Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:57 AM

Chapter 1805

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The time of arriving at the headquarters of Yunqing network company is 12:30, which is one and a half hours away from the global network telecommunication conference.

At this time, Wen Yanhong is holding a lunch in a nearby five-star hotel to entertain more than 100 Telecom executives from all over the world.

Learning that Xiao Yunhai is about to go downstairs, Wen Yanhong accuses everyone of a crime, and several bodyguards quickly walk out of the banquet hall.

"Is Wen always in a hurry?" Mr. Yu haodang, President of Huaxia telecom company, asked DOM, the president of TNK Telecom Company in the United States. It was three people who were chatting just now.

Now, the most urgent thing for Telecom is to shake his head. General manager Wen is in such a hurry to go out, which shows that there are some important people coming. "

Speaking of this, two people at the same time eyes a bright, said in unison: "Xiao Yunhai is coming."

Sure enough, within two minutes, Wen Yanhong led Xiao Yunhai into the living room.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Yu haodang of Huaxia telecom company."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Yu haodang immediately went to Xiao Yunhai and put out his hand with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned at first, then shook hands with him and said, "Hello, general manager Yu. I've been to Los Angeles these days and I've neglected something

Yu haodang said with a smile: "where, Mr. Xiao is polite."

Huaxia telecom company is a state-owned enterprise directly operated by the state. Its general manager belongs to the vice ministerial level and has a high position and weight. Yu haodang is a well-known figure both in business and in politics.

If ordinary people, Yu haodang would not even look at it. But in the face of Xiao Yunhai, he was very polite.

Not to mention that Xiao Chongyang is the boss of his direct supervisor, Xiao Yunhai's economic strength and world influence alone are not comparable to him.

Even if China Telecom Company is included, it is not Xiao Yunhai's rival at all.

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that the government attaches great importance to the new network telecommunication technology this time, and even let you, the general manager, come here in person."

Yu haodang nodded and said, "this is the necessity of social development. Mr. Xiao is self-sufficient. I gave the order that we should treat this grand event with the most cautious attitude, so I came here with the technical backbone of the company. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "does my uncle have anything to bring me? "

Yu haodang looked embarrassed, nodded and said," yes. What he means is that you can give China a free hand. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said," I knew. As a prime minister of a country, he always thinks about his nephew. I just received two trillion yuan. I'm sorry. I'll let you take a message. Well, it's really speechless. "

When Yu haodang heard Xiao Yunhai say this, he didn't know how to make a conversation, so he had to chat up and smile.

People are uncles and nephews. It's normal to complain about two sentences. It's not appropriate to interrupt yourself.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm the boss of TNK Telecom in America. My name is dom

“TNK?” Xiao Yunhai looked at the middle-aged white man in his 40s, frowned slightly, and said, "I remember TNK is the property of Bessie family. Who is your direct supervisor?"

With a slight shock in his heart, DOM said, "miss winnissa Bessie."

Xiao Yunhai and Bessie family's gratitude and resentment, no one who has status in the United States does not know. What DOM worries most is that Xiao Yunhai does not give TNK the opportunity to cooperate, which will be a big trouble.

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's winnisa. Ha ha, old friend. I didn't expect that she was not only in charge of TCP oil and gas company, but also telecom company. It seems that Mr. Elvis attaches great importance to her

When he heard Xiao Yunhai's words, DOM took a deep breath. He was really worried that Xiao Yunhai would let someone invite him out.

"Ms. Vanessa is the best in appearance and talent, and it's normal to be taken seriously." DOM laughed.

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

At this time, a familiar voice came into Xiao Yunhai's ears.

"Xiao, you're back at last."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw the prince of General Electric Company, doton Welch, stride over.

Xiao Yunhai laughed, opened his arms and hugged him, and said, "DaoDun, how can I feel that your boy has gained a lot of weight."

Dorton Welch's face darkened and he said, "in your Chinese language, which pot do you call not open and which pot to mention?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wrong, I call it Frank."

General Electric Company is one of the world's famous telecom companies. Its service scope is very wide. Even South America and Asia have their service objects, which is their most important core business.

The arrival of Dalton Welch is natural.

