Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:02 AM

Chapter 1799

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In a villa in Washington, Elvis watched the video and smashed the computer.

"Kung Fu Xiao, you are a madman."

The golden shield mobile payment system, which was built by STEL network company with a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, originally wanted to have a fight with Xiao Yunhai, but it was hit by the other party's most serious attack before it was listed.

There is a saying in China that one thousand enemies are hurt and eight hundred are lost.

However, Xiao Yunhai is a hundred wounded and a thousand injured.

Elvis is is very clear about the future of the whole mobile payment market. Don't need to be much, even if it is to charge one in ten thousand, it will be tens of billions and hundreds of billions of profits.

Now, Xiao Yunhai's free has completely destroyed the whole market.

Don't say Jindun needs to charge 5% service charge. Even if it is also free, it still can't compete with Xiao Yunhai.

Habit plus not spending money is enough to make Xiao Yunhai's payment system invincible.

This market can no longer accommodate other people. No, this is no longer a market, because there is no profit at all.

Not far from Elvis, Aaron Anderson is also chatting with Apollo on video, talking about the same thing.

"Father, you are right. Kung Fu Xiao can only be friends, not enemies. I've never seen him do business like this. You don't make me feel good. I just flip the chessboard. It's really frightening. " Apollo said, speechless.

Alan said, "I didn't expect him to do that. Apollo, are you also working on a mobile payment system? "

Apollo said with a wry smile, "yes. But I'm ready to stop. In today's situation, this area is Xiao Yunhai's world. No one can compete with him, and no one is willing to compete with him. "

"There is a saying in China that it is better to be a broken jade than a complete one. Kung Fu Xiao perfectly explained its meaning. "

Apollo said: "but his bank, Barker, still hasn't solved the crisis. Without the help of the Federal Reserve, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long. "

It turns out that the cooperation between Barker bank and the Federal Reserve has been known by them for a long time.

Although the president's power is great, it is still unable to compete with so many banks, especially the Bessie and Anderson families.

Xiao Yunhai thought that Lyle wanted to raise the price. In fact, neither the Bessie family nor the Anderson family allowed the fed to make such a decision.

Alan sneered, "do you think these banks will hold up? Hundreds of billions of dollars were thrown into the water one day, and the old Bessie guy was hurting people with his own money. Look, in a week at most, the League will be gone. If Kung Fu Xiao uses some means, they will not be able to survive for three days. "

Apollo said: "I have to say that Kung Fu Xiao is really preparing for the rainy days. If it is other banks, in order to reduce the loss, I am afraid they have already fought back. But he did not have any action, let the other side suppress. He didn't intend to sell his stake in Barker, so no matter how low the share price was, it would have no effect on him. But the opponent has to spend a huge price to attack maliciously every day. If it takes a long time, it's just that they can't recover directly. Unfortunately, they don't have the ability to do this. "

"We don't have to worry about that," he said. Apollo, have you heard from the financial staff sent to check the accounts of Citibank in recent years? "

Alan Anderson never believed that the Bessie family would do business honestly.

Their income from special channels must be laundered by Citibank. If evidence can be found, he can completely overthrow the Bessie family. This is why they spend so much money to buy shares from Xiao Yunhai.

Apollo said, "No. I've seen nothing twice. I suspect that their bank for selling stolen goods is not Citigroup. "

Alan said, "keep looking. There are always some clues."

Apollo said, "OK."

In the hotel in Washington, Xiao Yunhai, who just received a call from Lyle, didn't look good.

He thought that Lyle was hiding from him to make the Fed ask for more benefits from himself, but he didn't think that was the case at all.

The parliament failed. It was obviously a masterpiece of the Bessie family, and the Anderson family probably contributed to it.

Xiao Yunhai was very angry in his heart and said: "president Zhao, withdraw the negotiators. They are playing monkey opera. "

Zhao Guangting nodded and said, "OK. What shall we do, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai pondered for a while and said, "since foreign aid is not good, we can handle it by ourselves. First of all, the deposit interest will be increased by 30% directly. The time is half a month. Secondly, I will ask Wen Yanhong to call the banks that cooperate with our mobile payment system and tell them that if anyone dares to continue to crack down on Barker bank, the cooperation will stop next year. "

The European and American banks that cooperate with Yunqing network company are not only 30, but also 20. They are all very good banks.

Xiao Yunhai let the twitter client do not charge fees, has been completely invincible, want to break its monopoly, is basically impossible.If Xiao Yunhai gives up cooperation with these banks, they will surely suffer heavy losses.

We should know that European and American people are used to paying by mobile phone. Once they do not support this banking business, their customers will certainly be severely affected, and no one can say how much the loss will be.

Zhao Guangting nodded and said, "OK, I'll release the news right away."

After Zhao Guangting goes out, Xiao Yunhai informs Wen Yanhong.

Wen Yanhong immediately called the bank presidents.

"President Marshall, our boss is very angry about your joint efforts with other banks to suppress Bacar bank. He ordered that the cooperation between our Yunqing twitter mobile payment system and your bank will not be renewed until the end of the contract. I'm sorry about that. "

"Wait a minute, Ms. Wen. I am not involved in the crackdown on Barker bank. Please tell Mr. Xiao about this. "

"But the problem is that we have seen you on the Internet video?"

"It was an invitation from Mr. Bessie, and I had to go. You can rest assured that I will not do anything harmful to you next

"Well, I hope you can do what you say."


"are you going too far, Mr. krens? At the same time with our cloud clear network company cooperation, but also with us barker for the enemy. Mr. Xiao was very angry and ordered me not to cooperate with you next year. "

"Miss Wen, you misunderstood me. I... "

Wen Yanhong has made more than ten phone calls in a row, which may be due to the failure of golden shield mobile payment system before the battle. Everyone said that they would no longer be the enemy of Barker bank.

Some things are like this. If you are strong, he will be weak.

If golden shield mobile payment system is successful, then they will certainly scorn Wen Yanhong.

But now Xiao Yunhai's free strategy has directly wiped out this possibility. Naturally, they are not willing to fight against Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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