Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:56 AM

Chapter 1807

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Ten minutes later, Xiao asked people to collect the form and said, "after the staff statistics are over, I will publish the results so that everyone doesn't say I am unfair. Next, let's talk about the operating fee. I don't want cash or patent sales. I want you 30% of your operating profit. "

"No way." All of us heard and shocked, Qi Qi roared, and some even stood up directly.

Xiao Yunhai picked his ears and said, "don't be excited. Let's talk about it."

"Xiao, 30% of the profit is absolutely impossible," says doyton Welch. This is not a robbery, but a robbery. Although we are good friends, I will never agree to such conditions. "

"Mr. Welch is right."

"Thirty percent is killing us."

"It's too much."

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "30% can't, then 25. I only charge 25 for 100 dollars. It should be ok? "

"It's too expensive, Xiao," said doyton Welch, shaking his head

"I think it's the best thing to buy a technology patent," said dome

Xiaoyun Haidao: "if you want to buy it, it can be bought, it will be 30 billion dollars a year."


when he heard, he almost choked out an internal injury.

It's $30 billion a year. What kind of international jokes.

"Mr. Xiao, our telecom company needs your technology, and you need our operation. Our position should be the same," said one of the presidents

Xiao Yunhai said, "so you mean 50% of each?"? How sorry I am. "

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

The old man touched his forehead and smiled bitterly: "I mean, can you be a little sincere? Twenty five percent or 30 percent, that price is really scary. Fortunately, I have no heart disease, otherwise I will be in hospital now. "

"Ha ha ha."

It was not expected that the old man in his sixty years old would be so humorous and funny.

Xiao Yunhai also can not help smiling.

After laughing, Xiao Yunhai turned very solemn and said, "since everyone said I was not sincere, then you said your sincerity, right? Mr. Welch, you are the most active. You give me a price. "

"Don't worry, Xiao," said dawton Welch, in a daze. "I want to discuss it with you."

Xiao Yunhai turned a white eye and said, "so you mean I need to go out?"

"OK, thank you," nodded dorton Welch

Xiao Yunhai was silent for a while, but he went out with his staff.

Half an hour later, Xiao returned to the conference room.

"How are you talking, guys? Let me see your sincerity? " Xiao said with a smile.

"After our intense and intense discussion, we think 8% of the profit ratio is good," said doyton Welch, who appeared to be their spokesman

Xiao Yunhai changed his face and said, "8% is really good for you, but it will not work for me. I'm sorry, I didn't see you in a bit of sincerity. I can tell you clearly that the bottom line of Yunqing network company is 15%, and it will never be lower even one percentage point. "

"We have a 10 percent bottom line, Xiao, and we won't rise any more, even a percentage point," said doyton Welch, frowning

"Do you want to force me to set up a telecommunication company, dawden?" Xiao said angrily

"You have enough money, but there are things that don't depend on money to do everything," said doyton Welch, who was a little angry

"Since that is the case, we don't have to negotiate," Xiao said

After that, Xiao Yun Haitou also left without returning.

Wenyanhong hurriedly ran out and said, "Mr. Xiao, wait a moment."

Xiao Yunhai stopped and blinked at her, and whispered, "you go back and try to pay a high price between 10% and 15%

Wenyanhong immediately understood the meaning of Xiao Yunhai, nodded.

Xiao Yunhai shouted, "you told the bastard that there was no door without 15% less."

"The performance of wenyanhong is also very good, and said," Mr. Xiao, don't worry. Negotiations need patience. "

Xiao Yunhai said angrily: "patience. I'd better sell patents directly for 10% of the profits. "

"Mr. Xiao, would you mind me in charge of the negotiation?" said wenyanhong bitterly? I will give you a satisfactory account. "

Xiao yunhaiton gave a moment and said, "OK. Remember, 10 percent is absolutely not

Wenyanhong agreed to, Xiao Yunhai nodded to her, returned to the reception room, and continued to lie on the sofa playing his mobile phone.Wen Yanhong came to the meeting room, looked at the crowd, and said with a bitter smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao has never negotiated, and we have no patience. If there is anything inappropriate, please be more tolerant."

Dawton Welch frowned: "Mr. Wen, I know Xiao's temper very well. But no matter how angry he may be, we will not agree to such a 15% condition. "

Wen Yanhong said: "but you have just heard that. It's impossible for 10% of them. If so, what do you think of it

Dorton Welch did not speak and turned to look around the boss.

After another round of discussion, dawton Welch said, "Twelve percent, this is the final price."

Wen Yanhong thought for a moment and said, "please wait a moment. I'll report to Mr. Xiao right away."

When she comes to the reception room, Wen Yanhong sees Xiao Yunhai lying on the sofa playing games leisurely and leisurely. She can't help being speechless.

"Mr. Xiao, they have reached 12%. It seems that it should be the final result."

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Twelve percent, it's two percent more than my bottom line. It's not bad."

Wen Yanhong said: "it's not only good. The 12% profit of global telecom companies can reach at least 1.2 billion US dollars every year, which is really frightening to death. Mr. Xiao, would you like to come over

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's up to you. I'm only responsible for signing."

Wen Yanhong nodded and said, "OK. By the way, the bid for the base station construction has come out. The highest 35% and the lowest 24%. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "let's go and announce it together. As for the part promised to Huaxia telecom company and general electric company, we should follow the average of these 15 regions. "

Wen Yanhong said, "I'll do it right away."

Two hours later, Xiao signed cooperation agreements with 132 telecom companies around the world and held a reception in the restaurant of the laboratory.

Xiao Yunhai did not seem to remember what happened in the afternoon. He chatted with the crowd with a smile, and from time to time he issued a bright smile.

DOM frowned slightly and said, "it seems that we have been cheated by Mr. Xiao."

Yu haodang said with a smile: "do you mean that he is angry or false, in order to raise the price?"

DOM nodded and said, "good. You see, he and Mr. dowton are still so close that they can't conspire with each other to try to trap us. "

Yu haodang said: "Mr. DOM, using 12% profit to get better technology is already a very good result. If he offends Mr. Xiao because of the high price, he can rebuild a telecommunication company at any time to replace the other party's position. Hehe, we can't afford to offend him now. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. I have a deep feeling now. "

After seeing the crowd away, dawton Welch said, "Shaw, I've done you such a big favor. Should I be cheaper?"

It turned out that the quarrel between the two was just a joint play.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I now change the contract from 12% to 10%, do you dare?"

As soon as dawton Welch heard this, he said, "never. We don't want to be seen as traitors by other companies. "

If other telecom companies know that GM is in caoying and heart is in Han, the whole GE company must not be regarded as a rat in the street.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry. You helped me this time. I owe you one. I won't stand idly by if you have something to do in the future. "

Dorton Welch, knowing that his promise was more valuable than any agreement, nodded and said nothing more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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