Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:43 AM

Chapter 1823

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The second is Wu Shengrong, Yin Ruiyi's friend. He also came out in less than five minutes. His face was very ugly, but he was much better than Shao Hetong. At least, there was no leg weakness.

Yin Ruiyi took his arm and asked, "how do you feel, old Wu?"

Wu Shengrong shook his head and said, "there is no possibility of success. Lao Yin, I can only tell you that we must

hold on. In the afternoon, I have to go to the production team to shoot. I don't have time to have a drink with you. Ha ha, what is a movie queen,

I understand now. "

After Wu Shengrong left, Yin was determined to find that his hands were full of sweat.

Two consecutive actors with good acting skills were eliminated, which made the air in the corridor more dignified. Even Zhang Guoyang became serious.

The third, fourth, fifth, three consecutive actors, no suspense failure, look very unbearable.

Finally, it was Zhang Guoyang's turn.

He took a deep breath and stepped in. After closing the door and walking to the stage, I was about to say hello to Wang Guoan and Wang Guoan with a smile. All of a sudden, the eight film queens in the opposite side all looked grim and looked at themselves like torches.

Zhang Guoyang instantly felt a kind of pressure, the smile on his face could not help but converge. If he had reached the edge of his mouth, he swallowed it back.

The momentum of the eight film emperors and empresses united like an abyss like a prison, like a flood that broke the levee, and rushed to Zhang Guoyang on the stage. The atmosphere was repressed to the extreme, and the big beads of sweat appeared on Zhang Guoyang's face.

He knows that this is an audition. If he wants to get the role, he must break through the pressure of the other side's momentum, and can't be influenced by them at the worst.

Can know, the body and mind is as if frozen, surrounded by iron walls, is slowly pressing towards him, once unable to hold, the whole person is over.

When he first came in, he was still wondering why the judging platform was so close to the stage, and now he understood that this was to give them a strong hand.

The whole room was quiet, with no sound, only eight pairs of eyes staring at Zhang Guoyang.

After not knowing how long, Zhao Wanqing said with a disdainful tone: "introduce yourself. Why do you think you can play against us

Zhang Guoyang pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and tried to recover his clear mind. He said, "my name is Zhang Guoyang. I'm an actor in Huaxia. Although I have not won the golden cup and other awards abroad, I am confident that I can play the opposite role with any actor. No one can make me give in, neither can the film maker. "

Zhang Guoyang's voice became louder and louder. In the end, the blue veins on his neck suddenly burst out and roared out directly.

This is like a dark willow, directly from hell to heaven, the momentum of the eight film emperors was completely broken by him.

An actor's aura is both mysterious and mysterious. A look and an action can make people afraid.

The more excellent an actor is, the deeper his feelings will be.

Zhang Guoyang was able to finally break out of the encirclement circle of the eight film emperors, which is already very remarkable.

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "Congratulations, Guoyang, you are the best of the six actors, and you are the candidate to be determined."

The ups and downs of Zhang Guoyang's chest were like fighting a battle. His hair was all wet and his white shirt was tightly attached to his back.

Hearing Ge Wuyou's words, Zhang Guoyang was surprised and asked, "is this the end?"

Ge Wuyou nodded and said, "yes. You are all excellent actors. There is no problem with your lines, actions and manners, but there is a big gap between you and us. As the protagonist, if we can't stand the momentum of our supporting roles, it will certainly affect his play

Zhang Guoyang said with a wry smile: "now I finally understand why the five brothers in front of me are like that? Your method is a little too abnormal? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "brother Zhang, you all have first-class acting skills. You can't see who is higher and who is lower if you take out a paragraph casually. There's no way. This is the only way. Of the six actors, you are the first to win our recognition. If the last two are no better than you, the role is yours

Zhang Guoyang finally showed a smile on his face and said, "that's great. Hope that the two guys behind, do not play super. By the way, can I not leave? Just take a look here. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "of course. But you can't disturb our audition

Zhang Guoyang said, "I understand."

After Zhang Guoyang sat down in the back, the staff yelled. After a while, Yin pushed the door firmly and walked to the stage with steady and vigorous steps.

Like Zhang Guoyang, Yin Rui just wanted to introduce himself when he felt the pressure from the eight movie queens.

Zhang Guoyang's face showed the expression of heart disaster and joy, and said in his heart, "how about letting you taste this taste?"

Yin Ruiyi's face turned white. After all, he was faced with eight movie queens. The huge momentum and surprise made people very uncomfortable.However, unlike Zhang Guoyang, Yin was not knocked down. Instead, he straightened up. The whole person seemed to have become a mountain. He could not be affected by the surging waves and roaring waves.

"Hello, judges and teachers. I'm from Shanghai. At the age of 16, he entered the performing arts circle and started from group performance. He has acted in no less than 120 films and TV plays Yin Ruiyi's voice is full of self-confidence. His brain is very clear. There is no stumbling. The aura of the eight film stars seems to have no influence on him.

Everyone's heart has an idea, this is a man with the utmost confidence.

Zhang Guoyang smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Seeing Yin's determination, he knows that he has no hope.

Sure enough, everyone took back their momentum and looked at Yin Ruiyi on the stage with appreciation.

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "our Chinese entertainment industry is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. I don't know how many deductive talents have been buried. Yin Ruiyi, under the pressure of our momentum, has made a self introduction without pride and rashness, which is really a surprise. "

Yin bowed with determination and said, "Teacher Wang is flattered."

Sun Yanjun sighed: "seeing your performance just now reminds me of a person."

Wang Guoan was stunned and said, "Laosun, I know who you are talking about. That's right. They're all people with a lot of confidence. "

Yin Ruiyi was surprised and asked, "who are the two teachers talking about?"

Sun Yanjun pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile, "her husband Xiao Yunhai."

Yin Ruiyi quickly shook his head and said, "where can I compare with Mr. Xiao?"

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "in terms of business, if all the people present are added together and multiplied by 10000, it is not the rival of Yunhai. If you talk about acting alone, you are not as good as Yunhai. In the original audition of the romance of the Three Kingdoms, Yunhai showed the same things as you do now, confident and open-minded, sharp and sharp. But he was only twenty-two years old, and you were fifteen years older than he was then. As for now, I'm afraid even we old men can't match him. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "Mr. Wang, don't praise him. He will be here in half an hour. At that time, if you boast again, he will be very happy

"Ha ha ha ha" everyone laughed.

Zhang Hong said, "Wanqing, you are the examiner of this time. What do you say?"

According to his performance, Yin Ruiyi is much stronger than Zhang Guoyang, but Zhang Guoyang is a man of vast sea, so Zhang Hong asked what he said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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