Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:58 AM

Chapter 1804

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After dinner, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Du Hongtai.

"Director Du, how could you have my temporary mobile phone number?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Du Hongtai said with a smile: "of course, Wanqing told me. What do you think of the play, Yunhai

Xiao Yunhai said: "classic. If it's done, it's likely to break the ratings record. "

Du Hongtai was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that your evaluation of it would be so high? If Lao Hong hears that, he will be very happy. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "who is Laohong? The writer of power

Du Hongtai said, "yes. His name is Hong Lei. He is a writer and has written many novels about officialdom. Power is his first TV play

Xiao Yunhai said with admiration: "to be able to write such a script, teacher Hong is really powerful. Just want to broadcast on the Chinese TV station, I am afraid it is not a simple thing

Du Hongtai sighed and said, "I'm worried about this. The film and Television Bureau directly told me that the officialdom described in the script was too real, and there was suspicion of discrediting officials. Yunhai, can you think of a way? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "difficult. Originally I planned to go to Minister Liang, but after watching the play, I gave up the idea. I dare say that Minister Liang will not let this play go through 100% of the time. Do you have any plans to change the script

Du Hongtai said with a wry smile: "Lao Hong's temperament is too stubborn. It's OK to change the small details, but the big plot can't be moved. Yunhai, to be honest, I like this script from the bottom of my heart. "

Xiao Yunhai pondered for a while and said, "director Du, let's think about it again when I go back to Yanjing. It should be more than four o'clock in the morning over there in Yanjing. You'd better sleep a little more. "

Du Hongtai sighed, "where can I sleep?"

Xiao Yunhai is very clear that a director saw a good script but could not shoot. He comforted Du Hongtai with a few words, and then hung up the phone.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai drove to David Harnett's studio.

The studio is actually just renting a few offices. There is only one person in each position. The most likely one is the bodyguard.

Of course, although sparrows are small and have five internal organs, we all bear corresponding responsibilities.

Led by the beauty agent Melinda Dunlop, Xiao Yunhai walked into David's office.

"Hey, David, what are you up to?" Xiao Yunhai said hello with a smile.

David Harnett was watching a TV play. When he heard the sound, he raised his head and saw Xiao Yunhai. He quickly got up and said, "Mr. Xiao, why didn't you tell you to come earlier? I'll go down to meet you."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "originally I wanted to call you downstairs. By chance, I met Ms. Melinda, and I came up with me. Are you reading the script? "

David Harnett asked Xiao Yunhai to sit on the sofa and said, "I'm watching a suspense TV series. Mr. Xiao, what are you doing here? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I want to ask if you have a schedule. I'm going to shoot a pure American movie."

Melinda, who was about to withdraw, stopped at once when she heard Xiao Yunhai's words and replied, "Mr. Xiao, David will not have a schedule until mid September."

Xiao Yunhai gave a cry and said, "it's not too late. Because I don't know when I'll be able to shoot? "

David Harnett asked, "Mr. Shaw, what movie are you going to make?"

Xiao Yunhai's status in the global film industry will not be a second person. He thinks that the box office of recent films is no less than 10 billion US dollars.

If you want to say who is the most attractive director? At least nine out of ten people will choose Xiao Yunhai.

"I wrote a drama called Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump, the leading actor in it, I think you are very suitable to play Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

David Harnett was stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Xiao, are you going to shoot a literary film? It's unbelievable. "

Melinda was also surprised.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "the box office will not be lower than that of commercial films after the film has been shot. Forrest Gump, I'm popular enough in the world. Box office and trophies will not be less. "

When David Harnett heard Xiao Yunhai's words, a trace of curiosity appeared on his face and said, "Mr. Xiao, if you believe me, can I have a look at the script?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. I'm sure you'll like this charming character

When he came to the computer on David Harnett's desk, Xiao Yunhai opened the script in his mailbox, printed it out and gave it to David Harnett.

While David Harnett was concentrating on reading the script, Xiao Yunhai, who was idle and bored, also watched the TV play script on his desk.

An hour later, David Harnett stood up and said excitedly, "Mr. Shaw, I'll take this play. I entreat you to give me the role. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what do you think of this script?"

Without thinking about it, David Harnett replied, "perfect. Better than any script I've ever seen. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not easy to play Forrest Gump. First of all, weight. You can now play Forrest Gump in his middle age. But if you want to play Forrest Gump in his youth, you should at least lose 15 to 20 jin

David Harnett said with a determined look, "there's no problem. I can do it for this role. Do you know, Mr. Xiao? I have a strong feeling that missing Forrest Gump will be the biggest regret in my life. After September, I will not take any more work and wait patiently for your message. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. I'll leave the script with you. When it's OK, you can figure it out. Don't lose it. By the way, although I have only read a quarter of your script, I can almost 100% conclude that it is a rotten film. No one will watch it. I don't think you need to waste time on it. "

David Harnett said, "I think it's average. It's just boring and looking around."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and got up and said, "well, the story of Forrest Gump has been settled. It's the first time we've worked together. We must give a big surprise to the whole world. "

"I'm sure it will," said David Harnett, contentedly

Two people hugged, Xiao Yunhai left David's personal studio.

Looking at the car as it slowly left, Melinda asked, "David, are you really going to play Forrest Gump? Don't forget that it is the first time that Mr. Xiao has made a literary film. "

"Melinda, I'll play Forrest Gump even if I don't get a penny for it," David hannett said seriously. It's the best character I've ever seen, not one of them. "

After staying in Los Angeles for two days, Xiao Yunhai flew back to New York in his own plane.

When he came out of the airport, Xiao Yunhai turned on his mobile phone. Good guy, there were more than 200 missed calls in two days. A small part of them knew each other, but most of them didn't know each other. They should be the boss of the telecom company.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said: "fortunately, I didn't turn on the phone. Otherwise, just these phones would make him bored to death." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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