Published at 11th of May 2022 05:10:00 AM

Chapter 1802

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At 9 a.m. the next day, in the conference room of a five-star hotel in Los Angeles, a person in charge of his forties was arranging the meeting place.

"Hurry up. It's only half an hour before the press conference reporters come in. If we don't finish the work before they come, we'll get out of here. "

"That big man, I asked you to pull up the banner as soon as possible. What are you doing?"

"Glass, the glass is clean for me. There can't be any dust."

"You, go get a basin of water."

The person in charge looked at the watch while directing more than 20 people to work.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his fifties came in.

The person in charge ran over quickly and said, "boss, how can you come here in person?"

"Such a thing?" The boss squinted at him and said, "I tell you, this is a big thing for our hotel. Do you know how many relationships I used to get the right to hold the conference of Yunqing network company? If you can't do it right now, get out of here. "

"Yes, yes, boss. You can rest assured that I will arrange the press conference well." The person in charge said flatteringly.

The boss took a deep breath and said: "wait a moment, the people from Yunqing network company will come to check the meeting place. You boy, give me a good reception. Don't... It's not necessary. They have arrived."

The boss's serious face suddenly changed into a smile. He trotted to a group of people who had just come in from the door and said, "Hello, Mr. Kami. I'm Edmond, the owner of this hotel. "

Kami shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Edmond, it's only over an hour before the press conference. I don't think you can finish it."

Edmond Lane said quickly, "Mr. kamey, you can rest assured that we can do it in half an hour."

Kami nodded and said, "that's the best. Mr. Edmond, I'd like to remind you that this conference is extraordinary. Mr. Xiao Yunhai, the boss of our company, will announce a shocking news to the world. If you want to make your hotel famous in the world, don't have any problems. This is a rare opportunity. I hope you can take it. "

When Edmund heard that Xiao Yunhai would come, he was very surprised and said, "you can rest assured that I will satisfy Mr. Xiao. Mr. Kami, after the press conference, can I take a picture with Mr. Xiao? You may not know, I'm a big fan of him. "

Kami laughed and said, "I'm a fan of him, too. A year ago, I came to work in Yunqing network company, but I only saw Mr. Xiao three times. I can't decide whether I can take a group photo or not

Half an hour later, the whole venue was finished.

Edmond checked himself, pointed out a few problems, and asked the staff to correct them immediately.

At ten o'clock sharp, the reporters came in, busy looking for the best location to shoot.

"Brother, have you heard about the main content of this conference?"

"No. I just got the news last night, and then I came back from the outside. I don't have time to inquire. "

"I've heard that it's related to the Internet this time."

"Nonsense. Mr. Xiao held a press conference on behalf of Yunqing network company, which is of course related to the network. "

"Whatever it is. Anyway, I only know that as long as there is news about Mr. Xiao, our magazine will sell well

Reporters, you say, I say, the discussion is in full swing.

At 10:30, Xiao Yunhai, surrounded by Wen Yanhong and others, walked into the meeting hall with a smile on his face.

The reporters immediately stood up and applauded, as if to greet the king. Five seconds later, I felt something was wrong. This is not a concert. Why do you stand up.

Xiao Yunhai sat in the middle of the rostrum and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a while. You seem to be very polite."

The reporters were a little embarrassed and laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think you should be very curious about why the lazy Kung Fu Xiao suddenly held this news conference? Right? "

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "because the news I will announce next will affect the whole world. I remember when I first released WiFi, I said that the era of intelligence was coming. But later, I found that this sentence is a little early. Although mobile phones have been able to surf the Internet for free, there are still some gaps compared with computers. The most obvious one is the Internet speed. In order to solve this problem, the engineers of Yunqing network company, after more than half a year's efforts, have finally developed a new mobile network technology. "

"Mr. Xiao, what's the use of this new mobile network technology? Can you explain it in detail? " A reporter couldn't help but get up and ask.

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that you are very anxious. Actually, I don't quite understand. My colleagues explained a lot of special professional things to me, but I didn't understand a word. "

"Ha ha ha."Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the reporters all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "at that time, I was just like this reporter. Let him give me an example, and I immediately understood. For example, we now use mobile phones to download a 2G online game, which takes about three minutes, but it only takes more than ten seconds to use the new network technology. Another example is large-scale online games, which can't be moved on mobile phones. The more people need to cooperate, the slower the speed will be. But the new network technology can completely solve this problem, not only not card, but also faster than the computer. Generally speaking, it is characterized by high communication speed, more value-added services and strong technology integration. What computers can do, so can mobile phones. If a computer can't do something, a mobile phone can still do it. This is the revolution brought about by the new mobile network technology. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the beginning of the era of true intelligence. "


Xiao Yunhai's words were like a deep-water bomb, which directly bombed the reporters under the stage.

Although they are not experts, they also understand the importance of this technology.

"Yunqing network company will be developed again."

"I dare say that once this news is released, all the telecom companies in the world will come to New York."

"Cloud has reduced the market value of mobile phones by 30%. Now we have

this new mobile network technology can not only make up for the loss, but also be stronger than before. "

"Telecom companies all over the world want to look up to Yunqing network company's breath, and Xiaoshi's Kung Fu is too good."

Hearing everyone's discussion on the stage, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you don't have any questions, then this conference will be over."

"Mr. Xiao, I have a problem."

"I have them, too."

As soon as the reporters heard it, they raised their hands in a rush.

Wen Yanhong made a gesture and said, "the reporter of manwei TV station asks first."

"I knew it was." Many reporters have raised their middle fingers in their hearts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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