Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:42 AM

Chapter 1824

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Others put their eyes on Zhao Wanqing. Zhao Wanqing smiles and says, "brother Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Guoyang spread his hands and said, "we have no shameless artists in Hanhai. Mr. Yin's performance is much better than me. The role should be his. Oh, I'm so pathetic. At the same time with the neck to see a role, fair competition, the result lost to him. After training for half a year, I thought it was good, but I lost to Mr. Yin. It's sad

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "what you need to do now is to shoot your several plays as soon as possible."

Zhang Guoyang nodded and said, "I understand."

Hearing the dialogue between Zhang Guoyang and Zhao Wanqing, everyone was very impressed.

Besides Xiao Yunhai's huge financial support, the artist's pursuit of acting is also the most important point.

Zhao Wanqing is pleased with the hunt and looks at Yin Ruiyi and asks, "Mr. Yin, I don't see your company on your resume. Are you a free man now?"

Yin Rui nodded his head and said, "I'm just a third line artist. I spent five years in a small company before, and finally went bankrupt. Two years ago, my wife and I opened a small studio. She was an agent and I was an artist. Up to now. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "Mr. Yin, on behalf of Hanhai film and television investment company, I formally invite you and your wife to join our big family. She can still be your agent. What do you think?"

Next to Qin Tao directly happy, way: "Wanqing, you this starting speed is also too fast."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I will answer you with my husband's words. What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Talent. "

People laugh, but look at Yin Ruiyi, waiting for his answer.

Yin Ruiyi's face is a little excited. Hanhai film and television investment company is really very attractive to an artist. Everyone in the circle knows that whoever can join Hanhai represents an endless stream of film sources. You can play whatever you want, and you never have to worry about resources.

Now Zhao Wanqing personally invited him to enter the artist's paradise. Without thinking about it, Yin Rui said excitedly, "of course I will. It's my pleasure to work in Hanhai. "

Zhao Wanqing said happily, "that's great. Brother Zhang, please tell the company for me and let them print out a contract for first-line actors and bring it here. After the audition, sign the contract immediately. "

Zhang Guoyang stood up and said with a smile, "I'll do it right now. No, Mr. Yin. I'll call him brother Yin. Welcome to Hanhai. "

Yin Rui nodded and said, "thank you."

"Good, good, Wanqing. Congratulations on adding a strong general to your company." Sun Yanjun clapped his hands and cried.

Wang Guoan said: "with Mr. Yin's acting skills, as long as there is a suitable script, there should be no problem to win a movie emperor trophy."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "the script has been found? I don't think there will be more TV dramas than power this year. "

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "look at my brain, yes, the goal of our" power "is to sweep all the awards in golden cup next year. Mr. Yin, it's up to you. "

Yin Ruiyi said confidently: "I will redouble my efforts and live up to the expectations of teachers."

Zhao Wanqing said, "brother Yin, wait here first. We'll see the last actor."

Yin Rui nodded, walked down the stage and sat behind them.

The last actor came on the stage and only lasted for one minute. Compared with Zhang Guoyang, it's a thousand miles away, let alone compared with Yin Ruiyi.

In this way, Yin Ruiyi became the hero of power.

Zhao Wanqing took out the contract from her bag and said, "if you sign on it, there will be no problem. In case of force majeure, it is not allowed to pay artists in the third round of entertainment. Brother Yin, have a good look. "

Yin Rui didn't want to think about it. He took the pen directly, wrote down his name on the two contracts, and said, "nothing good to see. Miss Zhao, teachers, can I stay here for a while? I want to look at my future partners. "

Zhao Wanqing put up a contract and said with a smile, "of course, but don't make a noise."

Yin Rui nodded and said, "OK, thank you."

After a while, six female artists, including Yu Yuexian, were auditioning one after another. The method was the same as that of male artists, which was momentum confrontation.

The front five were defeated without accident. Compared with the male artists, their pressure resistance was much worse.

Before Yuexian came in, Zhang Hong said, "should we work harder to see if there is any retrogression after the birth of Yuexian?"

They all nodded and said, "OK."

After a while, Yu Yuexian opened the door, stepped on high-heeled shoes and stepped onto the stage with a smile.

