Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:55 AM

Chapter 1808

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The news that Yunqing network company signed cooperation agreements with 132 companies around the world soon spread all over the world, and even one of the agreements was photographed and sent to the Internet.

Knowing that Yunqing network company will get 12% of the profits of all telecom companies, the whole economic circle was shocked. Netizens, especially those in Huaxia, published their posts one after another.

"Damn it, yunhuang oxfork. It's my model."

"Science and technology has been awarded only 26 medals in more than 50 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China. On average, less than one medal has been awarded in two years. It can be seen that this medal is rare.

Xiao Chongyang said with a bitter smile: "it has nothing to do with the Ministry of Commerce. Two years ago, they reported the boy to the newspaper, and last year it was the same. I suppressed him. I think it's hard to accept that he won the Golden Eagle Award before he was 30 years old

"Lao Xiao, you don't want the sea of clouds to stand out too much. But it's no use. He's already standing on the crest of the world and can't even press it down. If he doesn't get the golden eagle, will the Golden Eagle Award go out after that? People can't kill anyone who takes it. "

Xiao Chongyang nodded and said: "there are many outstanding entrepreneurs with both ability and social responsibility in the economic field today. For example, the child of the old Wu family donated 30 billion yuan to the earthquake. He is also one of the people who are qualified to receive the Golden Eagle Award. In this way, how about having the Ministry of Commerce take the lead and hold a commendation meeting? "

The No.1 chief said with a smile: "this is a good idea. These business tycoons, one by one, have more money than us. Since we can't satisfy them physically, we should reward them in spirit. "

"Good." All said in unison.

I'm afraid even Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that the government would hold a national business recognition conference because of him.

In a villa in Washington, the United States, Alan and Apollo sit together for tea.

Apollo picked up the cup, sipped a little, and said, "good tea. It's bitter to eat, but fragrant to drink. Father, what kind of tea is this

Allan's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "next to the Dahongpao on the mother tree, it's the best tea in China. Twenty years ago, I once went to Yanjing and met Xiao Leshan, Xiao Yunhai's grandfather. At that time, he was the No. 1 leader of China, and he was entertained by Dahongpao. Although we only talked for half an hour, the mind, wisdom and vision shown by this Chinese chief executive made me feel a sense of standing at the top of a mountain. I didn't expect that twenty years later, his grandson Xiao Yunhai came to me, which made me feel a lot

Apollo said, "I never admire anyone of my age. Only the appearance of Kung Fu Xiao made me know that there are still talents in the world. "

Aaron sighed as like as two peas. "Kung Xiao and Xiao Leshan are just like the old man. They have an open-minded mind, a long-term vision and extraordinary wisdom. They are just a political and business person. I have to admit that Kung Fu Xiao is better than anyone in the world. It's incredible to be a super rich man worth 40 trillion dollars at the age of 29. Apollo, in the future your opponent will be him. "

Apollo said with a smile, "father, why don't you say that our partner is also him. Now is the economic globalization. If you want to achieve great things, you must have me in you and you in me. The better the development of Yunqing network company, the more favorable it will be for us, because we hold 10% shares. Is there a better deal for us than that? As long as he does not enter the arms and aerospace industries, I will not regard him as the enemy. On the contrary, I want to follow him as much as possible and get benefits from him. If I'm not as good as him, why not use him

Alan shook his head and said, "you take it for granted. If two tigers fight, there will be a wound. What's more, it is inevitable that there are three tigers fighting. It's just that our fight with Kung Fu Xiao is not as fierce as that of the Bessie family. What I am most worried about is the development of Kung Fu Xiao. His speed is too fast. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. I have to say that this is really true. "

Apollo said: "father, our scientific and technological strength is not inferior to Kung Fu Xiao, on the contrary, we have to go far beyond it. However, we have been studying high-end projects, and there has been a deviation in the direction. I would like to adjust the aspects and put most of the power into the research of artificial intelligence. What do you think? "

"Artificial intelligence is the trend of the future, and I totally agree," he said with a smile. You are the future leader of the Anderson family. It's up to you to decide what path the family will take. "

Apollo nodded.

The Bessie family, Elvis, looked at the news on the Internet. The whole person seemed to be ten years old and murmured, "am I really old? Can't keep up with the times? It's hard to accept that a technology can bring trillions of dollars a year. "

the housekeeper said softly," Sir, with the strength of our Bessie family, it is not difficult to break his technical advantage. "

Elvis was stunned and said, "what are you talking about?"The housekeeper said: "Sir, our technical strength is higher than Kung Fu Xiao, but the research direction is not in this aspect. If you've got people working on network technology, maybe it won't take two or three years to develop a new technology to replace it. "

Elvis stayed for a long time. Suddenly, he burst out laughing and said, "you old man, you have been with me for more than 20 years. For the first time, what you said made me feel suddenly enlightened. It's true that as long as we develop our technology quickly, it will decline. "

Elvis perked up, picked up the phone and dialed out.

Both Bessie family and Anderson family have joined in the research of network technology and set off a technical competition. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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