Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:01 AM

Chapter 1800

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When Elvis learned of the situation, it was hard to see the extreme on his face.

In order to crack down on Barker bank, he spent more than 600 billion U.S. dollars to bear 50% of the cost alone. Originally, I wanted to get rid of it all at once, but I didn't expect my teammates to quit one by one. It was just like taking the bottom out of the water.

After the dissolution of the anti Shaw alliance, Barker bank's share price soared again by increasing the tax rate.

After a week of repression, the share price of Barker bank dropped by 40%. In less than two days, it rose to $450 billion, and its market value was nearly one trillion higher than before.

Elvis paid for his wife and lost his army.

Xiao Yunhai took care of the business of Barker bank and flew directly to New York.

This time, although Barker bank turned the corner and won a great victory, the price was that Yunqing network company suffered huge losses.

Without the payment of service charges, it is no different from breaking a leg, so that the market value of Yunqing network company has plummeted by more than 30%.

Xiao Yunhai came here to appease them.

In the meeting room, Xiao Yunhai looked at the backbone personnel of the company and said with a smile: "if you have any dissatisfaction, just say it. You don't need to show me your face here."

As soon as the sound of Xiao Yunhai dialect fell, a young man in his thirties stood up.

"Mr. Xiao, our company can become a large company with a market value of more than three trillion US dollars. Your creativity plays a key role. But I don't understand. Why do you want our payment system to be free? To know that we twitter completely occupy the market, we only need to have the same service charge as golden shield mobile payment system, which is almost invincible. This is not tens of millions, but hundreds of billions. What a pity. "

His name is Zhang Zhong. He graduated from university three years ago. He is very capable, but he doesn't know how to speak. He has been dismissed by many company managers.

As the saying goes, rivers and mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change. Even if Yunqing network company is his eighth company and Xiao Yunhai is the boss of his boss, he still doesn't change his sharp talking style and doesn't give Xiao Yunhai any face.

Wen Yanhong appreciates Zhang Zhong's talent very much. She is afraid that Xiao Yunhai will get angry when she hears it. She scolds him: "Zhang Zhong, discuss problems with Mr. Xiao, and have a correct attitude."

Xiao Yunhai is a personal genius. Naturally, he could hear Wen Yanhong's protection. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "my mind is not narrow enough to listen to different opinions. Zhang Zhong, I'm young. It's really good to be able to get to this position. "

After all, Zhang Zhong was young. When he heard that Xiao Yunhai was not unhappy, he praised himself. He was embarrassed and said, "Mr. Xiao, I was just in a hurry. Don't take it to heart. But it's a pity for me

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Mobile payment fees can bring us a lot of benefits, but it will also bring countless enemies. Now it's gold shield, followed by silver shield, copper shield and iron shield. How much market share can we have left? How long can our client lead? Do you know why Barker's share price plummeted the other day? And why are these two days soaring? "

Mr. Zhang Zhongqing shook his head and asked, "is there any relationship between Mr. Zhang and the company?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "one is prosperous, the other is bad. I tell you, all week, we had a game with all the banks in Europe and America. Their goal is to bring down Barker bank and spend hundreds of billions of dollars a day on us. The golden shield mobile payment system launched by STEL network company is actually aimed at cracking down on Barker bank and our Twitter payment system. How can you imagine that once they succeed

Zhang Zhong responded the fastest, saying: "all the banks will terminate their contracts with us. In this way, only Barker bank will use Twitter app, and the consequences will be unimaginable."

Everyone took a breath. If the result is really like this, then oneself this side is dead.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "yes. But it's not the same now. Our Twitter and Yunqing payment systems do not charge any fees, which means that we have eliminated all potential enemies and realized another form of monopoly. Even if it is ten gold shields, we can't think of how many resources we have robbed. In the future, no one will put their heart in this aspect. In this way, other projects on twitter client and Yunqing client will have better development. If other banks want to attract more customers, they can only ask us not to terminate the contract with them, and their so-called alliance will naturally collapse. "

When people think of the risks the company faces these days, they suddenly feel chilly.

Wen Yanhong is also a pale flower. She said with a lingering fear: "Mr. Xiao, fortunately, you are decisive in dealing with matters. With the technique of breaking the swords of a strong man, you can completely end them. If later, the two sides fall into a bond, the situation will be too unfavorable."

Zhang Zhong said with admiration on his face: "the so-called give up will get you. Everyone is saying that you have lost a thousand and wounded the enemy one hundred. But now I understand that you are great wisdom. Although the loss is heartbreaking, it has won the future. "

Others nodded and praised Xiao Yunhai.Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't flatter me, though I'm very happy."

When they heard this, they all laughed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the future is the era of intelligence. Whoever masters the mobile phone, the communication device, will take the absolute initiative. Our Twitter app and Yunqing app, if you want to stay first forever, you must make it comfortable and convenient for customers to use. We should have confidence, courage and ability to be the pioneers of the new era, not successors and promoters. I hope that Yunqing network company can leave the most indelible mark in the history of the development of intelligent era, and I also hope that our company can lead the trend of the times forever. For this goal, let's refuel together. "


There was a round of applause in the conference room.

Xiao Yunhai's last words, said impassioned, everyone listened, can not help but have a kind of blood surging feeling.

After the meeting, Xiao Yunhai took Wen Yanhong and Zhang Zhong to his office.

Zhang Zhong thought Xiao Yunhai wanted to settle accounts with him. Standing there, he felt very uneasy.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him and said with a smile, "Zhang Zhong, you don't have to be nervous. Where's your spirit just in the meeting room?"

Zhang Zhong said with a wry smile: "my mouth has offended too many company managers. I didn't like their working atmosphere before, and it's nothing to leave. But I like Yunqing network company very much, so I'm afraid that you let me go to the financial department to settle my salary. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Zhang Zhong, although it is the first time we met, I really like the spirit of enterprising in you. However, you need to change your temper, I am your boss, and it is the first time you meet, you dare to do so. You can imagine, in your daily life and work, what kind of performance will you be? "

Zhang Zhong nodded and said, "I am aware of this problem, and I will correct it in the future."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Well, you go out. "

A little doubt flashed in Zhang Zhong's eyes, as if he didn't understand the reason why Xiao Yunhai called himself in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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