The eight movie queens are full of momentum and rush to Yu Yuexian without reservation. If Yin Ruiyi is facing the tide of Qiantang River, then Yu Yuexian is facing the vast ocean.Yu Yuexian was impressed by Yu Yuexian. Facing this situation, he just restrained his smile a little, and then the smile on his face became more brilliant, as if he could not feel their aura at all. He said casually: "dear teachers, my name is Yu Yuexian, and the role of audition is the heroine of" power. "

Yu Yuexian's shadow scene is fully open, three feet around her, as if to become a forbidden area, water can not be poured into.

The crowd looked at each other and recoiled as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Hong said: "Yuexian, although you have not filmed for more than two years, the aura is still so domineering and powerful."

Yu Yuexian patted her full chest and said, "I'm scared by you. There's no tyranny. Ha ha, no wonder the audition speed is so fast, the original test is the actor's aura confrontation

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "sister Yu, congratulations on becoming the heroine of our" power "crew

Yu Yuexian did not feel any surprise, said thanks, and then asked: "who is my opponent?"

Even so, her eyes are on Yin Ruiyi.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Yu is right. The hero is Mr. Yin Ruiyi of Hanhai film and television investment company

Yu Yuexian was stunned and asked, "Wanqing, what did you just say? Mr. Yin is an actor in your company. When did this happen? How can I not know? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "just now, Mr. Yin has agreed to join our company."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "that's really congratulations."

Yin Ruiyi said: "Miss Yu, please take good care of you in the following filming."

Yu Yuexian said, "I know your acting skills very well. As long as there is room to play, I may not be able to play you. Let's learn from each other. "

Just then, Zhao Wanqing's mobile phone rang.

"Husband, didn't you say you would come and invite us to dinner? What time is it? Why hasn't it arrived yet Zhao Wanqing complained.

"Your audition speed is too fast. What floor are you on? I'll be there in a minute Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

"In the easternmost conference room on the 12th floor, we just finished the audition."

"Well, give me another ten minutes, and I'll be there in a minute."

Zhao Wanqing put away her mobile phone and said, "my husband is coming. What do you want to eat? Don't mention it. "

Yu Yuexian turned her eyes and suddenly said, "since it's an audition, why don't we try this international superstar together?"

Wang Guoan said, "I think so. It's been a long time since I started acting with the sea of clouds. This is the warm-up before filming. "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "forget it. Even if we burst out of the powerful gas field, it will never have any impact on him

Ge Wuyou said with a bitter smile: "yes. Now all the people who deal with the sea of clouds are the president of the United States and the head of China. Who cares about our momentum? "

Sun Yanjun said, "it is."

Yin Ruiyi looked at his watch and said, "teachers, I'm sorry. I'll go out first and tell my wife the good news."

Zhao Wanqing said, "come with her later. You all need to sign a contract with the company. "

Yin Ruiyi said, "OK."

Yin Ruiyi walks out of the door and sees his wife Cheng Haiqiong standing alone in the corridor, waiting anxiously. His heart is warm.

In recent years, Yin Rui's acting career has not been smooth. Cheng Haiqiong, as her agent, has not known how many white eyes she has suffered, and sometimes even suffered harassment from some unscrupulous bosses.

He clearly remembers that once, in order to help himself to have a hero, Cheng Haiqiong drank three cups of white wine on the spot, directly drunk unconscious. God knows what will happen if you don't arrive in time.

Now it is finally to keep the clouds open and see the moon bright, and join the vast sea. They can be regarded as having a big backing.

Cheng Haiqiong looked back at her husband with a smile. She immediately understood what she was doing. Her tears flowed out.

Yin Ruiyi walked over and held her tightly in his arms. His eyes were red and he said, "thank you, wife. We succeeded."

Cheng Haiqiong nodded hard and said, "I know that sooner or later you will have such a day."

Ms. Yin Wanqing has invited me to join the film and television company. She also told me that she could give me another piece of good news

Cheng Haiqiong raised her head and said, "really? My God, honey, that's great. Hanhai, it's a holy land for countless artists. "

Yin Rui said with a smile: "it's not only me, but also you want to join the Agency Department of Hanhai and continue to be my agent. I have agreed to come down for you. Let's go in. We'll sign up later. "

Cheng Haiqiong whole person leng there, way: "I can't be in dream?"Yin Ruiyi stroked her hair and said, "it's not too late to sign a contract and then dream again. Come on, I'll take you to meet Miss Zhao

Two hands in hand, they went inside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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