Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:22 AM

Chapter 181

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However, for Xiao Yunhai, he didn't care much about the publicity, whether it was or not.

On the contrary, Su Yingxue was so angry that she saw that her artists were going to be very popular. Unexpectedly, the fire had not been lit. She just let out a smoke and was put out by a basin of cold water.

Xiao Yunhai took a brief look at it, not to mention, this newspaper is quite complete, basically all the things about Xiao Yunhai are written down.

Xiao Yunhai put down the newspaper and said with a smile, "how can I be so angry? It turns out to be jealous. Don't worry, sister Yu and I are more than ten years old. How could it be like the newspaper said. However, I really look for the person in charge of this newspaper. What do you mean? Am I really like a little white face? I'm pissed off. "

Zhao Wanqing was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words. She almost laughed. She quickly lowered her head, took a deep breath, and forced her smile back. Xiao Yunhai didn't break through.

She raised her head and said in anger, "who asked you about this. Sister Yu and I don't know each other. I can't believe you. Can't I trust her? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile, "my wife, what you said about my heart is pulling out the cool. In your heart, I am so unreliable. "

Zhao Wanqing said definitely: "yes, it's not reliable. Tell me, where else do you feel sorry for me

Xiao Yunhai arched his hand and said, "my wife, please forgive me. I really can't see it. Can you just give me a good one

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "that's good. I ask you, have you promised me not to compete with others? "

"Oh." Xiao Yunhai clapped his thigh and said suddenly, "it's this one."

As soon as Zhao Wanqing's eyes turned red, she was about to shed tears and said, "what else can it be? I told you, I don't ask you to be able to stand out, also do not ask you to be able to make a success, as long as you can be safe by my side, I am very satisfied. You agreed then, but now? Did you do it? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing with pear blossom and rain, and was deeply moved.

It turns out that in this world, in addition to their own family, there is a beautiful girl who cares about and loves herself.

If you have a wife, you can't ask for it.

Xiao Yunhai came to Zhao Wanqing, holding her white and delicate hands tightly and solemnly said, "I'm sorry, Wanqing, you're worried. I promise you, I will be a star in safety and never say anything dangerous. If such a thing happens again, I will let them deal with it and won't play on my own

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "what if you cheat me again?"

Xiao Yunhai said without hesitation: "you give me that what."

Zhao Wanqing snorted and laughed: "you are a real rascal."

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing's haughty waist, approached him and said, "who makes you like me as a rascal. It's too late to regret. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai, regardless of Zhao Wanqing's weak resistance, fiercely kisses her soft red lips. At the same time, her hands are not idle, and quietly reaches into Zhao Wanqing's sweater and accurately grasps the sensitive parts of the other party.

Zhao Wanqing's whole body quickly softened down, and a red cloud came to her beautiful face. She could not help holding Xiao Yunhai's neck and letting him take whatever he wanted from him.

When they were intimate, Xiao Yunhai's ears moved slightly. It seemed that he heard the sound of the door being pushed open outside, followed by the familiar footsteps of Mengfang.

Xiao Yunhai quickly got up and whispered to Zhao Wanqing, "my elder martial brother seems to be back."

Last night, after Xiao Yunhai broke through to Huajin, his already very sensitive hearing became more acute. It is estimated that he could hear the sound of mosquitoes flapping their wings 10 meters away.

Zhao Wanqing got up in a hurry and sorted it up and down. Then she put her heart down.

Xiao Yunhai is not wrong. He is indeed released.

Seeing the boots at the door, Mengfang knew it was Zhao Wanqing. Is hesitating whether to go in, Xiao Yunhai's voice came over.

"Elder martial brother, come in quickly. Wanqing is here. I'll cook this afternoon. Let's have a good meal

Mengfang went into the hall and first said hello to Zhao Wanqing, whose face was still red. Then he looked at Xiao Yunhai, whose lipstick had not been wiped clean, and said with a smile, "OK, no problem. But sit down first. I have something to say. Yunhai, I want to move out this afternoon

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "why? Isn't it good to live here? "

Mengfang waved his hand and said with a smile, "of course it's very nice here, but it's not convenient."

Zhao Wanqing said, "brother Meng, is it because of me?"

