Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:04 AM

Chapter 1797

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Over the next three days, Barker's share price continued to fall, even more than the previous two days, down by 20%.

People in Europe and America no longer dare to go to Barker bank, and China is also affected.

Television stations and the Internet are broadcasting the news that the share price of Barker bank has plummeted, which makes people who just have confidence in Barker bank have doubts. Even some depositors can't stand it and run to withdraw the money.

Anyway, I only saved it for a few days. I don't want the interest.

It has to be said that the energy of the Bessie family is really big, even Xiao Yunhai did not expect the speed of each other before.

"Hahaha, Barker bank has lost hundreds of billions of dollars these days. It's a great pleasure."

In a five-star hotel in Washington, Elvis held a glass of red wine and laughed at Apollo.

This time, the Anderson family also participated in the crackdown on Barker bank.

However, they were very smart. In order not to let Xiao Yunhai misunderstand, they communicated with Xiao Yunhai in advance, saying that he could not offend dozens of European and American banks.

Xiao Yunhai said it was ok, but he was very clear that the Anderson family was just taking advantage of the situation. As for the dozens of banks, they could not be affected at all.

Apollo Anderson said with a smile: "I thought Kung Fu Xiao would soon enter the fast lane of development with the support of the people's Bank of China. I didn't expect the end to be quite the opposite. I have to say, Mr. Elvis, you are really amazing

Elvis shook his head, pointed to the presidents of the major banks who came to the reception and said, "I'm not great. Without them, we couldn't have won such a victory. It should be said that this is the result of our concerted efforts. "

Apollo smile, sipped a mouthful of red wine, the heart is very disapproval.

This time, it is against the trend to suppress Barker bank, the Bessie family can be said to have spent a huge price. It would cost at least 100 billion dollars to hold down Barker's 1% share price, of which Alves accounted for 50%.

Kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. That's Elvis.

Elvis has never held a cocktail party in the past ten years. This time he broke this example, which shows his pride in his heart.

After the reception, Elvis returned home with a slight drunkenness.

After a hot bath, Elvis was about to take a rest when the housekeeper came in a hurry.

"No, sir. There's something wrong with Mr. Wesley."

Elvis's face changed, his brows wrinkled tightly, and he said, "speak more clearly."

The housekeeper said: "today, Mr. Wesley was hijacked in the parking lot after work from stell networks. The other side didn't say anything, knocked him unconscious in the car and cut Mr. Wesley's fingers with a knife

"What?" Elvis, now out of anger, roared, "where's his bodyguard?"

Guan Jia said: "the other side's Kung Fu is very high, four bodyguards have not yet shot, they were knocked out from behind."

"Waste, all waste." Elvis said angrily, "how's Wesley?"

"In the hospital. It seems that the other side just gave him a warning and didn't mean to kill him

"Warning? Who is it? Is Kung Fu Xiao? " Elvis asked.

He shook his head and said, "No. However, Kung Fu Xiao's people once appeared in the center of New York City. They are all masters of Kung Fu. One person can hit 50 or 60 of them. "

Elvis was livid, picked up his mobile phone and called Xiao Yunhai.

The phone was put through soon.

"Mr. Elvis, if you are here to demonstrate to me, I advise you to keep your mouth shut." Xiao Yunhai said politely.

"Xiao Yunhai, you bastard, you dare to cut off Wesley's finger," elvidi said angrily

Of course, Xiao Yunhai knew that it was Gao Xiang's windy hand, but on his mouth he pretended not to know: "Mr. Elvis, what do you say? I didn't understand. "

Elvis was even more irritated: "didn't you always dare to do something? Why don't you admit it now? I tell you, since you broke the bottom line, don't blame me for being cruel. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Elvis, you are right. If you break the bottom line, you must be severely punished. So you'd better ask your precious nephew if he did something shady to punish him? Hehe, he didn't kill him. I guess he was merciful. "

Xiao Yunhai finished and hung up the phone directly.

Elvis was stunned for a long time before he put the phone down.

What does Xiao Yunhai mean?

Can we say that Wesley, hiding from himself, did something that touched Xiao Yunhai's bottom line? This was only warned by him.

Elvis calmed down, pondered for a moment, and said to the housekeeper, "investigate immediately whether Wesley has done anything to Xiao Yunhai or his subordinates? Forget it. Tonight, we'll fly directly to New York. "The housekeeper nodded and said, "yes, sir."

