Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:50 AM

Chapter 1814

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An hour later, Xiao Yunhai and the three left Zijin Pavilion.

"Lao Xiao, Lao Chen, are you interested in a drink?" As he got on the bus, Wu suddenly asked.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? Do you want to go out and celebrate? "

Wu Yifa said: "I didn't get the Golden Eagle Award again. What's to celebrate. It's mainly because we want to sit together and have a chat. How often do we have such a chance? Lao Chen, what do you say? "

Chen Ganqun was not born in the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. It was the result of his own efforts that he was able to achieve today.

Xiao Yunhai and Wu are not only the children of the big family, but also very good in the business world. Of course, he wanted to make friends, so he said with a smile, "I have no problem. It mainly depends on whether Mr. Xiao is available

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK. Where are we going? You boys has the final say.

"Of course, I went to the street to drink draft beer and have barbecue," Wu said with a smile

Chen Ganqun was stunned and asked, "is it suitable? I seldom appear in public, but it doesn't matter. But Mr. Xiao is an international superstar. He went to eat roadside stalls and was photographed by reporters. It's not very good. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I have a fart image in the hearts of fans. Please pat me. Is there any good place, Lao Wu? "

Wu said, "yes. Houhai, it's supposed to be busy now. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what are you waiting for? Let's go. "

Houhai is the favorite place for Beipiao. Xiao Yunhai often drinks with Huang Bo when he was a freshman and sophomore.

Especially in summer, there are barbecue stalls everywhere. The boss sets up a simple stage, and some Beipiao are singing on it. Good singing, good business, and the boss will tip the singer.

In their luxury cars, the three arrived at their destination in less than half an hour. Xiao Yunhai also painted a little makeup and brought a pair of glasses. Their temperament changed greatly, so as not to be recognized by people.

Seeing his appearance, Wu raised his thumb and said, "the film emperor is the film emperor. His temperament can be changed at will. It's very powerful."

What to drink, go to the waste sea

Turning around, Chen Ganqun suddenly pointed to a large barbecue stand and said, "how about going there?"

Wu's method of playing chess followed the direction of his fingers and saw that it was full, mostly young people, with only a few empty seats in the corner.

"Why, Lao Xiao, have you ever sung here?"

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "that is the time of University, how?"

Chen Ganqun said: "Mr. Xiao, you see, there is a big photo pasted there."

Xiao Yunhai looked at the past and saw a young man sitting on a stool, playing guitar and singing. It was Xiao Yunhai.

There are many people eating barbecue at the bottom of the photo, which shows the performance place of a generation of emperor superstar Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, I did sing here before. I can't remember which stall, but I can clearly remember the fat boss who was making barbecue in sweat. This man is very authentic, not only for free barbecue, good performance, but also can give me 200 a night

Wu said, "OK, that's it."

The three men came to a corner and sat down. Wu Yifa went to the boss to bake a kebab. Xiao Yunhai looked at the boy with a melancholy temperament on the stage. He sang Xiao Yunhai's once you.

There is no copyright for this kind of stall, and no musician will make trouble for him.

Even if you can win a lawsuit, you won't get anything except that you have a small mind and get hundreds of yuan in compensation. This is different from TV and Internet platforms.

"I once dreamed of walking around the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world. My young heart is always a little bit frivolous..."

the boy's singing skills are not very good, his voice is a little poor, his recognition is not high, some words are a little vague, but his emotion is full, which makes people feel very much.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of him? Can you be an artist? " Chen Ganqun poured a cup of tea for Xiao Yunhai and asked.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head, sighed and said, "this young man is not outstanding in his appearance, singing skills and voice. At most, he can be an online singer. It is basically impossible to become a real star artist. Mr. Chen, we know each other. Just like Lao Wu, you can call him Lao Xiao. "

Chen Ganqun said with a smile: "then you can call me Lao Chen directly."

They looked at each other with a smile, and the distance was drawing closer.

After a while, Wu came back from playing chess.

A waiter holding a large bucket of draft beer followed him and placed it next to Xiao Yunhai.

