Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:54 AM

Chapter 1809

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The stock price of Yunqing network company began to rise sharply in the New York stock market. In a short morning, the stock price of Yunqing network company increased by more than 150%, breaking the record of the fastest increase in ten years. In the afternoon, the increase was 83%.

Xiao Yunhai was very happy and invited LAN Jiancheng and other three ministers and technical backbones to have a meal at noon.

Xiao Yunhai said: "everyone, thank you, I will not say. New network technologies have proved your importance once again. I'm not a miser. The salary of all the staff in the laboratory has doubled. In addition, I need you to recruit excellent technical engineers to our company. And as long as new network technologies are not replaced, your R & D funds will reach 300 billion yuan a year. If it is not enough, apply to me again. The fund is not a problem. "

Xiao Yunhai's words made everyone on the table stupid.

LAN Jiancheng couldn't believe it and asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you really want to pay US $300 billion per year for research and development?"

Xiao Yunhai was happy and said: "I said at least 300 billion. I will ask my economic team to reserve the money ahead of time. "

LAN Jiancheng patted the table and said, "recruit people. We are going to graduate soon. I think we can recruit another two or three thousand people. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is your business. As long as there is a need, even twenty or thirty thousand people will do. "

Everyone cheered in unison.

On the second day, the market value of Yunqing network company continued to rise, reaching 56%, 67% on the third day, 43% on the fourth day, and...

half a month later, the market value of Yunqing network company reached a terrible $1332 billion.

China Yanjing International Airport, Xiao Yunhai just appeared, was surrounded by countless reporters.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are really magical. Even my wife didn't tell me about my return. You all know it. "

In order to give the family a surprise, Xiao Yunhai secretly slipped back, no one told.

Who ever wanted to be caught by the reporters.

"Mr. Xiao, can we ask you a few questions?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "ask."

"What impact will the new mobile network technology developed by Yunqing network company have on people's lives?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "do you still need to say? It must be more convenient. For example, it takes three minutes to download a video, but it only takes ten seconds with new technology. I said it all at the press conference. "

"Mr. Xiao, in the past three days, the market value of Yunqing network company has increased several times, and the market value has exceeded 8 trillion US dollars. Where do you think its end point is?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "the end? Yunqing network company has no destination. We will replace it with the fastest development of new technology. There is no end to technology. As long as we can stand at the forefront of global network technology, the market value of Yunqing network company will not have an end

"What kind of reward have you given to your researchers for their great contributions?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "originally, everyone was awarded 200000 US dollars, but now it seems that the 200000 dollars really can not reflect their contribution to the company, so I added a lot more, and also raised their salaries. I won't tell you the exact figures. Anyway, if you buy a villa and a luxury car in the United States, there must be no problem. "

"Wow, a villa and a car, even if the house in America is cheap, is at least more than a million dollars."

"Each person will be rewarded with one million dollars. My God, Mr. Xiao is just a model of the boss."

The journalists' eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Xiao, many financial news said that Yunqing network company will get more than one trillion dollars of wealth every year because of this new technology. What do you do with the money? Have you ever thought about continuing to contribute to charity? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "do you know what I hate the most? It's moral kidnapping. If I donate or not, I will follow my heart. No one will have to do charity because they make money. During the earthquake, I saw a lot of people arranging this and that, saying that this person did not donate, and that person donated less. It was really meaningless. The word "kindness" and "kindness" in charity do not only refer to money, but more to heart. "

"Well, well said."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai finished, the reporters clapped their hands.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "judging from the achievements of the new mobile network technology, I increasingly feel the importance of scientific research. I used to invest 100 billion dollars in R & D every year, but now I've reached 300 billion dollars. If it's not enough, it will continue to increase. At present, the situation of Yunqing network company is more money, but there are too few excellent talents. I hope you can explain in your own media that I urgently need scientific research talents. Pay, you do not need to manage, to ensure that you can be satisfied. Yunqing network company will open a recruitment window, feel that they are talented, capable people can put their resume. We'll have an interviewer to give you a video interview. Through the interview, after three months of probation, you can become our regular employees. During the probation period, the monthly salary is 20000 US dollars. Please register actively. "A reporter immediately asked, "Mr. Xiao, the probation period is 20000 US dollars. How many official researchers are?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I just gave them a raise. The monthly salary of the minimum staff is almost 70000 US dollars. However, if in the research department of Yunqing network company, it is undoubtedly a sad thing to rely on these salaries, because it shows that you have not made any contribution. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to lose. We Yunqing network company is waiting for you. "

Xiao Yunhai finished the advertisement and left the airport with his bodyguard.

Within half an hour, the news of Xiao Yunhai's return to Beijing spread all over the network.

"Yunhuang is too good."

"I feel that the emperor has a kind of domineering spirit when he comes back this time."

"The emperor has a strong aura."

"There is nothing wrong with the idea of charity. Many people on the Internet are asking this donation, that donation, but they do not donate. Well, this is human nature. "

"I want to go to Yunqing network company to do scientific research, do not know whether the cloud emperor or not?"

"Don't think about it upstairs. It's not something that a loser like us can have with us $70000 a month and an unknown amount of bonus. "

"I feel that the development of Yunqing network company in scientific research will enter a fast lane. They have the best laboratories, the most top scientific research environment and the most abundant research funds. These three points are too attractive to those engineers and researchers. If I have that skill, I will try it. "

"Tomorrow, I will study in the field of smart network, and I will study in Huaqing University."

Xiao Yunhai's advertisement is very successful, and all the scientific research talents of China have landed on the job window opened by Yunqing network company.

In just three days, the famous schools and companies in Huaxia have put in more than 8600 resumes, which makes LAN Jiancheng and others very happy.

Of course, that's what happened later. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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