Private aircraft usually need to report to the relevant units of the United States two hours in advance to take off, but Elvis only took 10 minutes to complete all the procedures. This shows his energy in the government.

When he came to the hospital, Elvis saw Wesley, who was lying on the bed, with a thick layer of gauze on his left hand.

"Uncle, it must be made by Kung Fu Xiao. You have to avenge me." Wesley saw Elvis and couldn't wait to shout.

Elvis waved his hand and all the entourage went out, leaving only two uncles and nephews in the room.

Elvis sat in front of the bed and asked, "how do you know it's Xiao Yunhai?"

Wesley said, "he's taking revenge."

"Revenge?" Elvis's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "tell me, what have you done recently that makes xigongxiao take revenge on you?"

Wesley froze for a moment and stammered, "no, No

"Say, honestly." Elvis spoke in a low voice, but it was loud and powerful.

Wesley, looking at his uncle's Falcon like gaze, did not dare to hide any more. He told the story of finding someone to kidnap Kristi's granddaughter.

Elvis said angrily, "stupid. If Kung Fu Xiao was so easy to deal with, I would have sent someone to kill him. Christie is his right arm. You dare to move her. You don't want to die. This time, even if Christie gave in and paid more than a trillion dollars to your bag company, do you really think you're going to die? "

Wesley said, "uncle, do you mean he really will kill me?"

Elvis pointed to his hand and said, "you don't think Kung Fu Xiao is joking with you now? He was a real dangerous man with a large number of kung fu masters. Apart from the Anderson family, the only thing I fear is Kung Fu Xiao. Once again, Wesley, I remind you not to use this method unless you are 100% sure. Now it's just two fingers. If you do it again, your head may move. "

Wesley's face was a little pale. He took a sip of saliva and said, "it's just uncle. He doesn't care about our Bessie family."

Elvis was about to speak when his cell phone rang. Open the mobile phone, it is Xiao Yunhai's call.

"Kung Fu Xiao, what can I do for you?" Elvis asked coldly.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "Mr. Elvis, you are very concerned about this disobedient child. Unexpectedly, you flew to New York so soon."

Elvis narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "are you following me?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not tracking you, but letting people look at Wesley. This child is a little dangerous. I can't let him do a dangerous thing again? "

Elvis said, "Mr. Shaw, Wesley did the wrong thing this time, but it's too much to cut off his fingers."

"Too much? I don't think so Xiao Yunhai said, "do you have a red dot on his forehead and eyebrows?"

Elvis was stunned, looked at Wesley, and sure enough, a red dot shot over his brow from outside the window.

Elvis recognized it was a sniper gun. He was shocked and said, "Kung Fu Xiao, what are you going to do? If you dare to kill him, I will let your family bury him. "

The ward was quiet, and Xiao Yunhai's voice reached Wesley's ears.

He put his hand less than half a meter away from the center of his eyebrows. When he looked sideways, he saw that a red dot appeared in the palm of his hand, and the whole person suddenly burst into a cold sweat.

He knew that as long as Xiao Yunhai gave an order, he was afraid that his head would be destroyed.

Wesley shivered at the thought.

He never thought he would be so close to death.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I just want to teach Wesley a lesson. This is the first and last time. If the same thing happens again, I don't mind asking you to have tea with God

"You're threatening me," Elvis said coldly

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's not a threat. It's just a small warning. I just want to prove to you that I have the ability to kill all of you. Like now, you say, if you two die, what happens next? Do you think your Bessie family will take revenge on you? I don't think so. Maybe I'll thank you in return. "

Elvis also saw the red spot on his chest, took a deep breath and said, "this is the end of the matter. Wesley didn't understand the rules. That's his punishment

Elvis had just finished, and the red dots on both of them disappeared at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's right. Our fight should be in a set of rules, like this time you contacted dozens of banks to get me into trouble. This is your ability. I can't hold on. I'm incompetent. I won't use other means to deal with you. That's the rule. "

Elvis snorted and said, "I'll let you know the strength of our Bessie family in a minute."When he hung up, Elvis looked at Wesley, who was in a panic, and said, "do you hear me. Don't think our Bessie family is good enough to ignore others, understand

Wesley nodded and said, "I see, uncle."

Now where else need Elvis to warn him, with this lesson, he dare not do this with Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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