Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:00 AM

Chapter 1801

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After Zhang Zhong left, Wen Yanhong said, "Mr. Xiao, are you going to reuse Zhang Zhong?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "what do you think of him?"

Wen Yanhong said: "a sword that cuts through thorns and thorns, but it may also hurt itself."

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are no flaws to cover up your virtues. This person has a strong will not admit defeat. If his ability is good, it is quite suitable to be a pioneer. Mr. Wen, how is the new network technology research going? "

Since the completion of WiFi, Xiao Yunhai, according to the development of previous mobile phone network, has asked technicians to conduct research based on WiFi, mobile phone and existing network technology, so as to achieve the purpose of fast transmission of video, audio and other data, and meet the requirements of all users for wireless services, which is a bit like the 4G of the previous era.

Once this technology is completed, telecom companies all over the world will cooperate with Xiao Yunhai, and profits will naturally roll in.

Hearing the term of new network technology, Wen Yanhong's eyes flashed a ray of light directly. She could not hide her excitement and said, "Mr. Xiao, I only went to the laboratory yesterday. They said that in another week, if there is no problem in the test, a press conference can be held. At night, I dream that telecom companies all over the world come to us to seek cooperation, which is hundreds of billions of profits every year. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not so easy. The update of technology will be faster and faster. Even if the new network technology is successful, it is hard to say that it can be used for several years. By the way, are all the patent issues settled? "

Wen Yanhong said: "a total of more than 1800 patents have been registered, most of them have received certificates, and a small part of them have not come down because they were sent late."

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction, pondered for a while, and said, "Mr. Wen, our company has become a giant in various industries. I plan to build a headquarters in New York, integrate our company resources, and divide all industries into entertainment, Internet, energy and banking. I will be the chairman of the board, Kristi will be the economic adviser, and you, Raul, Zhao Guangting and Gavin will be the general managers respectively, and they will be in charge of their own work. What do you think? "

Wen Yanhong said with a smile, "of course. In this way, it is very convenient for our management. Just Mr. Xiao, where are you going to build the headquarters? "

"My plan is to buy all tens of thousands of hectares of land around the laboratory and build several skyscrapers," Xiao Yunhai said

Wen Yanhong said, "that will cost a lot of money."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "money is not a problem. Working environment is good, feel comfortable, efficiency will be high naturally. We do this to make better money. Mr. Wen, I'll leave it to you. Just give me a list of how much budget you need. "

Wen Yanhong nodded and said, "OK."

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai and Wen Yanhong came to the lab, which cost tens of billions of dollars.

I have to say, it's really tall inside. Just those instruments, I feel very professional.

As a guide, LAN Jiancheng introduced the specific situation of the laboratory to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai, a layman, knew little about everything LAN Jiancheng said. After listening, he had to wave his hand and say, "minister LAN, if you tell me this, you are just casting pearls before swine. You are experts in this field, and you has the final say. What I'm most concerned about now is the new network technology. I heard that you are already in the testing stage. "

LAN Jiancheng nodded and said, "yes. According to your requirements, our new network technology is nearly ten times more powerful than the current network technology. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "the concept of nearly ten times is too vague. If I want to download a 10g file, how long does it take now? How long will it take for the new technology? "

LAN Jiancheng thought for a moment and said, "according to the existing technology, it takes at least three minutes, or under the normal network speed. And our new technology only takes ten seconds. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "very good. What if it's on the game? "

LAN Jiancheng said: "faster and more stable. In the past year, everyone is developing in the mobile game industry. In addition to simple R & D and easy to make money, the biggest reason is that it is small enough and has good stability. If a large online game on the mobile phone to play, although it can, but the effect is far less than the computer. If we use our new network technology, if there is no problem with the mobile phone, even the largest online game can still let the players enjoy playing without any problems, and the speed is even faster than that of the computer. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "great. Minister LAN, give me a time. When can I finish it? "

LAN Jiancheng thought about it and said, "I dare not talk big. Science is so rigorous that it can't tolerate any problems. I can only say that if everything goes well, the test will be over in three days. But if there are unexpected problems in the middle, it's hard to say

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I believe that your strength will not be a problem. Hehe, originally I wanted to go back to China today. It seems that I can't go. "

Once the new network technology is completed, Yunqing network company will definitely invite telecom companies from all over the world to participate in the grand event. Without Xiao Yunhai, it is absolutely impossible to rely on Wen Yanhong.Driving out of the laboratory, I came back from the villa.

After another three days in New York, he discussed with Wen Yanhong about the construction of the headquarters. Xiao Yunhai finally arrived at the test results of the emerging network technology.

In the laboratory, LAN Jiancheng took all the data and looked at it carefully. With a happy look on his face, he said, "Mr. Xiao, all the data are qualified and there is no problem. He can enter the market completely. We made it. "

"Yes", nearly 100 technicians clapped their hands, and the younger ones even jumped up with excitement.

Xiao Yunhai snapped his fingers, hugged LAN Jiancheng, Luke and Kyle respectively, and said, "I knew you can do it. Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for Yunqing network company. I want to congratulate you. "

With the new network technology, Yunqing network company will take off again.

LAN Jiancheng said: "this is what we should do. Mr. Xiao, can you tell us a few words? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and took the microphone from Wen Yanhong's mobile phone. He said, "dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, today is a great day. We have developed the latest network technology based on WiFi and existing network communication. It can be said that this is no less than a technological revolution of WiFi, and we are the creators. WiFi has made Yunqing network company one of the top companies in the world, and the new network technology will make our company become the real No.1 in the world, no one can compare with it. "

"Yes." Hearing Xiao Yunhai's evaluation, everyone cheered again.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand, and when everyone was quiet, he continued, "the value of the new network technology is immeasurable. I don't know how much income we will get from it. But what I know is that you have made great contributions to the company, and I must give you a big prize. For those who participate in the research of new network technology, each of them will be 300000 US dollars. In the process of research, another 200000 will be awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions. "


"Long live the boss."

Everyone was elated and cheered even more.

Xiao Yunhai said: "three ministers, please draw up a list and give it to President Wen. Mr. Wen, you should publicize the list of people who have made outstanding contributions, write their achievements on it, and let all technical personnel have a look. If there is any objection, it shall be reassessed, and fairness must be achieved. "

They all nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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