"Everybody, don't worry. The barbecue string will come up in a minute."

Xiao Yunhai, the three of them are all wearing famous brand white shirts, and they have a kind of long-standing temperament. The waiters are very surprised. They don't understand how such people come here to roll strings.

Wu's method of playing chess waved his hand and said, "OK, go and be busy. Hurry up."The waiter promised, turned back and looked back at them from time to time.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we should change into ordinary people's clothes. This white shirt is really eye-catching."

Wu Yifa gave them a glass of beer and said, "whatever it is, it's best to have a good drink. Here, let's have a drink first

Three people touched, half a kilogram of draft beer under the belly.

"Cool." Wu Yifa wiped his mouth and said with a smile, "what I like most is this unrestrained feeling."

Xiao Yunhai said: "compared with those five-star hotels, here is really more attractive to me. Three words, earth gas. "

Wu Yi Fa said, "Lao Xiao, you are really good enough. It seems that acting is really your favorite

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "people should have pursuit. Singing and acting are my favorite things. No matter how hard or tired, I'm happy. But managing a company doesn't work. Looking at those reports, I couldn't hold up for half an hour. By the way, Lao Chen, how about your Chidu search engine? What's the share of China's market

"What is the Chinese market? Chidu is also very popular in other Asian countries. It's just that Mr. Chen usually keeps a low profile than you and doesn't even attend government work meetings. In today's words, it's sultry. "

Xiao Yunhai listened, directly happy, way: "that wants to say so, you are not Ming Sao."

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "then you are still coquettish."

"Ha ha ha."

After three people laughed, Chen Ganqun said, "I'm a poor speaker. You can let me work. I can't talk about these things. Today, it can be said that luck accounts for 90% of the development. Last year, chimdo's market share in China accounted for 68%, while most other Asian countries accounted for more than 20% and 30%. However, the market is facing more and more competition, especially those big companies from Europe and the United States have entered China and are constantly attacking us and eroding the Chinese market. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure whether Chidu can survive in the competition

Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't expect that the pressure of this industry will be so great. How many shares do you hold in thousand degrees?"

Chen Ganqun said with a smile: "63 percent. Lao Xiao, in fact, you are also a shareholder of QianDu, accounting for 2% of the shares. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said: "when? My economic team didn't seem to have told me about it. "

Chen Ganqun said: "it's not Yunqing international investment company, but Xiuzhu. I think this huge investment company should be yours? "

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai established Xiuzhu international investment company to improve its ability to resist risks. Even if other companies are all ruined, they can also rely on it to have the capital to make a comeback.

Although Kristi helped set up the company, it has always been controlled by Zhao Wanqing and her mother. Its headquarters are located in Yanjing, but Xiao Yunhai has never been there.

Both of them are Xiao Yunhai's family members. Naturally, there is no distrust, so he doesn't even ask questions.

At the beginning, the registered capital of 200 billion US dollars is now a profit or a loss. Xiao Yunhai has no idea what companies he has invested in.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Xiuzhu is my mother's name. "

With Xiao Yunhai's current strength, there is no need to hide and tuck in. Those three or four families can threaten him.

But it's almost impossible to kill him, even if the families are united.

Chen Ganqun said: "it took me a long time to find out."

Wu's method of playing chess was stupefied and said, "I depend on you, old Xiao. You're not authentic."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what's the matter? What else is there for you? "

Wu Yifa said with a wry smile: "Xiuzhu international investment company is also a shareholder of our Yunyi shopping network, OK? Even though it's only one percent, it's less than one percent. "

Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth and said: "it can even get our shares. Ha ha, this shows that the development of the investment company seems to be good. When I get home, I'll ask Wan Qing. She and my mother-in-law are responsible for both this company and that jewelry company. "

Chen Ganqun said with a look of admiration: "Lao Wu, let's have a toast to Lao Xiao. I hope he will hold his hand high and never be interested in QianDu and Yunyi. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "good. Here, cheers. "

the three had another drink. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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