Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:45 AM

Chapter 1820

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"Director Du, the film and Television Bureau has finished. How are you doing there?" On the bus, Xiao Yunhai called Du Hongtai.

Du Hongtai said: "I'm contacting the actors. Before that, many of them were satisfied with the script. Although the script was not approved at that time, they all left me a schedule. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "all the Games in this play are in the city and the province. Mr. Wang's age is exactly the age to be the first and second leaders, which is very suitable. Comparatively speaking, I am a little too young. By the way, who is the hero? "

Du Hongtai said: "I didn't think about it. The director of the anti-corruption bureau is the most difficult to find. First of all, the age should not be more than 40 years old. Secondly, if you want to have a good appearance, you should be upright. Thirdly, you must have super acting skills, so as not to be oppressed by you movie queens. The whole entertainment industry, looking around, I think you are the most suitable one. "

Xiao Yunhai even said, "don't pay attention to me. When an actor creates a character, he must first like it. I'm really not interested in it. I can't. You can go straight to a wide range of auditions. The entertainment industry has buried countless talents. Maybe more than one can meet your requirements. "

Du Hongtai said, "you are right. Some actors and actresses are not popular. They have been mixing in the second line and the third line, but their acting skills are very solid. OK. Anyway, Lao Wang and Wang have nothing to do. I'll ask them to help me with an audition. When the time comes, it is not only the hero, but other characters will find it in this way, and build the momentum first. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I will let the staff of Hanhai fully cooperate with you. "

Soon, "power" large-scale audition, looking for actors, spread throughout the entertainment industry in China.

The only seven or eight stars announced surprised everyone.

"Damn it, what kind of magic does this" power "have that can attract empress Yun Huangqing to act."

"Wang Guoan, Ge Wuyou, sun Yanjun, Zhang Hong . good guy, it's like killing all the movie queens of China. "

"The point is that No. 1 has not been decided. These excellent actors are supporting them

"Step by step. Who can get these two roles? Even a famous actor can become the top artist in China. "

"I don't know. It's just that the actor is hard to find. If you want to perform under the strong pressure of these people, you can't even think about it if you don't have the acting skills of a film emperor or a movie queen. If you don't do it well, you'll be crushed by them

"I don't care about others. I'm only interested in Yun Huangqing. They've been out of TV for years, and I'm looking forward to it. "

"Yes. Although the work "Zhu Xian" is good-looking, the time is too short, only two hours. TV plays are different. They last. I can often see them on TV, and I think it's so cool. "

"We look forward to" power "starting, killing and broadcasting as soon as possible."

Netizens have published posts in the major online forums, full of expectations for the play "power".

China's entertainment industry is even more heated.

Director Du Hongtai, starring in a group of movie queens, has no upper limit on investment. No matter who can win the male and female masters, it is definitely a matter of smoking on the ancestral grave.

Especially for the actors who have no background and no way out, the attraction is even greater.

They are very clear that with Xiao Yunhai and these famous movie queens in the industry, there will never be the usual hidden rules. The key is to see the strength.

A "power" completely ignited the Chinese entertainment industry.

Everyone turned a blind eye to Du Hongtai's demands. No matter whether it was appropriate or not, they submitted their resumes to them through brokerage companies, which even included a lot of fresh meat criticized by audiences all over China.

They are very popular, but their status in the entertainment industry is not very high. Once they act in such an influential big production, their identity will naturally rise.

"Lao Du, Xiao Tang of our company is really good. Good acting skills, high popularity, guaranteed to give you this play ratings. We are old friends too. Help and give him a chance. " In a teahouse, Zhang Huafeng, the general manager of Huafeng international company, is drinking tea with Du Hongtai with a handsome young man in his thirties.

The young man's name is Tang Zhixin. He is a big star pushed by Huafeng. He is 1.8 meters tall. He has a good appearance, extraordinary temperament and good acting skills.

Zhang Huafeng has cooperated with Du Hongtai many times, and the relationship is very good. As soon as the power is published, Zhang Huafeng hits his idea on him.

Tang Zhixin said: "director Du, as long as I can get this role, I will play him well with 100% effort. Please believe me. "

Du Hongtai looked at the respectful Tang Zhixin and said, "Xiao Tang, you have a very good reputation in the circle. You are low-key and dedicated. I think highly of you. But the hero of "power" is not something that ordinary people want to play. There are more than 20 movie queens with him. Under such a great pressure, his acting skills are not enough. With all due respect, your acting skills have just reached the standards of first-line artists. You can't play with them at all. "Tang Zhixin's face changed slightly. Although Du Hongtai said something straightforward and hurt his self-esteem, he knew that the other side was right.

Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing and Ge Wuyou are all the best actors in China. It is indeed a great challenge to play against them.

Tang Zhixin pursed his lips, his eyes showed a trace of perseverance, and said: "director Du, please believe me, I will never let you down."