After a brief chat, Xiao Yunhai took his glass and walked onto the rostrum.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our Yunqing network company. The new network mobile technology based on WiFi and mobile communication is the inevitable development of intelligent era, and its importance is self-evident. It may be just a development of excessive, the future will certainly appear better and more advanced technology, but in this period, its role is unique. You have received my invitation to come here together, which shows that you have excellent vision. Ladies and gentlemen, let's raise our glasses and wish our global telecommunication network conference a complete success. ""Cheers."

Everyone took a sip of wine for the sake of face.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "the birth of new network technology will completely change the world and provide more convenient convenience for people's life and work. At the same time, it also brings us great benefits, such as upstream RF device manufacturers and test manufacturers; midstream main equipment manufacturers, transmission supporting manufacturers, wireless terminal antenna manufacturers; and downstream operators, CP / sp Providers, mobile terminal providers, etc., they can all benefit from it. To be honest, I don't know much about these technologies, and I don't think you can understand a lot. Therefore, the first thing we need to do in the afternoon is to ask our company's engineers to explain this technology to you. You should all have engineers, so they can listen. When the explanation is over, we will discuss the operation. What do you think of this arrangement? "

" OK. " They all answered in unison.

Soon, the lunch was over.

Xiao Yunhai with the boss and their engineers, almost 500 people, the vast killing to the laboratory.

A total of more than 200 luxury cars, like a long snake galloping on the road, shocked passers-by. Some taxi drivers even stop directly to watch this rare scene.

"Shit, who are these people? It's so handsome. "

"There are more than 50 cars passing in front of me. What makes me sad is that I can't afford to buy any of them in my lifetime."

"The first car seems to belong to Mr. Xiao."

"Shit, I know. Today is the day of the global network Telecom Conference. They are all telecom company owners from all over the world. "

"No wonder you can afford to drive such an expensive luxury car."

Soon, the video of more than 200 luxury cars driving on the road was sent to the network, causing a heated discussion among netizens.

"Too rich. Almost all the luxury cars in the world have appeared here. "

"Look, it's like the police cars of NYPD are out."

"It's normal. These people's worth add up to buy a medium-sized country. If something goes wrong in New York, America will be lost. "

"I don't know when I'll be one of them."

"Ha ha, I have great ambition upstairs. Unfortunately, the proportion of people who want to go to their place is one in a million. "

"To be able to gather these niuren shows that we are still yunhuang oxforks."

"Emperor Yun once said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. There is nothing wrong with it. At this moment, cloud clear network company to earn again

As a spokesman, LAN Jiancheng had been waiting in the parking lot.

He opened the door for Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai stood out from the inside and said with a smile, "minister LAN, don't be so polite. Are you ready? This is to be explained in front of the world's top engineers. If you can't answer a question, it's a shame. "

LAN Jiancheng said confidently: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

After the car stopped, they approached Xiao Yunhai one after another.

Dalton Welch said, "Shaw, your parking lot is really big. More than 200 cars actually account for less than one third. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is just one of them. There is a parking lot in the north, which is bigger than here."

Yu haodang said: "I've heard that Mr. Xiao spent tens of billions of dollars to build this laboratory, which is called the first in the world by the academic circles. Why don't we change our itinerary and visit it first? "

Doton Welch nodded and said, "I totally agree. Xiao, let's open our eyes and have a look at what is the best laboratory? "

Other CEOs and engineers are also clamoring.

Xiao Yunhai looked at LAN Jiancheng and said, "minister LAN, what do you think?"

LAN Jiancheng said with a smile: "no problem. However, the laboratory is too large, and it will take at least three hours to complete the visit. I think I'll take a look at some typical laboratories. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."

In this way, Xiao Yunhai and his party spent an hour visiting more than ten laboratories.

After reading it, an engineer raised his thumb and said, "this is the most wonderful laboratory I have ever seen. The equipment used is the most advanced in the world. No wonder it costs tens of billions of dollars. It's wonderful."

Wang Lecheng, director of China Telecom Technology Department, praised: "if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Not to mention other things, the three world-class supercomputers alone compared more than 99% of the laboratories. It's hard to work here without thinking about efficiency. "

Yu haodang asked, "Minister Wang, how far is the difference between us and Mr. Xiao?"

When Wang Lecheng heard this, he immediately said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Yu, if you want to catch up with here, you should at least invest 100 billion yuan for me."Yu haodang was tongue tied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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