After all, Menghai is not comfortable to be a girlfriend. Of course, the biggest problem is not this, but I I... "

Xiao Yunhai saw that Meng senior brother, who had always been crisp and neat, suddenly became hesitant, even with a trace of embarrassment on his face. He asked tentatively, "elder martial brother, are you in love?""Yes, I just had a girlfriend," said muffle, scratching the back of his head

"Really?" Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "No. We are together almost every day. Where do you get to know girls

Meng Fang laughed and said, "in fact, you also know her. She is your full-time makeup artist Zhao Yan."

"What? It's her. " Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth and looked at Meng Fang strangely and said, "how long have you known each other? Do you know about her? "

From Su Yingxue, Xiao Yunhai gets the detailed information of all members of his team.

Speaking of this, Zhao Yan is the most pitiful person in his team. As soon as the child was one year old, her husband became terminally ill. She not only spent all her savings, but also sold the wedding room. Unfortunately, she still failed to rescue her husband.

Her father-in-law and mother-in-law decided that she was a disaster star, and they drove her and her children out. Under helpless, Zhao Yan had to rent a house, and dragged her daughter through all kinds of hardships.

Fortunately, she had her parents to take care of her, otherwise she would not even have time to earn money to support her family. With excellent makeup technology, Zhao Yan soon joined Tianhua entertainment company. Because of the very good relationship with Su Yingxue, he came to Xiao Yunhai's team.

But I didn't expect that after only two days of knowing each other, my elder martial brother, who has always been dull, fell in love with her. It's really surprising.

Meng Fang said, "I know everything about swallows, and I like her lovely daughter very much. Yunhai, you know my temper and the things that I have decided, nine cattle can't be pulled back. I can be 100% sure that I like her, so it will be her in my life. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "elder martial brother Meng, do you like this lady Zhao? Did she promise you anything

Monfang shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said helplessly, "elder martial brother, I really admire you. People have not promised it, you unilaterally take her as your girlfriend, you are really cattle

Zhao Wanqing can't laugh or cry. Her boyfriend's elder martial brother is really a wonderful flower.

Mengfang said seriously, "isn't there such a sentence? It's called sincerity. Gold and stone are the key to success. I believe that as long as I work hard, I can make her marry me

"These two days, I found a house near their house and wanted to rent it. I just didn't have enough money, so I came to you. "

"It's easy to say about money. I don't want to rent it. I'll just buy it." When Xiao Yunhai finished, he suddenly laughed. He looked Meng Fang carefully from top to bottom and said, "elder martial brother, I haven't seen it. You've always been silent and have such a side."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "elder martial brother Meng, I wish you a beautiful woman as soon as possible."

After having lunch together, Xiao Yunhai gave Mengfang a bank card with nearly five million yuan in it. Then he called Sima Qian, his assistant, to help him buy a house.

After Meng was released, Zhao Wanqing said to Xiao Yunhai, "your brother is really interesting. One did not hesitate to take out five million, let the other party buy a house; the other did not even say thank you, then took over. You know, that's five million dollars, not five hundred dollars. Is that too much fun? "

Xiao Yunhai laughs and hugs Zhao Wanqing in his arms and says, "you want a person who can block my gun at any time to say thank you. Don't you think it's unnecessary? Our relationship is not measured by money at all

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said, "is this the brotherhood in the movie?"

"So to speak." With that, Xiao Yunhai picked up the key left by Meng Fang and handed it to Zhao Wanqing. He said with a smile, "my wife, please accept it."

Zhao Wanqing snorted, shook her head and said, "I don't want it."

Xiao Yunhai didn't care, put away the key, deliberately teased her and said: "don't forget. In the entertainment industry, there are many beauties who want this key. They can easily find a strengthening company. "

On hearing this, Zhao Wanqing immediately sat up from Xiao Yunhai's arms, and her eyebrows were inverted. A frightening light came out of her eyes. She said in a despotic voice: "if anyone dares to come, we will let her die without a burial place."

Xiao Yunhai was slightly stunned for a moment, then pointed out his thumb to Zhao Wanqing, who was full of dignity and ruthlessness, and said with great sincerity: "wife, you are really a genius. In just half a month, the character of Zhen Huan was performed. You're too good. "

Besides the talent and hard work of his predecessor, Xiao Yunhai was able to become a leading actor of the youth generation. It took him decades to reach this level.

However, Zhao Wanqing is only in her twenties. After performing a few plays, she can play the role of Zhen Huan, which is really admirable.

This is Xiao Yunhai's inner evaluation of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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