Du Hongtai shook his head and said with a wry smile: "this is not something that can be made up for by hard work or determination. This role, my ideal hero is Mr. Xiao Yunhai, but he has no interest in it, so he has to look for it. Do you think your acting skills compare with him? "

Before Tang Zhixin said anything, Zhang Huafeng opened his mouth: "Lao Du, you are deliberately embarrassing Xiao Tang. Let alone young artists, even if it's an old movie emperor like Liang Hui and Wang Guoan, who dares to say that he can stabilize Mr. Xiao. Acting needs to be honed. With this opportunity, maybe Xiao Tang can reach another level. "

Du Hongtai said: "Mr. Zhang, this play is not a place to train actors. Forget it. It's no use talking to you. In this way, I can give Xiao Tang an audition opportunity. It depends on his own strength

In less than three days since the news of power's audition came out, there were about 700 resumes.

First of all, Hanhai's editorial department made a preliminary evaluation and directly cut off most of the obviously unsuitable actors, leaving only over 70 qualified artists. Then Du Hongtai made a review, and finally Xiao Yunhai, the producer, also got involved.

Ninety nine percent of the artists have been cut off in three levels. Only eight of them are qualified and have good acting skills. However, no one knows about them.

Zhang Huafeng was very unhappy and said: "so, Xiao Tang was not in the audition list, right? Don't you give me face, old Du? "

Du Hongtai explained: "I guarantee with my personality that I really left Xiao Tang and wanted to give him a chance. But Mr. Xiao can't get through it at all. He took a look at the recent works of the 15 actors I left behind and directly removed seven actors including Xiao Tang. What do you want me to do? "

Zhang Huafeng frowned: "Lao Du, this is not your style. Although Mr. Xiao's status is not ordinary, with your temper, how can you allow him to give directions to others? "

"We have an agreement. Before the TV series starts, Mr. Xiao should assume the responsibility of art director. After booting, I, the director, will have absolute power, and he will only do what an actor should do. Zhang, actually, you find me useless, because the role of the actor, especially the actor, is not my has the final say.

Zhang Huafeng said, "who has the final say? Mr. Shaw? "

Du Hongtai said: "not really. It was the day the auditioning teacher has the final say. At that time, Ge Wuyou, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Wu Jun, Lin Yongzheng, Qin Tao, Zhang Hong and Zhao Wanqing, the eight film queens, will come on the stage to play with the leading actor in person. Only after they have passed their performance test can the actor get the role. In other words, whoever can become the leading actor is equivalent to the recognition of the most powerful actors in China. That is, he is the film emperor who has no movie emperor trophy, and deserves his name. Otherwise, how could they be willing to play for each other. "

After listening to Du Hongtai's words, Zhang Huafeng and Tang Zhixin looked at each other and took a cold breath.

In the audition of eight movie stars, there is no need for actors to act. The pressure alone can drive people crazy.

Tang Zhixin's confident eyes darkened directly and said with a bitter smile, "director Du, you don't have to give me an audition. I still have self-knowledge, want to pass their audition, it is impossible. And I dare say that there are very few Chinese actors who can pass. "

Du Hongtai said: "if not, the play will not start shooting. This group of movie stars are very persistent, and they don't make a living at all. "

Zhang Huafeng retreated to the second place and said, "what about other roles? Is there anything suitable for Xiao Tang? "

Du Hongtai thought for a moment and said, "yes. It's just that there's not a lot of parts. It's an hour at most. I now only have the right to choose a minor supporting role, and I will audition for a slightly heavier role

Tang Zhi channel: "no matter how small the role, I would like to play. It's good for me to be able to see so many performances of the film's empresses. "

Du Hongtai said with a smile: "you can fight for the more important supporting roles we have announced. If you fail, play that part again. It's called double insurance. "

Tang Zhixin said happily, "thank you, director Du."

Zhang Huafeng is also repeatedly thanks, although did not get the hero, but can win a supporting role is also good.

Just as they were talking about the hero, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, the president's office of Hanhai film and television investment company, received Yu Yuexian, who made a sudden visit.

"Sister Yu, why are you willing to come out of the house?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "I'm not surprised by the big battle you've made. I heard that the choice of the heroine has not been decided, so I volunteered to fight for the opportunity of auditionZhao Wanqing complained: "sister Yu, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. If we had known that you, the movie queen who hadn't appeared for a long time, wanted to play the leading role, we didn't need to cast a net all over the circle. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "I also made the decision after two days' consideration. After all, the child is still too young. I'm not sure. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "now the audition candidates have been decided, we can add your name at most."

Yu Yuexian nodded and said, "I will go to audition with them. You don't need to take care of me. If someone can play better than me, or even similar to me, you can give her the role. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't worry. We're not going to be public and private. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yu, if you can't get the heroine, don't cry."

Yu Yuexian said, "am I so vulnerable? I'll go back and be my good mother

After a while, she left the script. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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