Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:48 AM

Chapter 1816

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He took a guitar from the excited singer and adjusted the position of the microphone. Xiao Yunhai said, "Houhai is a place I am very familiar with. When I was in University, I spent a long time here unforgettable. Time has changed, come here again, I am really a little excited and excited. Now this stage is much better than the one before me. The sound equipment such as microphone seems to be much better. Boss Zhu should have updated it. This is very good. "

"I know that most of the people who come here are college students, as well as those brothers and sisters who have dreams and are eager to succeed. It's just like seeing my own shadow when I see you. The next song I sang was called "chasing the dream of a child", which I wrote for myself at that time and had never been sung in front of other people. I hope it can give you some inspiration. "

In everyone's applause and cheers, Xiao Yunhai's guitar sounded an inspiring melody. As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Yunhai's energetic but hoarse voice came into people's ears and hit them in the heart.

Where is the world full of flowers,

if it really exists, then I will go.

I want to stand on the highest mountain there,

don't care if it's a precipice or not.

Live hard and love hard, even if the whole brain is destroyed,

do not ask anyone to be satisfied, as long as you can afford yourself.

On the ideal, I never choose to give up,

even in the gloomy days.


this is a positive song, which describes the attitude of young people to pursue their dreams.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai's singing skills need not be said. The magnetism in his voice is like a magnet, which firmly absorbs everyone's ears.

Although there is only a perfect melody for his solo guitar, it can make up for some shortcomings.

"Maybe I have no talent,

but I have the innocence of dreams,

I will prove my life.

Maybe my hands are more clumsy than my feet,

but I would like to keep exploring,

and pay all my youth without regret. "

This is the transitional part of the main song and the chorus. The lyrics are very simple, but the impact on people's mind is very big.

People's eyes seem to see a stupid person, toward their dreams, constantly launched the impact. Even if the frustration hit all over the body, still adhere to the original heart, never give up.

Finally, the high tide part.

Xiao Yunhai's voice suddenly rose, as if the flood which had been brewing and accumulating had been washed out of the dam.

"Running forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule,

How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering.

Fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy,

even if our arms are covered with blood.

Keep running, with the pride of a child,

How can you see the shining life if you don't insist on it.

It's better to burn with passion than to linger on,

one day, it will sprout again

... "

when Xiao Yunhai sings the chorus, his voice is loud with a tearing force, which makes people feel excited and blood boiling.

Most of them are young people with lofty aspirations in their hearts. After listening to such songs, the reaction is naturally incomparably strong.

Especially that sentence to run forward, all people are singing stand up, crazy cry, vent their youth.

"The future is always beckoning to me,

even if it is only accompanied by pain, we should go forward bravely.

I want to sail in the bluest sea there,

never mind whether I can return it or not.

It is a coward's performance to be depressed after failure.

As long as there is a breath left,

please clench your fists.

Before dawn,

we should be more brave,

wait for the most dazzling moment of sunrise. "

The main song part of the second paragraph is still simple and unadorned, but each of the lyrics can give people a kind of power.

Xiao Yunhai sings every word clearly to make them feel the spirit of the lines.

"Even if you are in pain, you have to go forward", "as long as you have a breath, you have to clench your fists"... Such lyrics are so provocative.

Xiao Yunhai has completely entered the song. His eyes are bright as the stars in the sky, with a strong, a no regret, a faith.

The atmosphere of the whole barbecue stand was completely ignited by him, and even the gentle Chen Ganqun stood up, red eyes and pulled his neck to shout.

He is a rural origin, no background, no strength, relying entirely on his own ability to create a thousand degrees of this China's most cattle search engine.

During this period, he experienced many difficulties and setbacks, and received much ridicule and ridicule, even he himself could not count.Xiao Yunhai's song is simply for him, Chen Ganqun at this moment just want to do his best to vent all kinds of anger that have been squeezed for many years.

When the chorus came out, Xiao Yunhai fell into a state of madness, with blue veins on his neck. No matter what singing skills he had, he pulled his throat and roared wildly into the sky.

"Running forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule,

How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering.

Fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy,

even if our arms are covered with blood.

Keep running, with the pride of a child,

How can you see the shining life if you don't insist on it.

It's better to burn freely than to linger on,

for the sake of the beauty in your heart


never compromise until you get old. "

After singing the chorus three times in a row, it should have ended when the sentence "uncompromising until getting old", but Xiao Yunhai did not. Instead, he added a sound and roared again: "run forward... Run forward..."

the people who had been choked down finally had a place to vent their anger. They were crying and singing along with Xiao Yunhai.

"Run forward... Run forward... Run forward..."

after singing for a whole minute and a half, Xiao Yunhai saw that everyone was about to vent, so he stopped.

Xiao Yunhai coughed and said: "as long as people don't enter the tomb, everything will not end. Before that, it's the beginning. Dream or ideal, bite it, don't let go. If you loosen your mouth, you will not have that spirit. Come on, brothers and sisters, success is in front of you. This evening, I'll take whatever you want to eat. "


The whole scene was full of applause, and almost all of them had tears on their faces.

Boss Zhu and his assistant got busy. Since Xiao Yunhai said to treat him, there must be no problem.

Each table sent a representative to pay tribute to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai did not refuse to come. After a while, more than 20 glasses of beer were put into the stomach, which was enough to satisfy everyone.

"This is what it's like to be a star. It's so pathetic."

Chen Ganqun said: "it's worth making so many people like and happy. Lao Xiao, that piece of "chasing a dream with a childlike heart" is really great. I feel something in my heart and my face is full of tears. It's like Lao Wu. "

"Who is crying?" he said? Lao Chen, you can't turn black and white in order to flatter Lao Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you wipe away the tear marks next to your eyes first."

Wu Yifa quickly took out a wet towel from his pocket, wiped it, and said, "the environment in Yanjing is getting worse and worse. At that time, it happened that I lost my eyes."

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "it's not blinding. I just got it wrong. "

Seeing Wu's astonished expression, Chen Ganqun couldn't help but burst into a burst of laughter.

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "what an old fox. I admit, this song "chasing the dream of a child's heart" is really good, let me have a kind of blood boiling feeling. After I go back, I'll record it quickly, and I'll listen to it, so as to rekindle my passion for innovation. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "forget it, what passion is not passion? Your first priority now is to have a baby

"Wu's chess method said with a smile:" I've been pregnant for more than three months

Xiao Yunhai, with a cry, raised his glass with Chen Ganqun and said, "well, we have to celebrate this. To the birth of our child, cheers. "

"Cheers." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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