan laughed and said, "you're right. He arrived at the White House half an hour ago, and I think he's talking to the president. "

Apollo said, "but this is not the way. I think we have to find a way to restrict it. "

"How to restrict it?" Alan asked

Apollo thought for a while, shook his head, and said with a bitter smile: "Xiao Yunhai's companies are under his absolute control, and there is no flaw in it. What's more, if he wants to compete with him in the four major fields of oil, entertainment, banking and Internet, even our Anderson family can't cause him too much trouble. It's too late. "

Alan said, "yes, it's late. Apollo, it's not for me. Our real core is arms. As long as he doesn't get involved, we're not enemies, understand? "

Apollo said, "I understand. Father, we and Kung Fu Xiao's people have all settled in Citibank and TCP energy. What should we do next? "

Allan said with a smile: "there is a saying in China that it is better to be quiet than to move. There is also a saying that we should respond to changes with constancy. We don't want to do anything, just watch the two families fight. "

The two father and son talked for a while and hung up.

It has to be said that Alan Anderson is better than Elvis in educating children. Especially in the emotion, the relationship between Allen and Apollo is very close.

In the White House presidential office, Elvis, Stanley Simon and Lyle sit together to discuss things.

Elvis took a sip of coffee and said, "Mr President, justice Simon, I believe both of you already know about the cooperation between Kungfu's Barker bank and the people's Bank of China?"

Lyle and Stanley nodded at the same time, but neither spoke.

All the people's Bank of China in the United States and Europe continued to support Elvis. Let's expel Huaxia commercial bank and let it settle in dozens of big cities. Why? Don't you worry about the strength of the people's Bank of China? If we don't restrict it, the result will be that one family will dominate. No bank in Europe and America can compare with the people's Bank of China unless China is destroyed. Now the Barker Bank of Xiao Yunhai is also united with the people's Bank of China. It is the same as the Huaxia commercial bank in those years. We must not tolerate it. Raising a tiger will do endless harm. Mr President, justice Simon, what do you think? "

With an unexpected look in her eyes, Lyle turned to Stanley Simon.Stanley pondered for a while and said, "Mr. Xiao's Barker bank is different from Huaxia commercial bank. It is a private bank, with Mr. Xiao holding more than 90% of the shares. And the people's Bank of China doesn't hold half of the shares. It just wants to give it 20% profit. The Chinese government is not a fool. With the lessons of commercial banks, they will never make the same mistakes. What's more, since Barker bank entered the United States, it has developed very well. I heard that this year, it has paid the government more than 78 billion taxes. Although it is not the most profitable bank, it pays the most taxes. "

Speaking of this, Stanley took a look at Elvis and said: "other banks, including Citigroup, have tried every means to evade taxes. Only Mr. Shaw never cares about taxes. Even if it is a reasonable tax avoidance part, he will not do it. For such a businessman with a sense of social responsibility, we should not only not restrict him, but also vigorously help him. "

Elvis frowned and said, "justice Simon, I can hear that you seem to appreciate Mr. Shaw very much. However, there is a saying in China called "non Chinese", and their hearts will be different. You must not be blinded by some of his small favors. He just wants to get the favor of the government. "

Stanley said with a smile: "if it's just America, that's fine, but the problem is that it's the same in other countries around the world. European governments are also very fond of Mr. Xiao's company. You don't think he wants to fight against the whole of Europe and America. "

Elvis didn't expect that Stanley Simon would protect Xiao Yunhai so resolutely. He was very angry in his heart, but his face was still.

"Barker bank is now the ninth largest bank in Europe and America. If it is allowed to develop, it will probably become a stronger bank than Citigroup in the future. If the Chinese government exerted influence on Xiao Yunhai and indirectly controlled it, the fruits would be disastrous. Mr. President, I hope you can think about it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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